Thank you all for your nice remarks!! I WILL search for a FAT photo of myself thru others....someone out there has to have one!! but I have never let anyone take pictures of me when I was heavy!! but Ill see what I can find!! anyhoooo....I am having a hard time with stuff....I will always have that body image where I see myself as I have been up and down with my weight my whole life!! I have been this weight before in high school....and could never keep myself here, but every day is a struggle!! that is why I am taking it one day at a time!! I feel better physically...mentally it still needs some work!! I feel at any time..I could cheat....I can allow myself to eat some of this and some of that...but for now, I will stick with my plan. It goes something like this:
Breakfeast: Oatmeal (MF) with 2 egg whites and Peppers
SnacK: MF bannana shake
Lunch: small salad with veggies and 4 oz chicken
Snack: MF Orange Pineapple shake with coconut divinchi syrup (yum)
Dinner: 4-6 ounces of Protien with Veggies
Snack: Rasberries with a cup of yogurt
and thats about it!! no sugar..or white flour...the other day I had a whole wheat low carb tortilla...and I wanted to EAT THE WHOLE BAG!! so, I will ease into that stuff...but for now...omit all that I feel I could get out of hand with!! I will soon incorporate more fruit, veggies and such ..but for now..I feel like Im walking on THIN ICE!!
Christi....dont worry about your tummy!! let me tell you...I have gained and lost so much weight in my past, and the ONE THING that has worked for me this time along with working out!! it takes a while for your skin to catch up with the rest of you!! but I promise you..if you incorporate some type of weight work out into your excersice its now or when you get to your will happen!! muscle helps you burn you can eat more..(cuz you burn faster..highter metabolism!!).it also helps tone and smooth out the rough patches!! I have loose skin on my legs...and my tummy...a little bit, just that little "wrinkled" area...but I can see if fading a bit..the more I work out!! someone at the gym told me as well, that your skin takes a while to tighten up!! and even if it dosent tighten up all the way...or we have some loose flabbage...WHO CARES!! we still LOOK AND FEEL BETTER!!! none of us can be PERFECT!! and I am far from that...and will NEVER know what its like to prance around in a bikini and NOT BE self consious of what I look like, even after this sucess!! but we can strive to be the BEST WE CAN BE!!! and all the rest will fall into place!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!