Sunday Morning Roll Call, March 13, 2005

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Sunday Morning Roll Call, March 13, 2005

Postby BerkshireGrl » March 13th, 2005, 5:17 am

Good morning everyone!

May you have a happy day of losing! :)

Myself, I am (ahem) 196. I weighed 193 on February 27th, so I confess, I was sick, and ate off plan. (BAD!) Mostly high-sodium soups, so I figure a bit of this is water gain.

But I am back on it now, and I am taking all foods out that I have my kitchen that are off plan: soups, apple sauce, canned peas and olives. I'm going into work today and they are coming with me to go on the "free shelf." ;)

I'm going to Boston April 22-24 to see a couple old college friends, one of whom I haven't seen since Christmas 2003. I am determined to be 20 pounds lighter by then, 6 weeks away! Maybe even more than 20? Who knows hehehe! I'm really looking forward to spending time with them... and I don't want to lug around an extra 20 pounds if I don't have to. Besides, we are going to be staying in an ultra-swank hotel, either the Park Plaza or the Nine Zero, and maybe seeing "Phantom of The Opera", all courtesy of my Bostonian friend Mike. (Who am I to complain if someone wants to be extravagant with their money? :lol:) So I'm buckling down for the long haul. Gotta be at goal by July 31st at the latest, my 34th birthday... tick tock!

See you on the lighter side!
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Postby mindovermatter » March 13th, 2005, 5:25 am

Good morning and happy Sunday. Great news Berk. The trip sounds like big fun.

Bye, bye 190's for me. I'm down 3 lbs for a total of 36 lbs gone forever!!!


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Re: Sunday Morning Roll Call, March 13, 2005

Postby Spunky » March 13th, 2005, 5:35 am

Way to get right back on it Berskshiregrl! You will be at your goal by your birthday no sweat.

Mindovermatter, excellent job on your 3 pound loss!

I have been on the program 17 days and am down 17 pounds!
Happy Trails Y'all......... Spunky

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Postby doglover » March 13th, 2005, 5:49 am

Great job gals! Glad you are feeling better Berkshire! And what a fun trip you have planned!

I once again lost only 1 lb. this week but am still holding strong to the plan! I do believe that next week will show a better loss bec. I will be past that 2 week hump of my body fighting to save it's fat! I also had a lousy week of business lunches, 2 of which I was a bit nervous about the food intake. So I'll take one lb!!

See you on the forum this week! Happy shakin! :exercise:
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Postby scrabbler7 » March 13th, 2005, 7:17 am

Morning All!

Congrats to everyone -- and good luck to those who are yet to come in this morning.

I've shed 2 pounds this week for a total of 22.2 in 8 weeks -- which means I'm past the half way mark of my 43 pound goal.

I had a family gathering yesterday (surprise party for my mother's 65th birthday) and got so many compliments. I had just seen all of these folks about 5 weeks ago at another family function and they just couldn't believe how much weight I had lost. They actually told me I look THIN!!!


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Weigh in

Postby Laramedifast » March 13th, 2005, 7:19 am

Good morning all!
I started MF about 2 weeks ago and had lost nothing by the end of week one. Was really discouraged and decided to switch to the complete plan. I started the complete plan on Thursday March 10 and lost 4 pounds the first day, 2 the next day and then for some reason have gained a pound since yesterday which is again discouraging. Yesterday I still did the complete but I confess that I had to eat a meal bar last night at midnight to get my 6th replacement in. I think that might have been a mistake. As I said this is the beginning of my 4th day on complete. I was so hoping the drop would continue. Also, I think several of my "meals" were about 4 hours apart. Is this too long? Can anyone tell me the ideal number of hours between meals? Also, if I gained a pound since yesterday, am I out of ketosis and should I expect another couple days before any loss? Thanks!
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Postby kassilou » March 13th, 2005, 7:43 am

Mornin', everyone. You all were up early today! Congratulations to the losers, hang in there everyone else. You can't gain if you are compliant to the program, but those water fluctuations are just unfair, especially on roll call day!

I'm down 3 for the week, so I'm happy with that. Thought water was going to play a factor for me today, too, but was happily surprised it didn't.

Have a good week, and keep on shakin'!!

To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.
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Postby sister » March 13th, 2005, 8:16 am

So many early birds this morning!

Glad to see everyone is hanging in there regardless of the loss.
I lost 1 pound this week. I'm not discouraged though because I'm sooo happy I didn't gain! We enjoyed spring break this week with the kids and it was VERY hard to stay on plan. I made a point not to do the sweets or junk food. But we did eat out quite a bit.
Anyway, back on track as of Friday and will take that 1 pound! That makes 34.5 pounds in 9 weeks.

At least now I know I can make certain choices when in the situations and not gain weight! Never before!

Thank you all for your posts, you keep me going. I don't post very often but I read everyday.

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Postby bk » March 13th, 2005, 8:26 am

good morning all! down 2 pounds from last sunday! after a big loss last week it was to be expected.

Berk, I hope our weather is much better by the time you get here!! Your trip sounds fun!

Lara - eating a bar at midnight isn't a big deal (although I do believe Nancy would tell you to save bars for mid-day meals when you are more active). I only go 4 hours in between meals if I totally forget or am away for my supplies. 3 hours for me. 4 is just too long. Your weight can go up a pound for any reason at all. Sodium, water shifting, standing funny on the scale, you didn't go to the bathroom, whatever! it doesn't indicate lack of ketosis. don't fret and keep on going and it will come off.

everything is going great otherwise, and i've have lots of successes. 2 more pairs of jeans are too big to wear and i am into a size that i haven't worn in a good 8 years.

i've been feeling very tired at night (and falling asleep hours before bed), so i think i'm going to squeeze in an extra packet today. if anyone else has suggestions, i'll take them!

good job losers!!!!
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Postby dlr2424 » March 13th, 2005, 9:11 am

Good Morning to everyone and congratulations to all!!!!

Berkshire...thumbs up for perseverence.... :thumbup:
BK...2lbs is awesome :yeah:
sister...1lb closer :yippee:
Kassielou...3lbs CONGRATULATIONS.... :star: are doing great look at what you have lost so far...i would space them no more than 3hrs apart and have the bar in the early day..other than that you are shakin :yay:
Scrabbler...Congrats to you. :thumbsup: ..we seem to be at the same pace of weight loss and around the same starting weights

Donna... :buddies: 1lb gone forever..and the lunches are now in the past
Beth...3 lbs of pure flab gone forever :yes:
Spunky...17 in 17 YOU SHINE GIRL :bow:

and for me....this week I'm down 2.2

Congratulations to all the losers that have yet to report


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Postby 24KaratGold » March 13th, 2005, 9:24 am

I'm down two pounds this last week. I confess I was hoping for three, since that would have bounced me into the 40 pound club, but that will just have to wait until next weekend. I've been getting rid of all sorts of stuff in my closets, and can now make the 16W jeans zip and button -- although it will be another couple of weeks before I can wear them out, I think. I'm thrilled, especially since I started this program at a 22W or 24W.

Good luck this week!

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Postby dlr2424 » March 13th, 2005, 10:13 am

24k...THAT IS AWESOME...from 24 to 16 YOU GO GIRL...Your son may be getting older...But YOU ARE GETTING THINNER

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Postby monkeymom » March 13th, 2005, 11:11 am

Good morning all, and a very happy Sunday morning roll call it is indeed here in the land of Thinville :)

Berk - glad to hear you are feelig better now, just in time to get all thinny for that fabulous trip! I say, let that friend spend as much money as he wants on you girl....he'll be happier for it :mrgreen:

Beth - 3 lbs gone.yipeee. can't wait till I'm knocking on the 180's door too.

Donna - you may have only gone down 1 lb this week, but your attitude is fabulous and is going to get you through to the weeks where you will drop 4, 5...who knows! Keep it up.

Scrabbler - Halfway to goal, how cool is that. Mucho congrats on all the compliments......makes it all worth it, doesn't it?

Laura - I'm glad you are hangin in there and still losing, even if it's slower than you had hoped. Keep with it and you will figure out the combination that is just right for you......MediFast works, no doubt about it, but we are all different so even a little tweek might be just the thing for you. I had a couple of days this week that I just couldn't get all my meals in, 2 days I was short 1 meal and 1 day I was short 2.....I know, not good......well I lost this week, but not nearly as much as normal, have a feeling the missed meals is part of it. No more of that for me no matter what! Hang in there girl, you'll fiigure it out with help from everyone here.

Kassilou - You great big LOSER you. Congrats on your great week!!

Sister - I am inspired by your spring break story. You are so right, it's great to be able to make good choices and maintain what we've lost, and know that we can just hop right back on plan and be on the train to thinville again!

bk - Rocking and rollin' with 2 more lbs down.........wahooo. As for the tiredness, are you having some bullion during the day? When I get the tireds that always helps me.

Donna - Hooray for your 2 lbs...........oooops, guess they're not yours anymore, are they?? ;)

24K - you are just going to town girl. Pretty soon will have to be going to town to do some major wardrobe overhaul. We must be on the same wavelength, I cleaned out closets and dressers this weekend also. I'm not down nearly as much as you, but had a couple of "rounds" or clothing that are out of sight for good. Wasn't that fun???

As for me........well a bit slower this week than usual, but still down 2.5 pounds. After this week I'm just going to round up, this half pound stuff is a pain to keep track of......but 2.5 sounded better than 2 to me this morning :lol:

Have a great week everyone!!
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Postby dlr2424 » March 13th, 2005, 11:57 am

monkeymom wrote:Donna - Hooray for your 2 lbs...........oooops, guess they're not yours anymore, are they?? ;)

Vicki...that was pretty funny :lol:

have a great day...and WAY TO GO...2.5 lbs awesome job :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:


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1st week success

Postby LilMsTexas » March 13th, 2005, 12:09 pm


This was my first week and I had really hoped for 5 lbs and that's what I got! :D

I owe a great deal of my success to the support I've received this week from all of you. I have almost been obsessed with the board at times, but I've needed it. There will be weeks that I will not lose (hopefully further down the road) and weeks that I lose "just 1" and it helps me to know that others deal with that after being compliant all week. Knowing that it "just happens" sometimes will keep the "why me?" and "poor pitiful me" monsters out of my head!! Those monsters are the failure factors for me. It is alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll about my head these days.

I have tried several times to post this week and have gotten an error message. I try and try and try and it won't post. I'm going to try and cut/paste what I wrote so you can all know about my greatest success story to date:

I successfully went to dinner and to a movie last night and stayed on program!! I'm so thrilled I don't know what to do. I told them to HOLD THE BREAD and CREAMED CAULIFLOWER and bring a small side salad! When the salad arrived it had cheese on it and I actually PICKED IT OFF!! Later we went to the movies and my friend had buttered popcorn and I didn't even have ONE!! Oh my gosh this is HUGE FOR ME! I've never in my life even THOUGHT of telling someone to HOLD THE BREAD! I wasn't even sure if I was capable of saying those words! I feel a MAJOR victory today!!

Well everybody I guess that night paid off. I'll be saying "hold the bread" more often........for the rest of my life.

Best of luck to everyone and MAJOR CONGRATUATIONS to every single one of you. Big loss or little, we all made the past 7 days about healthier living and we're changing our minds and bodies one day at a time! I'm looking forward to talking with you all this week!

(does anyone remember this salt-n-peppa song? I can't get this tune out of my head hehe)
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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