Sunday Morning Roll Call March 20,2005

Join our weekly (Sunday) weigh in.

Postby doglover » March 20th, 2005, 9:09 am

Good morning everyone! I am very happy to report a 3 lbs lost this week!!! I was so worried after 2 weeks of 1 lb each only, but I broke through! I also stopped eating pickles. NO idea if related, but no more of those for me!

Congrats to everyone as we are all big losers today :kool:

Keep shakin' :exercise: and Happy Spring :shades: !
Donna - frequent flyer to FL!
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150/139.5/140 - made it in 8 1/2 more weeks! 36.5 lbs off!
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Postby monkeymom » March 20th, 2005, 9:17 am

Good morning everyone. Wow, what a great week we are all having......I won't list everyone because just too many (have to start getting up earlier I think ;) ).....but congrats to all you great big loosers!!! :cleader:

I do have to comment on 2 newbies though........Heidi and Dean, because they are friends of mine :) Great job guys!!! Dean, at the rate you are going you are going to pass me up before you know even though I started 6 weeks before you!! Heidi.......lookin forward to shopping for the dress for the wedding with the newer skinner you :) . We will have to get together for some Medi chili one of these days guys :cheers:

I had a week similar to Mary's and there's a lesson to learn for sure. I didn't go off plan as far as eating things that aren't problem was not being hungry and forgetting to get all my Medimeals in. I had 3 days last week that I was short, 1 day I was 2 meals short, and 2 days I was 1 meal short each day. Well, but Tuesday it hit me. Started getting sluggish and didn't know why, but I sure figured it out Wed. when the hunger and weakness hit with a vengence! By Fri. I was back in ketosis and feeling fabulous again, but all the while the scale was going up a couple of pounds, then sitting still. I will tell you all that getting back into ketosis this time was much more unpleasant than when I first started MF. I think because I wasn't really snuck up on me. So the lesson is............just don't!! I am going shopping today for a watch with a timer that I can set to go off every 3 hours to remind me.

I did manage to still loose 1.5 pounds from last Sunday's weigh in, so the scale is finally going the right direction, but I am sure irritated with myself for losing the momentum I had because I didn't take the 5 minutes it takes to make and slurp a shake. Believe me, that's not going to happen again. (Besides......I have to keep ahead of that Dean fella ;) )

Have a great week everyone. I'm on Spring break this week, but the only break is not having to go to class, have major projects that are dure the week after break. Ah the joys of higher education.
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Postby junglejane » March 20th, 2005, 9:39 am

Wow!! It is a day of one success after another! Getting to be too many to try to mention one at a time now so I just want to say hooray to everyone on their lessons learned and losses! I am happy to add to the success list that I am now officially in the #20 club!!! Despite evil Aunt Flo, and some emotional stress over my fathers health I prevailed and resited temptation. This was in no small part due to the encouragement of everyone in the forum. I could not do this without you!
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Postby 24KaratGold » March 20th, 2005, 9:48 am

Like monkeymom, I'm up too late to congratulate everybody on this thread individually, but -- WOW! Awesome results! Bk, an extra special congratulations to you for slipping under the 200 mark -- I SO look forward to that day. For me, too, the last time I saw a "1" instead of a "2" was high school, so I can really relate. I bet that's highly motivating, too; I know that once I get there I'm going to run as fast as I can for the 180s so that I know for sure I'll never see 200 again.

Now, I am down 3.5 this week, to 227, which puts me at 42.5 pounds in 11 weeks. Forty pound club! Unca, move me up!!!

I had a sewing class last night, and there were two ladies in it who haven't seen me since before I started MFing. Their eyes just about bugged out of their heads upon first glance, and then they couldn't stop telling me how good I looked, and how they hadn't realized how pretty I am. ::blush:: And that's pretty motivating, too.

Have a good Holy Week, everyone. Happy Shakin'!

Edited to Add: Attention Newbies! If you haven't already found it, Unca Tim made us an MMT Daily Journal that tracks weight, inches, and compliance. It's a great tool, and you'll find it in this thread:

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6 lbs!

Postby DiamondintheRough » March 20th, 2005, 10:05 am

Good Job everyone! I am down to 193 for a total loss of 6 lbs in 8 days. So far so good!

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Postby Guest » March 20th, 2005, 10:42 am

Hi, Everyone!

I'm just checking in from the Oregon coast for a quick minute to see how you are doing.

I am so very proud of you all for your commitment to the plan and for your hard work. Spring and summer will feel so much happier because you are taking better care of your health.

About the upcoming Easter weekend: drink a lot of water, keep a cup of spicy tea handy - the aroma satisfies and it helps to fill your stomach. Remember to eat your meals on time and do not skip meals.

If you take a relish tray, you'll have something to nibble on. I usually prepare celery sticks, pickle spears, pickled cauliflower, pickled asparagus, pepperoncinni peppers, yellow and red pepper slices, broccoli and blanched green beans. I make a beautiful green salad and fill my plate with a pile of salad greens. I hop up often and serve others, fill water glasses, etc. chat it up a storm with my dinner mates and they rarely take notice of what I am eating or not eating because most people are self-occupied!

Wear a tight waistband or tight belt, it reminds you of how your fat clothes felt before you started on your eating plan.

If people give you a hard time, tell them you are on a medically monitored meal plan to improve your triglycerides and glucose readings. It's none of their business; it's yours. you all know that my saying is really true: NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels!
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Postby Nancy » March 20th, 2005, 10:49 am

:shock: Yikes! Who was that masked woman who wrote that little note above?

:x Sheesh! What a Dipstick! ...sorry I failed to sign in...

Sheesh! Will I ever learn to sign in when I am out and about? :oops:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby Judy » March 20th, 2005, 11:12 am

WOW :hi5: good job everyone..the list is so long I can't name you all..Isn't that great..We are the World's best losers !! I didn't sign-in to roll call last week, but I lost 1lb. and this week I lost 6 lbs. So,,,, I'm down a total of 51lbs. I made it to the 50lb club !! :bouncie: I'm so excited !! Nancy is right..Nothing tastes as good as thin will feel.. Happy shaking to everyone and see ya next week..and good luck to all of us at EAster..Remember to think ahead and if your going to someone's house bring more shakes than you think you will need !!
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Postby raederle » March 20th, 2005, 12:18 pm

YAY!!! Great job guys-- especially Judy, Jane, and 24K, who moved up the ranks to the next # clubs! Great!!!

High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
New goal: 130
I'll reach it again, one day at a time
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Postby Dean0408 » March 20th, 2005, 12:21 pm

That was good advice from the guest.........I would have thought Nancy would give us good advice like :lol:

Vicki...thanks for the encouraging words. I don't think you have to worry about my passing you up. Thanks again for telling Heidi and I about this great plan.

Also, since you went down by a pound and a half, added to your previous total loss, ............aren't you now a proud member of the 30 pound club??

You are doing great Vicki..........keep it up and don't let your school schedule foul you up any more.

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Totally Awesome

Postby Joan Roman » March 20th, 2005, 12:26 pm

Wow! You guys Rock!

BK you must be so happy saying good-bye to 200 FOREVER! :D

Great job Mary! I'm going on vacation myself Wednesday, I'm listening to your advice BIG TIME! :shock:

Welcome to all you new BIG LOSERS! New losers are so cool because they are a breath of new excitement! ;)

Rae...woman...You are doing so great! That one pound is sick of you and is packing it's bag and leaving this get ready to do the...
I made it dance! :lol:

Oh yeah...I forgot...I lost 2 pounds this week! Like BK I made a break through...I made it to the other side of 150 and I'm really happy. Although I know I have a wierd mental thing about that! I always get kind of freaked out and scared to go on once I get in the 140's even though I know I need to keep going! I keep telling myself this is different! Since I haven't been here since I was in my 20's! Hey, it's good I can even remember that! :oops:

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter. Don't bite the head off any chocolate bunnies...just saying!
Shake on ya big fabulous losers! I'll see less of all of you next week and I mean it! :-P
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Postby itsgonnaworkthistime » March 20th, 2005, 1:51 pm

Hello everyone,

I re-started medi-fast yesterday (sat) after being off plan for approx 3 weeks due to work travel and our caribbean cruise. I gained 6 pounds :oops: back during that period and have already lost 3 of them since starting yesterday. So I am at a total loss of 27.5, I will be back in the 30 pound club by next roll call (cross your fingers!!)

The cruise was fun, but we probably won't go on another one. We just felt rushed, and didn't really have time to relax. It was a fun experience and we enjoyed Aruba, Barbados and St. Thomas. We did not however enjoy Dominica. All in all it was fun, but like I said we will probably stick to land vacations from now on.

Congratulations to everyone on their great progress, and keep up the good work....happy shakin!

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Postby sister » March 20th, 2005, 2:10 pm

Everyone had a fantastic week! Isn't it great to see so much success for so many different people?
I'm down 4.5 pounds this week. Was hoping for 5.5 (would have put me to 40 pounds) but I'll take them! I think Aunt Flo had something to do with it. I know I have next week to look forward to!
It's hard to believe I've been doing this just 10 weeks. Never, never could I have done this before.

I'm proud to be part of such a great group!
Here's to our continued success :cheers:

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Postby raederle » March 20th, 2005, 2:19 pm

Sister-- great job! 4.5 pounds is terrific!

And Maura, I just wanted to congratulate you for getting right back into it after your vacation. It's awesome that you already got rid of half the weight you borrowed back! I'm sure the rest (and lots more) will come right off along with it. Heck, maybe the break from MF will even rev up your weight loss engines; it seems to have had that effect for me. Anyway, welcome back to the dry land of MF!

High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
New goal: 130
I'll reach it again, one day at a time
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Postby monkeymom » March 20th, 2005, 6:16 pm

Hey Dean. Not a 30# member yet because I was down to 29 pounds before I went out of ketosis.........then I gained a couple of pounds, so not quite there yet..........but very soon :)

I am so thrilled that you and Heidi are doing so well and are so happy with the plan. Hate to say "I told ya so".........but you can say it to Heidi for me ;)
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