Susan is a loser

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Susan is a loser

Postby Nancy » January 10th, 2004, 4:32 pm

Hey there, Susan ~

You are a loser! :lol: Isn't it great??

Who'dda thought that you would be wearing a size 16 after the holidays when you were a size 20 before the holidays? Most people end up porkier after the holidays, but not you! You're a Member of the Medifast Gang! :buddies:

In a week or two you'll be into the minus 40's! Whoop de doo! :thumbup:

That's FOUR bags of sugar you're no longer hauling around!

Aren'tcha all proud of Susan from Indiana? :cleader: :cleader:

:bow: Way to go!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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