Sweet Deal! Special Promotion & Discount for BeSlim Club

Meet Terry and Nancy.

Sweet Deal! Special Promotion & Discount for BeSlim Club

Postby Nancy » February 13th, 2007, 9:11 am

:puter: Howdy Everyone!

As Valentine’s Day approaches, many shops are decorated with ribbons and lace, :heart: red hearts and chubby babies with wings.

( :scratch: Why is it chunky thighs and beefy arms are cute on infants and rather appalling on adults?)

Cupid’s arrows are flying through the air and thanks to TSFL, Cupid’s flinging cas\$h, too.

:scratchhead: Huh? Whazzat you say?

Ca$h, not arrows?

Yup, BeSlim is in Our Hearts at Take Shape For Life and we encourage our clients to live out the BeSlim philosophy:

B reakfast every day
E xercise
S upport (from MakeMeThinner!)
L ow-fat meals 5-6 times a day
I ndividual Plan
M onitor your weight

To make healthy lifestyle habits a priority, join the BeSlim Club, a progressive savings program for purchasing monthly Medifast meal replacements; it’s convenient and saves you money.

What's the BeSlim Club?

Each month, on the date that you pre-determine, the Medifast meal replacement products you select are processed and shipped to you.

In the first three months you are a BeSlim Club member, you receive a 5% savings on your orders.

In months 4-6, you enjoy an 8% discount and from the 7th month on, you enjoy a 12% savings on meal replacements ordered through the BeSlim Club.

How to Join the BeSlim Club: Contact your personal Health Advisor or call the TSFL Client Contact Center at 1 (800) 572-4417.

How does the BeSlim Club work?

• ‘Batch’ or charge/process date - you may select any day from Day 1 to Day 28 of the month. For example, you may select your BeSlim Club order to be processed on the first day of the month, on the 15th day, the 20th or on the 28th of every month, etc.

• BeSlim orders are shipped the next business day following your ‘batch’ or charge/process date.
• Batch dates which occur on weekends or holidays will be processed on the next business day.
• Changes or cancellation must be made at least 48 hours prior to the ‘batch’ date to ensure proper administration.
• Changes to your BeSlim Club order cannot be made online. To make changes, call the Client Contact Center or advise your health advisor.
• You may select any products you wish.
• BeSlim Club orders must total $75 or more prior to shipping to qualify for the savings.
• Orders over $200 receive free shipping.

Ok, now here’s the real juicy :clap: part where I tell ya about the Cupid’s Ca$h

During February 13 – March 12, 2007 new or returning BeSlim Club members will receive Cupid’s Ca$h just for joining!

If you’ve never been a BeSlim Club member, now’s the time to join!

If you’ve previously been a BeSlim Club member, we encourage you to commit to lifelong weight control and re-enroll.

NEW or returning BeSlim members will receive the standard first month 5% discount on their BeSlim Club order plus an additional $25 off the total of the order.

That’s not all – more Cupid’s Ca$h is in the offering! Current BeSlim Club members will receive their standard BeSlim Club discount savings, plus an additional savings based on the total amount of your BeSlim order.

• If your order totals $75 to $100 – you will receive an additional $25 off your BeSlim order.
• If your order totals $101 to $150 – you will receive an additional $35 off your BeSlim order.
• If your order totals $151 or more, - you will receive an additional $45 off your BeSlim order.

TSFL will take off the Cupid’s Ca$h from your BeSlim Club order at the time the order is batched or processed.

The promotion runs for one month from February 13th - March 12th, 2007

:secret: Folks, this is a great deal – I hope you’ll consider joining the BeSlim Club. :thumbsup:

:yes: You earn the Cupid Ca$h over and above your BeSlim Club discount! :yes:
What a sweet deal! :hug:

* If your order before your discount and Cupid Ca$h totals $200 or more, you STILL receive FREE shipping! We love our clients!!!
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Postby sydney_gavin » February 13th, 2007, 11:24 pm

Count me in fancy Nancy - your sales techniques have won me over lock stock and two smoking barrels!!

Kind regards



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Postby Nancy » February 14th, 2007, 9:14 am

Will do, Doll!

I'm in Disneyland right now (because I CAN fit into the seats now!) and will call on ya when I return.

Keep up the thinnin' process, Little Darlin'!
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Postby bikipatra » February 14th, 2007, 9:16 am

Nancy wrote:Will do, Doll!

I'm in Disneyland right now (because I CAN fit into the seats now!) and will call on ya when I return.


I'll be in Disneyland in 16 days! The Hong Kong version. I hope I can fit in the seats. Hadn't thought about that....
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Postby Nancy » February 19th, 2007, 2:18 pm

You are going to have so much fun. We rode on so many rides and laughed 'til our faces hurt from grinning!

The Tower of Terror was really cool. My necklace was floating in front of me. This is the first time that I truly enjoyed the roller coaster that goes upside down. We rode California Screamin' at least 7 times each day on Tuesday and Wednesday. What a blast! No way could I have ever done that before I de-flabbed.

Most of the rides have a disclaimer indicating that people with certain body types and compositions may be restricted from riding the rides. It was Disneyland's way of saying that some people may not fit into the seats. We saw many people that had difficulty walking in the park and getting into the seats. Just a few years ago I would not have been able to walk all over the park and do what we did this last week. We spent 12 hours at the parks and we did it all! I love my thinny life!

It is so worth it to stick to your plan - I know it is rough and some days are harder than others but it pays to follow the program. In a few months, you will be at your goal and feel so much better.
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Postby bikipatra » February 19th, 2007, 3:05 pm

Thanks Nancy! I am glad you had so much fun! :D
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Postby Mike » February 27th, 2007, 11:32 pm

I posed a question to Terry and Nancy, which they forwarded to the company. I wondered if the processing date of the new BESLIM had to be by the 12th, or just set up the BESLIM club by the 12th. The official answer from the company is that the process (batch) date must be by the 12th in order to get the Cupid Ca$h.
Just FYI everyone. :mrgreen:
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