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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » May 3rd, 2005, 7:23 am

You are BEAUTIFUL!!! Way to GO!!!
I am SO happy for you and I know that you will get the maintenance down pat and stay just where you want to be! BTW Yes he is a hunk :lol: (I am a hppily married woman BUT I do have eyes) ;)
Don't despair about your tummy, I have had a hysterectomy and really had a big ugly belly! Now that I an getting closer to goal it has really shrunk down and is in proportion with the rest of my body!
Now I won't be wearing a bikini due to the surgery scar, but I will be wearing a tankini this summer!!
Hang in there girl, you are doing AWESOME!
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Postby LuzInIt » May 3rd, 2005, 7:55 am

Shrinkin' - Thanks for the encouragement regarding our tummies. I've had two C-Sections as well and can't image what this big ole balloon is gonna look like when it's deflated :shock:
Linda - Started MF 3/22/05

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Postby LilMsTexas » May 3rd, 2005, 7:55 am

Thank you soooooooooooooooo much Shrinkinglady.........I REALLY needed to hear that today :) I am so hopeful that will also be my case. I've heard so many reports of people saying the same thing that my mind is beginning to accept that it WILL happen...it just takes time 8) Thank you again for taking the time to inspire me yet again!
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Postby DonicaB » May 3rd, 2005, 8:46 am

Christi~~ I was going to tell you that I have had 2 C-sections also. However, my last one was 14 years ago. I used to worry then, that I would have an ugly scar and wouldn't be able to wear a bikini. Yeah right? Like that was going to happen. My dr. must have had a minor in plastic surgery because I do not even have a scar. Can you believe that? :scratchhead:

No, my problem has definitely been the flab, oh, and the stretch marks. I gained sooooo much weight with my 1st son that I have terrible stretch marks. And to think I even used tons of coco butter to try and keep from getting them. Go figure. :huh:

I guess I am trying to say I can sympathize with you. :pet: I wish I could say I didn't have any weight in my arms and legs. I'm flub all over. My face gets HUGE when I gain weight (which you can clearly see in my before pics). I have such chubby cheeks. I hate them. Sometimes I just look sooooo swollen, but it is fat. :puke:

You are gonna look great at 135. I think you will be amazed at how your tummy looks at 135. You are gonna post some stunning pics when you get there and we are all gonna drool over how HOT you look. Never underestimate yourself, Christi, you are a beautiful woman. I guarantee you there is no way you will be disappointed with how you look when you get to goal.

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Postby TamiL » May 3rd, 2005, 9:10 am

Thank you all for your nice remarks!! I WILL search for a FAT photo of myself thru others....someone out there has to have one!! but I have never let anyone take pictures of me when I was heavy!! but Ill see what I can find!! anyhoooo....I am having a hard time with stuff....I will always have that body image where I see myself as fat..as I have been up and down with my weight my whole life!! I have been this weight before in high school....and could never keep myself here, but every day is a struggle!! that is why I am taking it one day at a time!! I feel better physically...mentally it still needs some work!! I feel at any time..I could cheat....I can allow myself to eat some of this and some of that...but for now, I will stick with my plan. It goes something like this:
Breakfeast: Oatmeal (MF) with 2 egg whites and Peppers
SnacK: MF bannana shake
Lunch: small salad with veggies and 4 oz chicken
Snack: MF Orange Pineapple shake with coconut divinchi syrup (yum)
Dinner: 4-6 ounces of Protien with Veggies
Snack: Rasberries with a cup of yogurt

and thats about it!! no sugar..or white flour...the other day I had a whole wheat low carb tortilla...and I wanted to EAT THE WHOLE BAG!! so, I will ease into that stuff...but for now...omit all that I feel I could get out of hand with!! I will soon incorporate more fruit, veggies and such ..but for now..I feel like Im walking on THIN ICE!!

Christi....dont worry about your tummy!! let me tell you...I have gained and lost so much weight in my past, and the ONE THING that has worked for me this time along with Medifast...is working out!! it takes a while for your skin to catch up with the rest of you!! but I promise you..if you incorporate some type of weight work out into your excersice program..weather its now or when you get to your goal....it will happen!! muscle helps you burn fat....so you can eat more..(cuz you burn faster..highter metabolism!!).it also helps tone and smooth out the rough patches!! I have loose skin on my legs...and my tummy...a little bit, just that little "wrinkled" area...but I can see if fading a bit..the more I work out!! someone at the gym told me as well, that your skin takes a while to tighten up!! and even if it dosent tighten up all the way...or we have some loose flabbage...WHO CARES!! we still LOOK AND FEEL BETTER!!! none of us can be PERFECT!! and I am far from that...and will NEVER know what its like to prance around in a bikini and NOT BE self consious of what I look like, even after this sucess!! but we can strive to be the BEST WE CAN BE!!! and all the rest will fall into place!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!
Tami :-P

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Postby dlr2424 » May 3rd, 2005, 1:39 pm

Christi.....Donica........right there with you........2 c-sections.......last one 14 years ago..................like you said and the same goes for me... :scratch: ......the scar wasn't the reason for no bikini...........and my scar is soo low I don't think it would even be seen in a bikini............. :no: .......however......I do have this little roll over going on.....right above the scar............hopefully in time it will flaten out a bit

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Postby Dean0408 » May 3rd, 2005, 4:38 pm

Tami......you are gorgeous! What a great job you did in taking off the pounds. Congratulations!!

I can only imagine what my body MIGHT look like at 135

Gee whiz Christi.........If I live to be 135..........I won't care WHAT the heck my body looks like. :roll:

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Postby LilMsTexas » May 3rd, 2005, 5:27 pm

Dean you're such a goober.........and dangit you get me everytime! :roll:
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Postby Carrie » May 4th, 2005, 10:27 am


I am SO PROUD of you! Girl, you look FINE!

What a wonderful accomplishment, and all because you refused to give up!

You go GIRL!

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Postby shineface » May 11th, 2005, 4:41 pm


I am speechless- doesn't happen often --- you make me cry you are so beautiful and happy. I remember you from day one and I could not be prouder of you and all you have done --- YOU did it girl - You are an amazing inspiration.

Don't go away - you are so special...... and by the way with "friends" like the guy in the picture who needs anything else!! LOL

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Postby Helen » May 11th, 2005, 6:47 pm

congrats you look great!
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Postby Nancy » May 17th, 2005, 5:26 pm

TamiL ~

You look so beautiful! You could be the bride walking down the aisle!

:shock: Betcha more eyes were on you than anyone else. What a great accomplishment – 50 pounds of flabber outta there and a brand new YOU!

Maintenance is a whole new ballgame all right.

Monitor your weight frequently, continue to drink 64 ounces of water daily and eat breakfast every day.

:whistle: You look wonderful – we see no signs of hangy skin on your frame!

Your friend IS a hunk!

How tall are you?

50 pounds ago you probably couldn’t have lifted your leg that high, let alone wrap it around him…
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Postby TamiL » May 17th, 2005, 8:38 pm

Hi all...and thanks Nancy for the compliments!!

I am 5 feet 5 inches tall....but my friend is well over 6 feet...hes a big ole hunk of a man!! lol!!

I am having a bit of a struggle with maintenence..its almost as if my food demons are coming back..or trying too....I almost want to go back to the shakes...I felt safe there!! but I know I just have to keep working at this and not go back to my old habits/ways of eating!! Its PMS week for me..and I just about want to chain myself to the bed and not go anywhere there is food....
I have been having trouble with my reflection...I see myself in the mirror or in a window of a store...and its like looking at a stranger!! a fit stranger who almost recognizes herself!! I still picture myself at 185 pounds...and then I catch a glimpse of myself..and its shocking still!!
you know what I mean Nancy..and the rest of you will know in time when you reach goal...just never give up at it!! I truly beleive that I will always have an overwhelming LOVE for food...but I just have to remember that FOOD is what got me to unhappy and overweight to begin with! FOOD IS MY FUEL....when I think of it as just fuel...and not comfort...it makes a big difference!!
THIS IS NOT EASY..but no one said it would be!! Im taking it one day at a time..thats all I can do!!
ALL OF YOU SHAKERS out there...let me clue you in on something....GET A MAGIC BULLET blender...OH MY GOSH how I wish I had one of those early on!! they are wonderful!! I think thats why I continue to use shakes as part of my maintenence...I love using that!! its SOOO GREAT!!

happy shakin everyone!! :mrgreen:

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Postby Nancy » May 17th, 2005, 10:08 pm

Darlin' ~

It really does take a while to feel comfortable at our new weight. Tami, it seems like someone else’s reflection we see in the mirror, doesn’t it?

For maintenance here's a great plan: two shakes and a bar a day keep the Fat Fairy away!

Eat healthy nearly every time. Don't overeat two days in a row.

Keep up the water intake.

Use low cal snacks: broccoli, green beans - they are perfect! Steam some fresh :mrgreen: greenies and eat them one by one when you want a little something.

Remember celery and dill pickles or pickled veggies are your friends - if it comes in a carton, a bag or a package, it's probably not the best choice for us.

Do you have the Take Shape For Life Transition and the TSFL Maintenance guides?

Now is the time to read Food is Easy, Life is Hard by Linda Spangle if you haven't already done so.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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