Sunday morning Roll Call: September 24, 2006

Join our weekly (Sunday) weigh in.

Postby Joelie » September 26th, 2006, 10:00 am

THANKS so much! You guys are the BEST! :heart:
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Postby DogMa » September 26th, 2006, 12:28 pm

Joelie and Ark, congrats on the new clubs!! You guys are such an inspiration.

And DQ, happy, happy birthday!

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Postby Drama Queen » September 26th, 2006, 4:12 pm

Thanks everyone for the Birthday Wishes. It's been an awesome Birthday. A good friend is taking me out to dinner tonight. He's on the program so it will be a great Lean & Green.
Start Date 1/22/06
Age 53 / Height 5'9"

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Postby Seemelose » September 26th, 2006, 4:20 pm

Hi All,
I just got home from a trip to Hawaii. Before I left Iwas down another 2.5 lbs. I haven't weighed since returning home as i missed my usual weigh in day and I think I will just wait until the next one rolls around. Anyway I hit the 50 lb mark and Im ready to move into the new club. With my 11.5 from pre-Medi-Fast Im down 61.5 lbs Wa Hooo. I made some great mock cocktails in Hawaii. My favorite was my Medifast version of a Banana,Kalua,Colada. A Swiss Mocha shake,ice,the following extracts (two or three drops each) Banana,Coconut,Rum, and Pineapple. Mix in your Majic Bullet and WOW.I didn't even miss the real thing.
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Postby mel » September 26th, 2006, 9:59 pm

Oh my goodness! I just realized that I lost over 20 pounds, which means a new club. Yay!

22 pounds in 3 weeks is definately something a girl can get used to. Although I know it's not going to keep coming off so wonderfully fast...

I know I'm late - or early, depending on how you look at it; but I started on a Wednesday, so Sunday isn't the best weigh in day for me.
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Postby kmr » September 27th, 2006, 5:01 am

Week #2- 2 lbs....NO cheating at all!.....feel good and in control....13 lbs. in 14 days and 6 inches gone!.......I'll take it!
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Postby 1Angel » September 27th, 2006, 2:38 pm

Hi Drama Queen!!!

I just love your username, if my husband were to join this club, your username was a perfect one for him LOL :roflmao: He is such a "Drama Queen" at times LOL :roflmao:

Anyways, I still can't get over your weight loss ... I am so impressed that I have a couple of questions for you: If you are 5'.9" and weighs only 142 what should I aim for as my goal weight?

Have you measured yourself lately? Do you know, by any chance what is your body frame and your BMI?

I went to my GYN this month and she measured me and to my surprise I shrunk 1 and 1/2". I used to be 5'.7" and now I am 5'.5 1/2". I am also 50 years old now. So, I am shrinking my friend ... I think the weight and, of course, "gravity", is pulling me down ...

Do you know if I should calculate my goal weight according to my old height or to my new one?

Oh boy, I still have so much to lose ... that's scary ...

Anyways, it looks like you'll be celebrating your birthday :partytime: for the rest of the month, huh!?! What a nice present you gave to yourself by being bellow your goal weight on your birthday. :candle:

... But one day I hope to get there too ...
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Postby 1Angel » September 27th, 2006, 4:39 pm

kmr, you are doing great!!! I like the part that you said "NO cheating at all" :bravo: and that's wonderful ... Keep it up!!!

You know things will slow down a bit, because in the begining there is a lot of water weight lost too. But you can count on an average of 4 to 5 pounds weight loss for while.

Think of it, you are only 5 pounds away from been in "Onederland" (199) and I'll be here rooting for you :cleader: :cheerleader: :cheermed:

Let me know how things are going for you and if I can be of any help!
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Postby 1Angel » September 27th, 2006, 4:44 pm

Seemelose, Congratulations on reaching the 60 # club! That's awesome!!! :bravo: Keep it up!!! You are doing great!!!
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Postby kmr » September 27th, 2006, 6:38 pm

Thanks 1Angel! It's good to hear from you again! :wave: I can't wait to reach Onederland!
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