Sushi/Sashimi & the Lean/Green

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Sushi/Sashimi & the Lean/Green

Postby Shana » April 27th, 2006, 5:06 pm

I have a huge love for Sushi & Sashimi, and wonder how much RAW fish I can consume. I know I can have 7oz cooked, but is there any kind of guideline for raw? (I know I can't have a sushi roll, or any rice)

The same is true with beef - I love my steak, burgers, etc., medium rare or rare, but don't want to misjudge my portions.

Guidance would be appreciated!

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Postby dede4wd » April 27th, 2006, 9:19 pm

Sorry Shana, can't help you with the sushi question...I'm one of those weird folks that calls sushi by it's other name...bait!!

As for the beef...Medium rare should be fine for cooked meat...I dunno about rare but if the meat is lean, the difference between the two shouldn't be all that significant. I wish I could help more, but I can't!

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Postby Tiolazz » April 28th, 2006, 8:54 am

LOL Dede,

I'm with you, I think if we were meant to eat raw food, we wouldn't have fire. :flip: LOL

To each his own I guess.... I like my fish well done thank you...


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Postby jump4joy » April 28th, 2006, 9:16 am

Funny! :roflmao: I thought I was the only weird one who didn't like it. My hubby loves it though, but we have NEVER in our eighteen years of marriage gone to a sushi place....I tell him if he wants it, he'll have to go alone. I went to a university in Hawaii for a semester when I was 20. I was offered sushi (and POI---yuck, yuck, and yuck!) all the time. I was a guest once at a dinner where my hosts were real Hawaiians....they were so proud of their sushi and raw mahi-mahi dishes. I'll never forget trying to smile as I gagged them down!!! :puke: BLEAH!!!

Sorry Shana....hope I don't offend! ;) I know most people LOVE it. I've been on other forums where so many talking about sushi and saying it was their favorite food. I'm just glad that there's at least that group of food that is NO temptation to me. :mrgreen: I LOVES my beef though!
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Postby Shana » April 28th, 2006, 11:12 am

lol No offense taken - Sushi is a love/hate food, i happen to be on the love side, though I did date a guy who hated it - when I wanted sushi with him we'd just go to a sushi/teriyaki restaurant - he would order something cooked, and I would order something raw & we'd both be happy :) ON the other hand, I'm with Joy 100% on the Poi issue - I think it's squicky :)

I'm kind of assuming raw fish would be 10-12oz depending on the fish since that's about what it takes for me to get a 7oz serving cooked, but maybe I'll email MF & double check :)

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Postby falisamarie » April 28th, 2006, 1:02 pm

I just could never bring myself to even TRY raw fish! YUCK

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Postby Arklahoma » April 28th, 2006, 2:40 pm

Bait ???

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Postby dede4wd » April 28th, 2006, 9:16 pm

You know, ark, BAIT...for fishing! Put a little fish on the line to catch the BIG FISH!

Shana, I hope you got your answer from TSFL. E-mail or call the nutrition line or you need the e-mail or ph#?

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Postby Sarya » May 4th, 2006, 3:22 pm

Hi! Did you ever find out the answer to your question? I love sashimi!!
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Postby Aerie » June 19th, 2006, 11:16 am

Okay, I also love love love love sushi!!! I could eat it every day, seriously. I am on the full fast BUT last Sunday I couldn't stand it any more so I planned out a 5/1 day for variety. I had a pretty big platter of sashimi (for those not inducted that's fish only no rice) and an order of seaweed salad (withold comments peanut gallery). Anyways, I was worried that somehow I would ruin my plan but I woke up 1/2 pound lighter the next day. I don't know the specific answer to your question but raw fish is very high in water and I read that the average piece of sashimi has about 15 calories. Hope that helps a least a little.
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Postby Diana » June 19th, 2006, 5:52 pm

I LOVE sashimi!! (Oh, what's the jazz place in Oakland??? arrgh!)

Anyway, yeah, the only difference is the cooking! As for weight?? That'd be a good one for the Lori the TSFL nurse, or the nutritionist at Medifast. Thanks for looking up the stats, Dr M.

I've been wondering, though, if it should be 5 oz instead of 7 for the salmon because of the marbling. hmmm... But here's the thing...wouldn't the water make the fish weigh more in it's precooked weight?

OH YEAH! The jazz place in Oakland is YOSHI'S! Great place!!
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Postby Aerie » June 19th, 2006, 6:22 pm

Yes the water would make it weigh more, that's why I mentioned it. In other words you probably could eat a bit more raw fish than cooked.
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Postby Tankie » June 19th, 2006, 11:57 pm

Everyday I work (at a Japanese Restaurant) I eat about 7 oz of sashimi and either steamed broccoli or asparagus (no seaweed salad wayyyyy to much fat).....I don't acctually know if 7 oz is right, but if I ate more then that I would explode...... any "RAW" wisdom for us????
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Postby Karakuri » June 20th, 2006, 12:15 am

mmm... i LOVE sushi and sashimi...

my one cheat day will be in August. yep, i'm planning it. i figure i may as well enjoy my food on my birthday. so i'm going to have japanese food. sushi is a definate on the list. i'll probably even have tempura. HOPEFULLY i won't be knocked out of ketosis for too long then. if so, well, i'll just have to grin and bear it.

if anyone else has suggestions for japanese food, that i can eat, for L&G that'd RAWK! :coolnana:
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Postby Tankie » June 20th, 2006, 12:44 am


The best thing I've found on the menu unfortunately is either Chicken, Salmon or steak terriaki with steamed veggies.....minus the terriaki.....

Tuna and Beef Tataki aren't bad with a cut down in the sauce area (too much salt)

I stay away from most everything else because there are so many hidden salts, sugars, and fats......

It's hard though...especially when I get to watch my friends come in and have Dragon rolls or Nato handrolls.....don't even get me started on the Udon or Ton Katsu Don......

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