First of all, Happy Mother's Day to all our forum's beautiful mothers. Here's the closest thing to a fragrant rose that I can give you to celebrate
. If you are lucky enough to still have your mom around to talk to or to hug, be sure and do so today.
Secondly, LC, this
IS a big day for you. Congratulations on your decision to improve your health AND your life! Stay close to the forum and follow the program. You can't help but have great success. It works! Keep us posted.
Nikki, I like the sound of your new battle plan. But I also want you to take heart. To have gained 3.5 lbs of FAT would have called for you to eat 12,250 extra calories last week. You would have had to have been REALLY busy sneaking little bites! What you are most likely seeing on the scale is water retention. Work the program, DRINK LOTS OF WATER, and if you drink diet colas, try giving them up just this week. However, we do, indeed, hold you accountable, Nikki. Next Sunday we expect you to post a loss. Have a WONDERFUL week!
As for me, I'm down 2.2 lbs.
As usual, have a blessed Sunday, everyone.