Sunday Morning Roll Call March 20,2005

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Postby itsgonnaworkthistime » March 21st, 2005, 12:38 pm

Thanks Rae and Nancy,

I had to wait for my order to arrive on Friday, and then it was back on the horse on Saturday. After 3 days back, I am actually lower than I was when I went off, so those pesky vacation pounds didn't hang around long. Thank goodness!!! :D

We shopped in every port. First stop was St. Thomas, we went on a short island tour, and there was a great flea market. We went to the beach briefly, but had to be back on the boat by 4:00, so we didn't get to see alot and felt like we were very rushed. The second port was Dominica and like I said, had I known I would have lounged on the boat all day. Its a rain forest, and we thought we could chill at the beach. They don't really have any beaches. they are all rock. We ended up hiking to an "Emerald Pool" with a not so spectacular waterfall, and then had to hike back out. It was pretty treacherous, and we were not prepared with the sandals we had on. We also had to be back to the boat by 5:00. The 3rd stop (3 stops/3 days) was Barbados, we paid to go to a beach and enjoyed all you can drink, so we did relax and had alot of fun, and we were able to shop at their flea market also. We had a good time there, but had wished we stayed to watch the sunset. We actually didn't have to be back until 9:00 that night. The next day we were at sea, but when you are at sea EVERYONE is on the boat, so needless to say ALOT of people and even though we lounged around, it was not really relaxing. The 4th stop was Aruba. We shopped all morning and early afternoon. I got LOTS!! and then we went to "Palm Beach" which was great, it was a string of hotels, and we just paid for a lounge chair and hung out on their beach until after sunset. This was a day we didn't have to be back until 10:00. So that was relaxing, I actually fell asleep and was snoring. The last day was a day at sea, same thing, alot of people all lined up in lounge chairs. Had we felt better and not had horrible colds, I think we would have had alot more fun. We just plan on going back to Barbados or Aruba and stay at an all inclusive resort. That way there is no rushing, and not as many people.

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Postby Nancy » March 21st, 2005, 12:49 pm

Maura ~

I was wondering if there were island tours. Terry and I often enjoy taking tours when we visit a new city just to get the lay of the land and some insight into its history and special features.

:shock: I hadn’t thought about all the people being lined up in deck chairs…no private sun snorage then…sheesh! If you drool, EVERYONE knows about it, eh?

I am extremely allergic to mosquitoes and spider bites, always end up with thirty or more bites and have a miserable time so rarely ever venture into the ‘wilds’ unless I am totally slathered in Avon Skin-So-Soft, bug repellant and taking mega doses of B vitamins…tell me, :secret: did you get bug bites on your hike? Were mosquitoes a problem on any of the islands?

Rocky beaches do not sound attractive…there is something very nice about inclusive resorts…
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Postby itsgonnaworkthistime » March 21st, 2005, 2:36 pm

Hi Nancy,

There were island tours at all of our ports, some that also included stops for shopping, as well as all the "excursions". We just didn't want to do "much". So we opted for less. Actually, I was not bitten at all in any of the ports that we were at, and when out during the day or at night at sea, there were no bugs either.

When we went to the Dominican Republic (puerto plata) in November, they have "sand fleas" and they were quite a nuisance. You didn't see the darn things, but ended up with many bits all over your legs. So you may want to steer clear of there.

Yes, I was very much looking forward to a "real" beach in Dominica, mainly because there wasn't alot to do there otherwise. We were quite disappointed when we left the ship and asked a cab driver if there were any beaches and he laughed at us...

I would be content for 7 days straight of sitting on a beach reading a book. I brought several with me and didn't even get through one!!!

Have you got any places in mind for your next trip?

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Postby Karen » March 21st, 2005, 3:12 pm

AT LAST! I am IN the 60 pound club.... feels good and definately has me hyped for another week of shaking.
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Postby raederle » March 21st, 2005, 5:46 pm

YAY!!!! I knew this day was on its way! Hooray hooray; you're 60 pounds lighter today!

Yikes-- someone stop me...

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Postby BSmith » March 21st, 2005, 5:51 pm

No need to stop, I agree Yay! 60lbs. You go girl. :)
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Postby scrabbler7 » March 21st, 2005, 6:47 pm

Congrats Karen - that is awesome. You are just withering away to nothing!

Thanks Rae and 24K for the kind thoughts. Doc thinks its strep throat - so I've got an antibiotic and a stern look to take it easy. Hopefully I'll be feeling better after another few doses of the meds. At least I was able to get all my meals in today (except for my bedtime shake which is coming up soon.)

Hopefully someone rescued all the "guests" who signed in during my absence! :lol:

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Postby Nancy » March 21st, 2005, 10:37 pm

Oh wowser! Karen, you have arrived!!!! Awesome loss! :bounce: :yes:
Scrabbler - we won't select you to serve in the kissing booth - sorry to hear you have 'strict froat' (One of my former first grade students told me his big sister was "so so sick from having strict froat that she had to gurgle with salty water and drink nasty froat stuff") - have a glug of water and another mug of Chai Latte - those 24 essential vitamins and minerals usually keep folks healthy and well. ;)
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