Taking a break

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Taking a break

Postby want2Bthin » August 25th, 2005, 6:11 pm

Hi guys! As most of you know I have been dealing with the dreaded plateau for quite a while now. :bricks: I have remained 100% compliant until yesterday. I made a well thought out decision on Wednesday evening that I need a little break. I have been doing MF since March 10th & have lost 50 pounds. :thumbup:

I will be celebrating my 11th wedding anniversary tomorrow & we will be going out. On Saturday we will be taking my daughter to the state fair. I am planning on indulging & enjoying myself. :bib: I will be resuming MF on Sunday. :beerbeer:

I want everyone to understand that I am not necessarily taking this break due to the plateau. I have been doing MF for almost 6 months now & I have truely loved every minute of it. :heart: I am dealing with several stressful issues right not so I think that I need to do this.

I am not recommending this for everyone. I am a HA & I realize how difficult it can be for clients to get back on track. However, I am not fearful of being able to resume on Sunday. If you have read "Success in a Shaker Jar" you will know that the author addresses this & states that some times people need to take a break, especially if they are having a life crisis.

I hope you will all keep me in your prayers. :angel: Thanks & sorry for not being on here much for a few days.

Angelia :-P
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Postby Lisa Renee » August 25th, 2005, 9:09 pm

You are in my prayers. You never know, this break might bust you through that plateau and also might make your fresh start on Sunday more profound.

Good luck
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Postby martha » August 25th, 2005, 11:27 pm


I will be praying for you friend.. You just need to go and enjoy your anniversary and not worry..You know what to do and I know you will restart just like you said..I have read the book and it does reccommend some people take a break.. Enjoy the fair and the time God has given you with your daughter and family ..these are precious times for all of you..I will continue to pray for you and the stressful things you have going on at this time..Keep your chin up and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you. I look forward to knowing you are having a great time this week..Martha
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