Karen wrote:When are you starting girl? I've been waiting to see your losses..
Yeeha! I am starting ASAP let me tell you! I placed my order Saturday, and it should get here Thursday or Friday. As soon as I get that box dropped on my porch, bam, I am ON IT like white on rice, girlfriend!
Or like a big ol' hungry jungle cat on a fat buffalo!
Then I am getting this done. Finito. I'm staying the course even if my blood turns to Dutch Chocolate.
Soon... very soon! Trust me, you all are going to be sick of hearing from me by the time I'm done...
*cough cough* Ugh, gotta go to bed. Was freaking out at work today with a gigantic pile of folders to get through, working feverishly, surrounded by sick coworkers. We all sounded like a plague house, hacking and sniffeling. I'm sure the bacteria and viruses are running rampant in there. I got out as soon as my Fred Flintstone dinosaur showed up! Yuck! Don't even get me started on dogs peeing on the floor. Ewwww.
Pleasant thoughts... Medifast.... mmm.... skinny.... flab-free... drifting off to nice dreams of soy protein land...