Hey, hey, hey, every thinning bodies!
What a successful week! Kudos to everyone for sticking with your meal plans!
Yeah! Newbies, you are doing a super job.
Long-timers, VICTORY is just around the corner!
HawaiiWhatNot – have you been to Victoria’s yet? What Didja buy? Woo woo!
I’m doing all right – still hacking away at my
post vacation
flabbage. I went to several foody events this past week. I attended a women’s retreat at my church and I survived – no lasagna, no garlic bread, no dessert touched my leopardy lips.
I told everyone I was
Simmshe, since you are working such long hours, may I suggest that you add another shake to your daily meal plan. You won’t be getting much rest so be sure to eat every three hours.