4 or 5 supplements?

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

4 or 5 supplements?

Postby robinalps » June 21st, 2004, 10:39 am

Hi! I'm new to the diet, having completed a week and a half so far..I'm just wondering if I can comfortably have five supplements a day (on the modified plan) and still lose weight? Or should I aim to keep it at 4 supplements (plus the lean and green meal) for optimal weight loss? Finally, can I really have 1 bar a day and still lose weight?
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Postby Marseilles » June 21st, 2004, 11:13 am

Hi Robin, and welcome to the best decision youve ever made in your life and also the best support system you will ever find! :goteam:

You can have 5 supplements AS WELL AS your lean/green meal and it is in fact the suggested method.

The one bar a day will still mean weightloss, as well. A nice treat, they seem almost sinful and as though you are cheating. My favorites are the peanut butter and the oatmeal raisin. It is recommended that your day include THREE shakes as well as two other products, but limit the bar to just one of the other alloted two. You may also consider the soups or oatmal, I have heard people like them alot. If temptation tends to get you, you may find that the bar is more detrimental than good, some have had trouble stopping at the alloted one a day.

Key to your success is definitely your intake of water, be it the good old fashioned, bottled or flavored...as long as it has zeros clear across the board aside from sodium. One of my favorites is Fruit2O or fruit2O plus, which offers a few extra vitamins. It is recommended that you take in at least 64oz. I generally shoot for 100 oz, which although seems like a TON is very manageable when I buy 20oz bottles and have one each time I have my shake.

Alot of other people will munch on celery or dill pickles, you are allowed to have three stalks a day dipped in salt and two pickle spears..I know alot of people feel very satisfied being able to 'crunch'. Sometime I will have 1c of iceberg lettuce with either redwine/garlic or balsamic vinegars. If you choose that route and eat your bit of 'salad' with one of the soups or chili it makes for a very satisfying meal.

If you have any other questions, rants or raves, here is the place to be, the people that post here are wonderful and we are all in the same boat as you.

Again, welcome aboard the train to thinsville, its great to have you along for the ride!!! :drive:

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4 or 5 supplements

Postby Guest » June 22nd, 2004, 1:28 pm

thanks so much for your encouraging words and information!!
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4-5 supplements

Postby wreathlady » June 27th, 2004, 9:11 pm


I'm just starting the program again, and I find that I need 5 supplements a day plus the meal and lots of water. :lol:
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