Lynne, Sheesh! This is
2 weeks in a row you started the roll call! It seems to me as if you are truly shrinking away! How tall are you, Doll? You are doing great!
MyTime ~ Wowee!!!
Welcome to ONEderland! This is ONEderful!
Melting Martha, get ready to kiss the 90’s

buh-bye! You are just unbelieveable – talk about stress – she survived the hurricane! Lack of sleep, cooking all that REAL food for others, waiting on your Momma…and you
STILL lost weight!
Ash’s Mom, not to worry about that pound. Those one pounders really add up. I know how they make a difference.

I used to eat
POUNDER bags of m&ms and trust me,
one pound off is a whole lot better than one pound on!
Jennifer, I am glad that you have a plan for this week and that you realized how necessary it is to weigh and measure the Lean and
Green. Hunny, it is the Lean and
Green not the Lean and
white…so no ‘taters for a while. Now that you’ve gotten the program figured out, you’ll be in the
10 pound club in no time.
24 K ~ Hovering at the same weight is blechy but you probably have it figured out – stress and a lack of rest can do it – hope that things calm down for you soon. Keep your hands busy quilting and you’ll stay outta porkout danger!
BTW, you really DO look great!
Shortgirl ~ Oh, man!

So close!! How about plucking your eyebrows and trimming your hair? After your Medifast Oatmeal tomorrow have a Metamucil chaser!
Swift3260, you have really done

very well if you’ve lost
15 pounds in three weeks. Often the 3rd or 4th weeks can be slightly slower. Another 5 pounds and it will make a difference in the waistband of your pants.
mama2benandrachel ~

Are you kidding me?
13 Pounds in
ONE week? Awesome! You are the biggest loser of the week!
Prata ~ You are almost half way to your goal, Girl! Imagine! 25 pounds is equivalent to a really big bag of dog food – no longer are you hauling that around.

Very cool! Who has noticed your weight loss so far?
Dear Donna dlr2424 ~ You are so

precious and so very close to your goal. I thought I would croak when I was within 5 pounds of my goal. You must be

so excited. I want you to call me the day your scale says,
“Ding! Ding! You’re there!” You have worked so hard – Folks, dlr2424 has been patient and her weight loss journey has not been speedy. She has been the tortoise all the way –
and we really must recognize her accomplishment is TRULY a BIG deal! So happy for you, Donna.
Lan ~ Oh! What a good report from your doctor –
45 pounds is a lot of weight to lose and your improved health report is excellent news for us all. When I first began to de-flab, it was all about looking better. Totally it was a vanity issue for me. As I began to feel better, I noticed I had improved circulation in my legs and feet. My energy level also improved. It is good to hear that your medication dosages for high blood pressure and atrial fibrillation have been reduced significantly. You have not only improved the quality of your life but you’ve also saved money in prescription bills!
MakeMeThinner Folks, you are doing a good job and I thank you for checking in at roll call.
Accountability is one of the steps to success. 
Be sure to drink your water – I am reminding you to do so because I have not been doing a good job myself lately. True confessions, yep, yep, yep! I am committing to improved water slurpage this week. Party on!