Sunday Morning Roll Call: Nov 20, 2005

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Sunday Morning Roll Call: Nov 20, 2005

Postby ljm498 » November 20th, 2005, 5:23 am

Goodmorning everyone! It's pretty chilly here in the Northeast! I think it got down into the teens! Oh well, Thanksgiving is this week so I guess it's to be expected.

Hope everyone does well on the scales today! I'm down another 2lbs for this week and couldn't be happier! Everyone hang tough this week, have your strategies in place on how to deal with turkey day and you'll be fine! It's just one day. This is what I'm telling myself anyway.

Have a great week everyone and a big happy Thanksgiving to all!

Me 34
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Started 3/28/05
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Postby Guest » November 20th, 2005, 5:28 am

Hey LJM - Thanks for the ony one day comment - I am trying to focus in that direction as well. Well, this is the first week I have not lost anything - TOM so I am hoping to be rewarded next week for staying faithful on T-day. Hope everyone had and has a GREAT week ! Mytime
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Postby mama2benandrachel » November 20th, 2005, 5:46 am

Hello everone!

It is COLD in Michigan too! My thermometer outside says 20! BRRrrr!!!!

I lost a total of 7 lbs. this week!!!!!!!!!! :whoohoo: MOST importantly: I am just under 250 AND just under 100 lbs. to lose!!!!!!!!!!! Here's my happy dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:

I am SOoooo grateful to Medifast and this group of people.

If I can help ANYONE with words of advice and encouragement, please know that I am here for you!!!!!

Nancy is so right: "NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels!!!!!!!" and I'm not even thin yet and I still feel FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!

Have a safe and Bless week everyone! I plan on making turkey and the trimmings for my immediate family. I will tone down the side dishes however. It is just the 4 of us, and I am not eating anything but MF products. I will have turkey and a broccoli shiitake mushroom recipe that I found that sounds wonderful!!!!! I am not going to pig out!!!!!!!!! No mashed potatoes for this 51 pounds gone for good and counting down the victory pounds as I go gal!!!!!!!!!!

:turkey: :thanksgiving:
Take care and God Bless,
Judy <><

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Postby JCatz » November 20th, 2005, 6:13 am

Wow! I'm telling you folks.. everytime I read these boards, I get inspired all over again. I just love hearing all your successes. I'm sure many more will come today yet since it's so early. I can't wait to hear about them! :clap:

As for myself, I too have to say that this is the best diet ever! It is really doable! And I can't believe it, I started the Nov. 8th and as of today, I am down 9.5 lbs!!!!! Yahoo!!!! :yes: Now, for the most exciting part... after only 9.5 lbs my boyfriends sister, who didn't know I was on a diet, asked me if I was getting skinny??? I looked at her with amazement that she could tell already. I've still got almost 40 lbs to go but people have never noticed 9lbs with any other diet. Humm... very interesting MF! :lol:

Mama2 - I volunteered to bring the veggie to Thanksgiving this year so I would be sure I could eat something and I've been wondering what to make. Do you think you would be willing to share your receipe with me? Let me know and I'll send you my e-mail address.

And, finally Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Jacqui C.

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Postby Nicki » November 20th, 2005, 6:20 am

Happy Thanksgiving week everyone! Week 9 for me and I'm down 3 pounds for a total of 39. Thanks to reading the board, I feel I'm more mentally prepared for Thanksgiving and all the temptations of Christmas festivities, so I plan to shake my way through and keep my eye on the goal!

Stay warm everyone!
started 9/19/05

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Hi everyone!

Postby Hyperion » November 20th, 2005, 6:44 am

Hello people,

This morning, I lost 6 lbs, for a grand total of 19 pounds!!!!

My belly is melting, it's MELTING!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

For the first time in my life, clothes get baggier when I was them, not the opposite :-P :-P :-P
Began: 2005-11-03
Finished: Never

Went to 150, then began gym to build some muscle; currently 173.8! (Need to cut some fat)

<b>Discipline is the art of choosing between what you want now, and what you want the most.</b>
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Postby LoriO » November 20th, 2005, 8:43 am

Hello, everyone! I lost another 4 pounds this week. That is 39 pounds in 9 weeks. Nicki, you and are are totally in sync! Congratulations everyone! I will be out of town with no access to a computer next Sunday so I won't be able to check in!! :cry: And just when I am knocking on the 40 pound club door too!!! Have a great week everyone!

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Postby Lisa in NY » November 20th, 2005, 9:12 am

Lost another 2 lbs. for a total of 34 !

I have to admit I'm a little worried about Thanksgiving - we go to my parents house and have a traditional Italian Thanksgiving, which of course includes pasta even before the turkey! BUT I've got a few ideas on how to get through the day. I'm planning to have my oatmeal in the morning, then I think the rest of my supplements will be pudding. I figure I can have my pudding while everyone is having their desserts - and the MF pudding is so rich and filling to me that it should be just the thing that helps me get through the day. I will have turkey and vegetables - in fact, I'm bringing the green beans and I DON'T make a green-bean casserole. The only thing in my green beans is a little olive oil and lots of garlic!

Congrats to all the losers this week and let's stay focused!!

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Postby Crystal » November 20th, 2005, 9:28 am

Everyone is doing so well! It is always so encouraging to read everyone's posts!

I am checking in for the first time in about a month. We have been so busy, and have been travelling every weekend since early October. I am so glad that things are slowing down a little. I have done ok (not great!) sticking to my program, but am hoping that staying home more, and having a regular schedule once again will allow my weight loss to pick up a little. I am down to 143 today, making for an average of about 2 lbs lost each week. Anyway, I hope that next week I will lose a little more.

Keep up the great work, everyone, and have a great week!
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Everyone is Doing Great

Postby Jan » November 20th, 2005, 11:09 am

Whoo Hoo
Everyone is doing soooo great. I am so happy for each of you. I'm on maintenance so no weight loss for me but no gain either. This is a wonderful program. Oh and by the way it is gorgeous today in Washington State . Clear, sunny and crisp -- little frosty this morning. Right now at 10 am the temp is hovering around 30. Everyone have a great Thanksgiving ( meat and veggies of course :D ) Each of you can do it.
I'll be reading the roll call next week. (I always do -- I just don't post)
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Postby suzyq » November 20th, 2005, 3:34 pm

Some awesome losses this week - Congrats to all! I get a little jealous sometimes reading how quickly others lose but I am down 2.5 this week so I am happy - Unca could you please add me to the 50 lb club!!!

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Postby lauradr » November 20th, 2005, 7:14 pm

The weight loss is great!! I am down 3lbs this week :D
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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