Your attitude shall not be affected by the scales!
The scales are
merely a measurement tool - the scales are just ONE
tool we use to measure our progress.
Our success cannot be measured by the scales ONLY!
We use a tape measure (check out Jewel of the Nile: she lost 2.5 inches!), we use our clothing and we use our cognitive skills.
IF we are program compliant, we ARE losing pure FLAB!
Give your body time to do its thing.
As flab is flushed out, the cells want to
fill that vacuum created by melting flab with fluid.
IF you are
program compliant you cannot gain fat. Fluids fluctuate daily and sometimes hourly!
I ate several desserts this weekend and Sunday was a pie-fest for moi - I MEAN I SCARFFED several desserts. Because I can.
I am up 5.4 I upset?
Shall I throw in the towel and give up?
In depression and anger shall I
eat some pizza and a half bag of chips today?
Yesterday I had shakes and salads. I am having shakes and oatmeal and
Lean and
Green today. I did not drop an ounce over night. Am I cheesed?
Nope. Every day this week, I'll do the right thing and it will be off soon!
The scales do not determine your attitude - unless you allow them to!
Who's in control here?
YOU the thinnin' one with the beautiful mind or the inanimate object?
Don't give Mr. Scales the power to determine the direction of your day! He is merely a measuring device, a tool.