Sunday Roll Call February 20th

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Sunday Roll Call February 20th

Postby mindovermatter » February 20th, 2005, 5:21 am

Good morning all. I'm happy to report I'm back on track. 5lbs for the week and a total of 29 lbs gone for good. :lol:


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Postby scrabbler7 » February 20th, 2005, 6:16 am

Great Job Beth!

I'm reporting in with a 3.6 pound loss this week - for a total of 16.6 pounds in 5 weeks.

Good Luck everyone!
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Postby Joan Roman » February 20th, 2005, 7:45 am

Yippee! :D I'm so excited I've left 4 pounds behind! Woooo Hoooo I'm doing the loser dance! :lol: Shake with me everybody!

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Postby kassilou » February 20th, 2005, 7:47 am

I'm down three more this week for a total of 18.

Congratulations, everyone!
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Postby jene115 » February 20th, 2005, 7:59 am

I've pretty much stayed the same since I had my missteps. I'm starting tomorrow and no looking back. Today's weight: 299.2.
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Postby sister » February 20th, 2005, 8:15 am

What a great bunch of losers!!

I'm a little disappointed - second week of just 2.5 lost. I got off to such a huge start (23 pounds in 4 weeks), I guess everything is readjusting.
(end of 6th week)
Nevertheless, that's 2.5 pounds gone for GOOD!!
This week WILL be better.
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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » February 20th, 2005, 8:40 am

Good Morning Everyone!
Beth, Aweome job!! 5 pounds is FABULOUS!
Scrabbler, Super!! 16.6 lbs in 5 weeks!! Aren't you proud!
Joan, 4 Pounds is fantastic! You dance girl!!
Kassilou, 3 more and 18 total is WONDERFUL!! Don't you feel great!!
Jene, You CAN DO IT!! Tomorrow is a new day and a new better way to health!!
Sister, Don't be too bummed please, 2.5 pounds is great! We all have weeks where we slow down at losing and those are the weeks where it really help to have taken measurements and you almost always see a difference in inches lost even when the amount of pounds you lose isn't quite what you would wish for. Hang in there and keep focused! You sound pretty positive to me and that will make the difference!!
As for me after a week of NO loss last week I am happy to report a 5 lb
loss this week!!!!!!!! :D
That takes me to 74.5 lbs gone for good in 18 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I broke the 250 mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a 1/2 pound away from my goal of 75 pounds lost by vacation to Florida on March 10!!! Now I think I will move that goal up to 80 lbs lost before then!! I ALWAYS love a challenge 8)
I went shopping yesterday and had to buy some new exercise pant and bought size Large in Misses!! I never would have believed I could fit into
that size in pants!!! :kool:
My family from Ohio is here and we have really enjoyed our visit!
I wish you all a wonderful week of MF dedication and FUN!!
God Bless,
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Postby bk » February 20th, 2005, 9:20 am

I guess I'm down 4.5 pounds from last Sunday. My week five total was 22 pounds but now I am down 26.5!
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Postby 24KaratGold » February 20th, 2005, 9:35 am

Wow, this thread is looking great -- and so is everybody on it! These are awesome results, ladies, and I congratulate every one of you.

Sister, two and a half pounds is great! I have to tell you that on the second week in a row that I lost only half a pound, you had an 8 pound loss that week, and you were my inspiration to keep going.

And Mary, 74.5 pounds in 18 weeks?? :shock: Talk about awesome!! You GO, girl!

I'm happy today too. I'm down 4 pounds from last Sunday, to 239.0 That puts me in the 30 pound club, Unca please move me up! It also slides me out of the 240s, and now I'm running for the 220s!

I've been hoping to just slide under 200 in time for my birthday, which is May 3, but that means 40 pounds in the next ten weeks, and I'm not sure that's realistic; the body needs a week or two every now and then holding steady just to rearrange things. Still, May has always been my favorite month of the year, and perhaps this year it will have even more reason to be so if it sees me into Onederland!

Have a great next week, all, and congrats again.

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Postby Triskets » February 20th, 2005, 9:48 am

Good Job Everyone! Weigh to go! I'm so proud of everyone - staying on the program and looking forward to our goals. Yeah! :cleader: :cleader: :cleader:

My week was unusual - I went down 1.5 pounds then I had an unscheduled trip to the hospital (no it had nothing to do with MF and I'm ok) where I ate heart friendly food for one and one half days. That put me up 5.5 pounds. I got so sick from eating regular food I couldn't wait to get back home and get back on my MF! I've been back on for 3 days and got rid of 4 pounds so my weight is the same as last Sunday.
More importantly for me than losing the weight is going off plan and then getting right back on. I've been scared that I wouldn't be able to do it - so God put me to the test and I passed and now I'm no longer scared. YAAHOO!
Nancy says "Nothing tastes and good as thin feels". I say "Nothing tastes as good as Medifast feels".
Take care everyone and have a great week!
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Postby LongWay2go » February 20th, 2005, 9:52 am

Good morning all you big losers! Congrats to everyone! I missed posting last week but wanted to check in today to post a two week loss of 5 pounds. That brings me up to 98 pounds which means I'll be FINALLY into the 100 pound club come next week! Woo-hoo!

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Postby BerkshireGrl » February 20th, 2005, 10:33 am

WOW! You all are doing awesome! Super job on the fat flushing! :goteam:

I am holding steady at 196. I am waiting for my next box of Medifast to come in next week so I can get cracking on losing pounds again! I went on a, ahem, "break" from Medifast in December and have been floundering since. I have not regained most of my hard-won loss of 24 pounds, but I'm hardly skinny, heh!

I noticed that in the 10 weeks I have been off the program, and eating like dunga, my body has changed. I am more tired, bruise more easily, retain water more, my skin breaks out more, I'm having more sinus problems. What a pretty picture eh? ;)

Nutrition makes a HUGE difference in how we all feel. Makes me almost want to go back to school for a degree in Food Science :lol:

Not only do we lose weight on Medifast, but we actually get healthier. It's pretty dang impressive for little powdered meals in a bag! Yes, I :heart: Medifast!

Have a great week everyone - and I'm looking forward to joining you all back on the plan next Saturday! (Or Friday if I get my delivery sooner!)
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Postby JuliaMejia » February 20th, 2005, 10:57 am

Wow all of you are really doing great! I't s so fun to log in & see how everyone else did this week. I am now in my second week of MF with a cheat last wednesday...All going good since then. It's really hard for me to let go of food. It's usually not physical hungar , but emotional! The cheat did of course slow me down. I am doing the full fast but 2-3 times a week I will do some green beans and chicken to help me stay sane. When the whole family is home and I have to cook I had better cook something that I can eat or else I may blow it! I'm just vulnerable now.

Anywho I weighed 226.0 this morning. That means I lost 3 pounds since last Sunday! A total of 9 since my restart...I am happy with that! This is extremely important and every pound I lose now makes me less than I have been in 10 years! It is exciting and I have been getting people at work noticing. One said, "You're just dwindling away". I sent my sis a full body pic and she said it's a BIG difference and to keep it up! I now weigh less that her for the first time in over ten years. My other sister noticed 2 days ago. I can't believe I will be under 220 soon, into the teens!

You all keep it up too! You'll be feeling like hotter, sexier people by summer!!!

May 1st 2006...Highest Weight 265...

Started Medifast December 8th, 06 Weight = 236.8 :(

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Postby junglejane » February 20th, 2005, 11:11 am

My first time at roll call so I'll just report my loss from the first day. I started on Feb. 9th. As of this morning I lost 11 pounds. I am so thrilled with how I feel and my loss!!!!!
I had company last night and this morning. I actually made tacos and served yummy drinks last night without giving in. On top of that I prepared a brunch today of bacon and eggs and Belgian waffles and enjoyed my oatmeal after everyone was served. For once on a weight loss plan I did not even feel deprived. Wasn't even tempted. This is a godsend to me.
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Postby JuliaMejia » February 20th, 2005, 11:26 am

JungleJane, I think you did great! I don't think I could resist all that food without tasting a few times! Great weight loss too!

May 1st 2006...Highest Weight 265...

Started Medifast December 8th, 06 Weight = 236.8 :(

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