Sunday Morning Roll Call March 20,2005

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Sunday Morning Roll Call March 20,2005

Postby LilMsTexas » March 20th, 2005, 4:56 am


I'm up this morning with my one year old who thinks he needs to have his "MOO" at 6:30 a.m. REGARDLESS of the day of week :shock: hehe

But Mom was on the scale bright and early too so I could see I lost 3.4 lbs this week!! WOOHOOO That means I am down a total of 8.4 lbs in the first 2 weeks. Of course I had wished for another 5 because I "want" to lose 20 lbs in the first month. But ya know what??? I'LL TAKE IT!!

I made it through 4 eating outs and my son's first birthday parties (there were two) without cheating!! EVERYONE keeps saying "I don't know how you do it" and "Your will power is incredible" My response to them is simple......"I love my children more than that food". For the first time in my entire life I feel in control of my eating and that says A LOT!! :cheerleader: I had some MAJOR mental victories this week.

I keep trying to post but I get an "invalid session" error over and over again. Does anyone else have this problem? I'm very aggravated by it because I've tried posting to other people to give encouragement and participate on the board.

I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally hope to stay off the scales this week. I've been weighing every single day. I know better so this is my challenge this week.

I hope everyone had a mentally successful week and that the scale fairy is good to you this morning. Have a BLESSED WEEK and HAPPY LOSING!

CHEERS! :cheers:
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby mindovermatter » March 20th, 2005, 5:09 am

Good moring Lilms. Wonderful news, that is a vicotory for you this week. When you go through those situations successfully, isn't it empowering.

I had a good week. Down 2 lbs even with Aunt Flo. This officially puts me in the 40 lb club. :bounce:

And now I'm off to walk the dog, because I can. It's finially turning into spring here.

Have a good week all.


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[b]15 pounds since March 1[/b]

Postby carold » March 20th, 2005, 5:45 am


I am new to the forum and still getting used to it. I just weighed myself and am down a total of 15 lbs!!! :) :D :yes: i started at 214 and am now 199. I am worried about Easter coming up as my sister always has an Easter egg hunt that i bring my son to and she leaves bowls of candy everywhere. Any advice?
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Postby Spunky » March 20th, 2005, 6:22 am

Congratulations LilMsTexas, Mindovermatter, and CarolD welcome. Way to go on your losses this week! Isn't it amazing what our will power will do for us when we set our minds to it. May everyone in the forum meet your goals.
As for me, this week I am down 5 pounds. I have been on the MF program for 24 days and have lost 22 pounds!
Happy Trails Y'all......... Spunky

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Postby THINKTHIN » March 20th, 2005, 7:06 am

Congrats to everyone!!!!! I am so happy today. I have had two weeks of not losing any weight, and could not figure out why... so I managed to cut out one workout this week. Perhaps that was the problem, because I am down 3lbs.!!!!!! :cleader: yippeeeeee!!!!!

Closer to goal! Here we come!!!!! Happy losing!

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Postby kassilou » March 20th, 2005, 7:29 am

Mornin', everybody. Happy 1st day of spring!!

I weigh everyday so that I can track it in my MMT journal, and I was glad weigh in was today. Thursday to Thursday I noticed that I was down 2#, but Sunday to Sunday I am down 3#. Yeah!

Spunky...5#....that's great! need to work out less on this program?? I love that!'re in onederland!!! yeah!!! as for the candy, I'd keep a sugarfree mint or gum in my mouth as much as possible.
Beth...Yeah you!! 40#!!!! survived a lot of temptations...good for you!! great first two weeks!

Congratulations to the rest of you losers! Keep on shakin'!!!!
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Morning, losers!

Postby Laramedifast » March 20th, 2005, 7:39 am

Good morning, gang!
What a successful week so far for all of us! Great news! I continue to be amazed at how well this program works and all it requires of us is discipline and comittment and the drive to want it bad enough!! We're doing great!!

THIN: 3 lbs--whoo hooo!! (I like to picture in my mind what 3 actual pounds of fat looks like) How freeing not to have to lug that around anymore! Good work! So glad you figured out the workout thing! 40 pounds and on the way to 50!

Spunky: 5 pounds is incredible! Keep us the awesome work! You're SOO on your way!

CarolD: Welcome to you! Be proud of yourself for 15 pounds gone forever! It's a real accomplishment with all the Easter temptations. For tips on how to get through the Easter Egg hunt, browse the Lean Cuisine forum. I'd suggest the cookies...

Mind: 2 pounds with aunt flo sounds mighty fine to me! You go girl!

Texas: Your will power IS amazaing. Just keep that in mind and keep losing! 3.4, wow!! You are in control and that's the whole point! Congrats!

Kassilou: 3 pounds, yea!! Great work!

As for me, I can't recall what I weighed in at officially last week, but I think it was 193 or something. Today I register at 188 even with my TOM, so I'll that loss! That makes me a total of 13 pounds lost so far. I'm trying to watch the scale less and just plug away at my meals and water! Thanks for everyone's encouragement. "I couldn't have done it alone..." :):

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Postby hal1031 » March 20th, 2005, 7:46 am

Good Morning All,

Today is my first roll call and I am very excited about the results of my first MF week. I have lost a whopping 9 pounds...WOO-HOO! :yay:

This is a great start for me and will help me to continue without cheating. It really is simple...JUST FOLLOW THE PLAN!

My husband...dean0408 also did well, but I don't want to steal his thunder; he can tell you about it himself. Let me just say that I am extremely proud of him and thankful for his support.

Congratulations to everybody on their weekly losses!


Last edited by hal1031 on March 20th, 2005, 7:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Dean0408 » March 20th, 2005, 7:47 am

Wow!! My first week on Medifast and I have lost a whopping 13.5 POUNDS!!! :boing: Medifast is GREAT! :cheermed:

My wife (HAL1031) also had an EXCELLENT showing for the first week.

Congratulations to ALL the losers who had success this past week. Who knows what next week will bring?

I am now a proud member of the 10 pound club and am going for 20!

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Postby bk » March 20th, 2005, 7:58 am

This week I lost an excellent 3.6 pounds from last week. I have been 100% and waiting for this day, because


my new weight is 199.4!

This is my first time under 200 since I was a senior in high school. Seriously!! The past two weeks have been agonizing, waiting for the number "1" to pop up first on the scale. Yesterday was 200.0, and I thought I was going to have a hissy fit!

I went to a party last night, drove my friends there so the temptation to drink alcohol would be gone (usually we would take a cab). And smiled and drank my diet coke while everyone chowed on irish food and sugary treats (and might I say, a metric buttload of alcohol). My good friend (5'10", size 2 on a bad day) knows about my weight loss and she has really been rooting me on. Finally SOMEONE mentioned it to her, and she brought me over, because she knows how proud of myself I am! Apparently everyone had been saying how great i looked all night, just not to me!

Oh yeah, and my ex tried to kiss me goodnight. Twice!

Congrats to all you new losers!! Hang in there and those losses start to really add up! And a big congrats to the newly under 200 club!!! I know how great it feels :) :)

And I'm just all excited because it's spring, and I'm getting smaller, and just happy about wearing springy clothes in smaller sizes. It's really fun after our long dreary winter!!

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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » March 20th, 2005, 8:30 am

Everyone did AWESOME this week!!!
I am SO impressed with all of you!!!
BK, WOW you broke the 200 barrier!!!!!!!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!
You should be SO proud!!
Dean and Heidi, FABULOUS!!! You guys are GREAT!! How nice to be able to do this together!!!
Lara, AWESOMe 13 pounds gone!!
LilMs, GREAT JOB!! Beating down the mental demons is a major KEY to this plan!! WAY TO GO!!
Beth, WELCOME to the 40 lb CLUB!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carold, WOW 15 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!! SUPERB!!! As for Easter, keep sugar free mints or gum in your mouth and keep busy!! Don't let the food be your celebration, let the family and the meaning of the day be your celebration.
Spunky, WOW!!! 22 pounds in 24 days!! YOU ROCK!!
ThinkThin, AWESOME JOB!! That extra workout cutback did the trick!! our
bodies all react differently to exercise on MF, this may be the key for you!!! HURRAY!

Kassilou, GREAT WEEK!! I also weight everyday and track it!

OK I hope I didn't miss anyone!! GREAT WEEK GANG!!

Now for my week!! BEWARE LESSON here!!
We went to Florida on the 10th and stayed in the beautiful Portofino Bay Resort in Orlando. We went to Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure and City Walk as well as many parties and events, and I made the decision to go off plan and enjoy the gourmet Italian food at our resort.
WELL after 6 days of all the pasta and breakfasts and lunches anyone could EVER desire on Tuesday the 15th I weighed myself on the scale in our room, THANK Goodness there was one and saw that I had gained
7 pounds in 6 days!!!!!!
Now let me tell you I immediatley went right back on plan and have not even looked at anything not legal!!
SO as of this morning I have lost 9 pounds and am 2 pounds lighter than I was before we went on vacation, but it was hard work and I went completley out of Ketosis and had to start over again on Tuesday with those dreaded hunger pains, BUT I DID IT!!
So now I am at 82.5 pounds gone along with a lesson learned!!
I am proud that I was able to hop right back on the MF plan after I realized how awful I felt while totally overeating!
I am NOT proud of my choices of food and mostly the quantities I ate while doing so. I suffered some interesting stomach problems for doing this, but am feeling 100% again now!
We are off today for a 3 day trip,and I will NOT be cheating on this getaway, as I really ate myself sick of sugar and carbs for quite awhile
and have no desire to do so again!!
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Postby BerkshireGrl » March 20th, 2005, 8:31 am

Everyone is having a great week! Welcome to Spring! :hatch: A time of fresh beginnings, little green shoots, warm breezes, and for us... less fat! Time to reveal those svelte bodies!

Congrats to all the new and old losers... and bk, YEAY!!!! for slipping under 200!

As for me, after cutting out my beloved super salty nirvana foods, I have dropped 3.5 pounds (just 2.5 from yesterday!) Shows ya that water poof can fool the scale. So I am 192.5 this morning.

My ticker rounds down automatically, which I feel is somewhat a cheat, but I'll take it, heheh! I know I will be 192 very soon! :mrgreen:
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Postby joysea » March 20th, 2005, 8:43 am

3 pounds gone this the process... :D

I am so happy now that when I was most tempted, I did NOT give in! This makes it all soooo worthwhile!

Always remember, that when that binge demon emerges, "this too shall pass."

I am very, very happy today!

Congratulations to all this first day of Spring!


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Postby Unca_Tim » March 20th, 2005, 8:50 am

Great work everyone!!
That's a pile of flabbage off the planet this week. Hope the planet doesn't roll over a bit because of it...:)

LilMs....I see you're an AOL user.
Minimize your AOL browser and bring up another (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox etc...) and I think that'll be the end of your sessions errors. AOL is known to be cranky with some programs.

carold...Click the "Register" button at the bottom of the page, and join the forum, and I can add you to the weight clubs. There's also other features you'll be able to take advantage of by registering.

High five everyone!
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Postby raederle » March 20th, 2005, 9:01 am

Wow-- you guys have all done so great!!! Welcome to Dean and Heidi-- what a great start! Mary, Kass, Spunky, Sarah, bk, Beth, Lara, Carol, ThinkThin, and LilMs... what an astounding week. Gosh, last week there were several folks who lost "only" a pound or less, but apparently we've all been rewarded for our perserverence, huh? Way to stick it out!!!

As for me, well, I was *really* hoping to shed that last 0.4 pounds last night so I could leap in here triumphant, but once again, my body has got the better of me. I actually gained half a pound last night! How perverse!!! :x But I really can't complain because since last Sunday I've lost 4.4 pounds, which is great for me considering how long it took me to get to 126 the first time! ;) I'm going to lose this dern pound this week if it kills me! Look out, pound-- I am on an MF rampage!!!

Thanks to everyone who's been noticing how close I'm getting; you guys have really helped me stick to my goal instead of falling off the wagon and telling myself, "Oh, that's close enough...!" Thank you thank you thank you! :mrgreen:

High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
New goal: 130
I'll reach it again, one day at a time
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