Sunday Morning Roll Call March 20,2005

Join our weekly (Sunday) weigh in.

Postby 24KaratGold » March 20th, 2005, 6:31 pm

Look at all these people in Southern California! We are going to have to have a party for sure this summer, when Nancy gets here!

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Postby BSmith » March 20th, 2005, 7:43 pm

Better late than never right? Sundays are so crazy for me, this is the first chance I've had to get to the computer today.

Welcome new members, it is good to hear from you. You are going to love this plan! After 8 years of trying this and that, MF really works.

Rae, I am so excited for you! You are almost there. Thanks for setting a great example to follow.

I am down 2.5 lbs this week and getting ready to start my 4th week now. I can't believe that I'm not tired of this plan and wanting to cheat. Good stuff!

I will start out exercising again this week, "slowly" (I'm an all or nothing kinda gal)... and see what happens...

Blessings all and happy first day of Spring! :)
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Postby dlr2424 » March 20th, 2005, 9:43 pm

Great job everyone!!!!! Those weight losses are awesome!!!!!! :thumbup:
I am so excited to share your success...everyone of you

Sorry I'm so late...been extremely busy all day...I'm here to report I dropped a measely but appreciated 1.6 lbs...not discouraged but I do have to admit when Dean (and by the way a big congatulations to you!!!) drops in one week the same that has taken me 5 1/2 weeks... I just roll my eyes... :roll: ...however, I still have NO desire to stray....Maybe God chooses for me to lose at a very..very..veeerrrryyy slow test my perseverence...or I have much to learn on this journey and if I lost too fast it's possible I wouldn't learn as much...whatever..i'm here for life so sooner or later it will come off... :D
Hope everyone had a great day!!!!


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Postby 24KaratGold » March 20th, 2005, 10:06 pm

Donna, if it helps at all, I think that Dean was starting at close to twice what you started at (I think I recall reading that he started at 315).

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Postby dlr2424 » March 20th, 2005, 10:13 pm

24k...thats for the positive note...and yes I know ....however it's not like I don't have alot of flabbage to personally shed.....being so compliant and on yhe complete I had just hoped for a little faster loss....but I won't let it get me will come off... :roll: ...And I think I just needed to vent or whine a little demon within was trying to surface.. :twisted:

Thanks...your always there with encouragement!!!!


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Postby Dean0408 » March 20th, 2005, 11:15 pm

Hi Donna,

Whatever you do, don't use me as a benchmark to compare weight loss. I am an oddity in that when I try to lose weight, it comes off very quickly. I certainly do not want to be the cause of any frustration on your part because of my weight loss during my first week.

Let me give you some background. I have always been very active in the past and am generally very solid with a lot of muscle. I am 57 years old, and untill last year (when I blew my knee out) I still played softball and other sports with much younger people (next oldest person on the team was 35). Because of the knee and later a back injury, I was not able to do the same type of activity which kept me trim in the past.

I always ate a lot at every meal and the lack of activity caused me to get a big belly. That is the only place that I ever gain weight. This growth caused me to rush out and get a new suit for a wedding two weeks ago because I could not button the pants on any of the dozen suits I already owned. This was the last straw for me and when Heidi (my wife) decided to start Medifast, I decided to do it along with her.

I am 6 feet tall and look my best when I am around 215 pounds. Muscle weighs more than fat, so at that weight people never guess me as weighing over 200 pounds. I once went down to 190 and people kept asking me if I was sick.

Anyhow, I had balooned up to almost 245 pounds, carrying the extra weight up front and getting into that "belt buckle pointing down at the ground" thing which is uncomfortable and does not look good. I hate it if my stomach sticks out further than my chest.

I did not do the 5 and 1 plan, choosing rather to go for the full program along with Heidi. Muscle tends to burn calories so that helped also.

I hope this background helps you to see that my weight loss for the first week is not the norm and that each person will lose at a different rate depending on many different factors (including our gene pool).

To me, any loss is a success so I consider you to be successful and you should consider the past week a personal success as well. I fully expect my weight loss in the coming week to be less than the first week even though I will faithfully stick to the plan. If I lose anything at all, I will be happy because a loss is a loss and it means I am heading in the right direction.............just as you are! ;)
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Postby THINKTHIN » March 21st, 2005, 3:19 am

Wow, Dean.... I think I have just shed a tear! What a wonderful friendly story. Thanks for sharing! Good luck to everyone, we are all well on our ways! Happy losing!

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Postby Kauket » March 21st, 2005, 6:06 am

MonkeyMom - seconding the whole, don't break Ketosis because it's miserable the second time around. I just got back into it this morning, after 4 days of miserable. Yesterday I thought I was going to rip everyone a new eyeball because all I wanted was just a piece of real food. :P I survived, and this morning I woke up to sickly sweet bad breath. woot! :)

I am happy to report that after holding mostly steady last week because of my indiscretions I am now down to 232! That's a total of 21 lbs! :yay:

Congratulations to all the other loosers, this weekend is going to be hard, but I know we can do it. I've already got my cadbury in the freezer waiting for me to hit goal. When I told DH what it was for he said "Oh so now we're going to have to buy a whole nother freezer just to keep your cravings at bay?" I told him it's better to keep the pounds in the freezer than on my body :) I'm not going to cheat again, these past few days have been Miserable.

Good luck everyone!
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Postby scrabbler7 » March 21st, 2005, 8:34 am

Hello everyone -- sorry I missed the roll call yesterday. I've been under the weather and am right now waiting anxiously for noon so I can go to my doctor's apptn and get some antibiotics. UGH! I barely ate Sat and Sunday (a big MF no-no but it happens). Anyway, I did weigh this morning, and I'm down 1.4lb for a total of 23.6 in 9 weeks. Slow and steady; but going in the right direction.

Congrats to all of you first time posters - it is wonderful to see you all here. High Fives to all of the big losers and little losers alike. It seems like it was a great week.

And a special hang in there to Rae -- girl, you've got to be given the endurance award! This next week is your week - I can feel it!

Good luck to us all this week!
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Postby raederle » March 21st, 2005, 8:57 am

Ame-- thank goodness you're back. We've had gobs of newbies who could've used help with registering! We were clueless about what to do!!1 ;)

Thanks for the award! ;) I'm glad you're getting to the doctor for some meds, and sure hope you're feeling better soon. Anyone who can go through a nasty bug and still stay compliant (maybe you missed some supps but at least you didn't console yourself at McDonald's!) deserves a special award, too! And a hug! :hug: Congrats on your loss this week!

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Postby 24KaratGold » March 21st, 2005, 9:16 am

Dean, I apologize for giving you an extra 70 pounds -- I must have confused you with someone else! :shock:

Ame, dang, I hope you get better fast.

And Kauket, I absolutely LOVE this:
I told him it's better to keep the pounds in the freezer than on my body

As one who has girl scout cookies deep frozen at the moment, I COMPLETELY understand! LOL

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Postby Dean0408 » March 21st, 2005, 9:45 am

24K.....No problem at all about giving me that extra 70 pounds. Of course if you had convinced everyone that I started out at 315, I would have demanded to be let into the 80 pound :lol:
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Postby AnnaKat » March 21st, 2005, 9:56 am

Hello everyone, great job to all the losers! I am down 4 pounds this week for a total loss of 31 lbs! :thumbup: This is the best I've done on any diet!
Thank you Medifast :bow:

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Postby dlr2424 » March 21st, 2005, 11:03 am

Dean...thank you for your concern and your weight loss would certainley not be a cause of frustration for me....I actually was very excited for you and at the same time just venting at my snail weight loss pace....I enjoy seeing everyone lose... big losses or small and realize I too will be at will just be later than sooner...but I will be there.. :D

Have a great day
Donna :)

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Postby Nancy » March 21st, 2005, 11:44 am

Judy! :shock: Whatziss I read about you???
Huh? 50 BIG ONES?

I just read that you are now at the 50 pound mark! Woo hoo! Awesome, Girl!

Maura, thanks also for your insight about the cruise - I would have thought it would be relaxing. Did you snorkel and shop? Vacations can be temporarily damaging to weight loss programs but your example is right-on: just get back into the swing of things right away upon your return and off it comes.

Dean and Heidi - hidy ho to you, Kids and welcome! You had a serious flabbage dump this last week! Wowee!! MonkeyMom is a good friend to share her 'secret' weapon with you...
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