I don't get why we have to avoid brussel sprouts?
Here is a nutritional comparison to "allowable" 1/2 cup servings of tomatoes or onions:
Brussels sprouts, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
Serving: 1/2 cup
Nutrition Facts
Amount Per 0.5 cup
Calories 31.98
Calories from Fat 3.58
Total Fat 0.398g
Sodium 200.46mg
Total Carbohydrate 6.76g
Dietary Fiber 2.03g
( Net carbs 4.73g )
Protein 1.99g
Serving: 1/2 cup
Nutrition Facts
Amount Per 0.5 cup
Calories 69.66
Calories from Fat 7.22
Total Fat 0.802g
Sodium 565.65mg
Total Carbohydrate 15.06g
Dietary Fiber 3.32g
(Net carbs 11.74g)
Protein 3.81g
Onions, mature, raw
Serving: cup, NFScup, choppedcup, slicedoz, raw, yieldslargelarge slice (1/4" thick)medium (2-1/2" dia)medium slice (1/8" thick)smallthin sliceringsQuantity not specified
Nutrition Facts
Amount Per 0.5 cup, NFS
Calories 30.4
Calories from Fat 1.15
Total Fat 0.128g 0%
Sodium 2.4mg 0
Total Carbohydrate 6.9g
Dietary Fiber 1.44g
(Net carbs 5.56g)
Protein 0.928g
**Also someone said spaghetti squash was not allowed:
Squash, spaghetti, cooked, fat not added in cooking
Serving: 1/2 cup
Nutrition Facts
Amount Per 0.5 cup, cooked
Calories 20.82
Calories from Fat 1.8
Total Fat 0.201g
Sodium 158.53mg
Total Carbohydrate 4.98g
Dietary Fiber 1.08g
(Net carbs 3.9g)
Protein 0.509g
Both brussel sprouts and spaghgeti squash are allowed in Atkins which is very carb restrictive.