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Postby LilMsTexas » May 31st, 2005, 4:13 pm

OOOOOOOOH MY GOSH EVERYBODY....IT'S OFFICIAL....JULY 8TH AT 7:45 A.M. I WILL HAVE MY TUMMY TUCK!!! WOOOHOOOOO The authorization went in today :shock: They received the letter from the doctor late on Friday...was put in the system Monday morning on some freak thing or it was put in on Friday and didn't show up until Monday because they were closed (I shamelessly called and checked) This morning I called again (couldn't help myself) and the lady told me it was received but not to expect an answer to probally Friday :cry: So I thought oh well..that's what I expected anyway. 4:30 this afternoon I couldn't stand it any more and I called my surgeon's office. Latasha told me she had received the fax just a bit earlier and had already called the house and left a message on my machine :shock: OH MY GOSH I started crying right there on the phone...then she was about to cry and people in my office heard me and came running thinking something was wrong hehe then we all celebrated and hugged and I cried some more ;) can't believe it and I can't believe they approved it so quickly. But honestly, like I told my Mom, it's not hard to get something approved that is legitimate. It's only when people are trying to run a scam or get something far fetched approved that it can get complicated. I just honestly can NOT believe it is true!!

So now I need to talk to my health advisor or Nancy and maybe the nurser and find out how best to transition in Mid June I guess?? I don't know. I can't even imagine transitioning to maintenance. I'm going to go full on as long as I can, but I know I will have to change over and be comfortable with food again before the surgery. But I want to continue to use my MF supps as part of my maintenance plan as well. Wow...I"m scared now to be honest. SO much going through my head.

Anyway..plenty of discussions to be had. I just had to jump on here and tell you guys as soon as I could!! YIIPPPPEEEE I'm finally going to have the BIG FAT BELLY MONSTER LOPPED OFF :lightsword:

Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby tumbleweed » May 31st, 2005, 4:26 pm

:exercise: YEAAAAAA wow I am so happy for you! I would love to have that done someday. You must be beside yourself! :D
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Postby Helen » May 31st, 2005, 4:36 pm

congrat's!!!! im so siked for you. i watch the plastic surgery shows on television and tummy tucks are done so great. nt a large scar and the results are ALWAYS UNBELIEVABLE. im so happy for you. make sure you come on and let us know how it goes please! I pray you have a safe and successful surgery my dear mf buddy.

ps i would be just as anxious as you were to get the news!!!!!
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Postby fatBgone » May 31st, 2005, 4:51 pm

Yeah Christi!! :yes: :yay: :thumbig:

I felt pretty confident that it was going to be approved, but KNOWING it has got to relieve all that waiting & wondering! I'm so HAPPY for you!! You're going to be THE skinny minny :dance: at the get-together in October for sure!!

I know a lady who had this done this past spring - and she looks GREAT!! Wears a bikini and everything!! (she's given birth to 3 kids - 2 teenagers and 1 toddler). She said she was sore for about 2-3 days and after that...WOOHOO....lovin the skinny life!!
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Postby KLCHRISTIAN » May 31st, 2005, 5:00 pm

I am so very happy for you. I pray that all goes well.

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Postby doglover » May 31st, 2005, 5:15 pm

8) Oh my gosh Christi! I am SOOO psyched for you too! I really wish I could be in your home jumping up and down for joy right along with you! Tonight the emoticons are not showing up on my screen for some reason otherwise they'd be just darn full in this message!!

Yeah - yeah - yeah!!!!!!
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Postby beautifulb » May 31st, 2005, 5:37 pm

Congratulations Christi! :yay: I can feel your excitement. Good things come to those that wait. You will be in my prayers.



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Postby want2Bthin » May 31st, 2005, 5:54 pm


YIPPEEEE!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!! You deserve this! Is God awesome or what.
:D :-P :mrgreen: 8) :lol: :) :mrgreen: :-P :D 8) :-P :mrgreen: :lol:

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Postby bk » May 31st, 2005, 5:55 pm

Christi, didn't I tell you that news would come sooner rather than later?!?!

Congratulations!!!! We will be expecting full reports on transition & surgery! :)

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Postby LilMsTexas » May 31st, 2005, 6:20 pm

Thanks everybody........this is EXACTLY why I wanted to get on here and share the news. I felt like telling ya'll was like telling the "rest" of my family. I will keep you all posted on all the facts as I get them. I know there are alot of you that are thinking about this in your future as well.

I will also tell you that I will post my BEFORE pictures and a NOW picture and then an AFTER picture when the surgery is over. I have pictures of me in biker shorts and a sports bra :shock: I had my husband take these pictures of all around me standing in front of a white hallway so I could REALLY see what my body looks like. Friends it isn't pretty. But now I'm so excited I have the pictures and I still have the same shorts and sports bra so I will take pictures now and then after the surgery. You will totally be able to see the complete transformation :D

Today I feel like the rest of my life is just ahead of close I can feel it. No more holding my stomach back so I can be cut on. No more putting a maxi pad between my stomach and my body to deal with sweat and odor. I hate to be graphic, but this skin disease causes a terrible odor. My life is going to be totally different. People look at me with my clothes on and never notice the real problem is underneath my big baggy shirts. No one but my husband has to see me crying in pain when the cysts are here. But no more!!

Stay tuned for more news as the story develops lol
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby 24KaratGold » May 31st, 2005, 7:15 pm

Christi, your last post just about made me cry. I'm so glad that your nightmare will soon be over!

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Postby LuzInIt » June 1st, 2005, 3:19 am

Christi - My eyes are full of tears - of joy, for your wonderful news. And of compassion, for all that you have had to go through with those nasty cysts :cry: . I completely understand, being a diabetic myself. I've been fairly lucky having only experienced two episodes of cysts (for those of you non-diabetics, this is a fairly common thing among those of us who are). But one of those times, the infection almost killed me. It is a very humiliating situation to have to deal with :oops: . I am just so absolutely, overwhelmingly, fannnnnnnnnnntabulously fill with happiness for you right now :D . Your MF family will be here to cheer you on and support you in any nervousness or fear that tries to descend. Count on us to rattle our shakers at those demons :x and scare them away! How about a bright pink bikini for October? 8)
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Postby LilMsTexas » June 1st, 2005, 6:42 am

bikini :shock: oh my goodness. I don't know if I will ever be able to SEE myself thinny enough for a bikini. many wonderful ideas to flirt with in my head. I think I will be thrilled enough with a nice FITTING tankini 8)
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Good for you!

Postby Seaside » June 1st, 2005, 7:25 am

Christi, Excellent news about the surgery. Your experience will be very helpful for those of us out here who could be candidates for the same procedure.

Here's a question: how many pounds does the surgery itself (on average) make one lose?
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Postby kassilou » June 1st, 2005, 7:36 am

Congratulations, Christi! That is wonderful news!! :bounce:
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