Sunday is the Day!!!

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Sunday is the Day!!!

Postby Drama Queen » January 20th, 2006, 1:02 pm

Greetings Everyone,

My MF Variety Pack arrived yesterday and I'm ready to start this life change on Sunday. I've been surfing around the board this past week waiting for my MF to arrive and can't believe how many wonderful supportive folks are out there. You have really helped me in commiting to the MF program. I know I can do this!

A little about myself...I am 53 years old, 5'9", weighing in at 215 lbs. At this age the aches and pains are starting to act up. I finally decided the only thing that will help improve my health is losing the extra 60 lbs. I have been carrying around the last 15 years. I'm tired of feeling exhausted all the time!!

MF here I come!! Sunday is the day I start toward a whole new me!!

I know I'm going to be coming back to the boards a lot for your encouragement and support. So many thanks in advance. Drama Queen
Last edited by Drama Queen on January 25th, 2006, 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Age 53 / Height 5'9"

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Postby falisamarie » January 20th, 2006, 1:19 pm

Welcome dramaqueen
You have found the place to be!! there is so much love :heart: advice :secret: and compassion here :hug: you can't help but succeed!!

I started Medifast last Sunday so I am new to this to but together :stroll: we can drob the extra flabbage!!

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Postby Unca_Tim » January 20th, 2006, 1:20 pm

Hi DQ and welcome to the forum,

Drop in any ole time and let us know how you're doing.
Glad you found us...:)
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Postby SueInSLO » January 20th, 2006, 1:32 pm

Hello and Welcome Drama Queen! :wave:

From one newbie to another.........Good Luck and happy shaking!!


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Postby Drama Queen » January 20th, 2006, 2:40 pm

Thanks for all the encouragement. I know this is going to be a great journey!!! I'm so thrilled to have so many wonderful new friends along for the ride!! DQ
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Postby Suzie2006 » January 20th, 2006, 5:14 pm

Welcome. I just started today. I'm very excited about this.
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Postby Drama Queen » January 20th, 2006, 11:34 pm

Thanks for the reminder about the Sunday Roll Call / Weigh In. I'll definitely have to participate. I'm thrilled to be among this great group of LOSERS!!!!

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Postby Suzie2006 » January 22nd, 2006, 7:55 am

It's Sunday! How is it going so far?
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Postby Drama Queen » January 22nd, 2006, 12:04 pm

I started this morning with a Dutch Chocolate Shake and it was delicious. I had Oatmeal for my mid-morning and again, delicious. I'm getting ready for my lean&green for lunch. I've already had a quart of water and it's only Noon. I thought this would be the hardest part because water is just not my thing but I'm enjoying it.

When I got on the scales this morning for my official start weight it was 208. Last time I weighed myself (2-3 months ago I weighed 215) I can't wait for next Sunday to weigh-in and see how much I lose this week.

I love the simplicity of the MF plan. The first three days will be the hardest as my body detoxes from all the sugar. I am a total sugar and carbohydrate addict. I know I can do this and look forward to making this journey with everyone's support!!

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Postby Drama Queen » January 26th, 2006, 11:51 am

Greetings Everyone,

Day five and thought I should check in with an update. I am LOVING the Medifast Plan!! I have decided to only weigh myself once a week on Sundays (I promise not to miss Roll Call) but already my clothes fit better. Those extra pounds are running away from my new healthy lifestyle.

I have so much more energy in the mornings. I have a very hectic schedule/lifestyle. I work for a major Hotel (food is everywhere) from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm everyday, M-F. In the evening I pursue my passion of theatre (hence my screen name). Currently I am in a production of the comedy THE NERD at a local Community Theatre. I perform in eight shows a week. Shows are every night M-S at 7:30 pm with two matinees on Saturday at 12:30 pm & 4:00 pm. Cast Call is one hour before performance and I usually get home between 10:30-11:00 PM. What a long day but I love it!! Sunday is my only day of rest. When I'm not performing I am usually in rehearsal with the same type of schedule.

With a schedule this jam packed it was easy to fall into the fast food and sugar/carbo snacks routine just to keep the energy going. Not to mention the caffeine to keep me going. The the vicious circle of sugar/caffeine highs followed by the crash.

Since starting Medifast it has been so easy. The meals are portable and I can mix them up and eat them at my desk or in the Dressing Room. The wonderful benefit is that by eating every two to three hours and drinking my water, I'm not hungry any more. I have the fuel my body needs for energy to get me through my long day.

I am working my way through my Variety Pack and have absolutely loved every MF supplement I've tried. My absolute fav is the Oatmeal!!! I jump out of bed now when the alarm rings so I can start my day with it.

Yesterday I went to get my haircut and my stylist, who is also a long time personal friend, wanted to know what I had been doing. He said my skin was luminous (probably all the water) and I had a real glow about me. It's funny but when I look in the mirror I do see a glow. I think it is the happiness I feel knowing I have made the right decision to lose weight and gain a healthy lifestyle.

That's not to say, I don't have side effects. Does anyone else out their have a constant metallic aftertaste in their mouth? Also, the skin on my hands and feet is drier so I am continually slathering on lotion (Utah is a desert).

Thanks to everyone on the forum for your amazing stories and support. I'm hoping to dig out some photos and get them posted soon.

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Postby falisamarie » January 26th, 2006, 11:55 am

The metallic taste in your mouth is a side affect of ketosis so look on the bright side you are surely on the right path!!!

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Postby Lauren » January 26th, 2006, 12:09 pm

You are doing fantastic, DQ! Keep up the great work and the crazy schedule! Actually, being as busy as you are will certainly help with the diet, as you won't have as much down time to contemplate food! :-)

Your skin, hair, and nails are going to be considerably drier because you are drinking so much water and getting so little sodium. I know this seems counterintuitive, we all assume that less sodium and more water would mean more moisture, but actually this much water washes away a lot of the sodium and potassium in our bodies. And we require the sodium to actually retain the water and keep us "quenched." Granted, I am NOT a doctor, so if this whole description seems wrong to anyone, by all means, correct me, but this is the understanding I've come to through conversation and research on MF.

Anyway, I recommend you keep bouillon on hand for days when you feel a bit off or loopy or dizzy, etc. It's usually that you require salt. Also, the Fast Soups have a nice amount of sodium and potassium, the latter helps with cramping and such.

Lastly, I take vitamins every day. I take a vitamin called Hair, Skin, Nails which is a Biotin 3000 and B supplement, every morning, and I take an Omega 3 Fish Oil vitamin 3 times a day. I am definitely much dryer since being on the diet, but the vitamins keep things strong and healthy.

Whew, that was long winded!

Keep up the excellent work, you are doing an awesome job, DQ!

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Postby Drama Queen » January 26th, 2006, 12:38 pm

Thanks for the quick answers. You guys are AWESOME. I'll have to look into adding those vitamin supplements to my daily routine. I just ordered some of the fast soups and bought some bouillon to keep on hand. I'll start adding them in. It is sooooooooo wonderful to be able to come to this forum and get the answers to all my crazy questions!

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