Sunday Morning Roll Call, March 13, 2005

Join our weekly (Sunday) weigh in.

Postby Triskets » March 13th, 2005, 12:10 pm


Everyone did so well this week! Way to go gang!

As for me, I posted a week ago or so that my GI doctor told me to stay off MF until after my next endoscopy. So I've been eating regular food (some of it good and yes some of it bad). I've never felt worse or had so much nausea! :puke:

I'm back on the MF full time and hope to be feeling better! It can't get much worse can it? :hmmm:

Also, I was going for a goal of 139. After what I've been through with the acid reflux, I'll be happy when I feel good and I don't have this huge belly in front of me! Don't you just hate those things? :lol:

Good luck to all in the coming week and happy shakin!
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Sunday Morning Roll Call, March 13, 2005

Postby joysea » March 13th, 2005, 1:09 pm

This is my first Sunday morning roll call and I am down 9.5 pounds in 9 days! :D :D :D

I have read and reread all the posts, Nancy's archive of news letters and anything else I could get my hands on! :lol:

I am amazed at the excitement and energy that everyone shares on this roll call day! It certainly will carry me through the week.

I thank you all for sharing, I feel like I know so many of you already! Have a gorgeous and new day today!


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Postby BSmith » March 13th, 2005, 1:56 pm

Wow! Good job all! What an encouragement you are...

Week 2 and I am down another 2lbs. 6 all together. I love this plan, it works for me. Nothing else I have tried for the past 8 years has. I love the energy and the lack of intense sweet cravings.

Sunday Blessings to all... Bess :)
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Postby raederle » March 13th, 2005, 5:10 pm

I'm honored to be associated with such a big bunch of losers! :mrgreen:

Just checkin' in to be accountable, though I'm really considering my restart to take two weeks to become official, as this is the week before TOM's arrival. Numerous double-blind clinical studies have proven that I never lose weight, and usually gain a pound, the week before TOM. And brain surgeon that I am, I decided to start this week anyway, and, to make matters more interesting, I tossed my old scale (which always required a "three-out-of-five" reading and thought my 5-pound dumbbell weighed anywhere from 4.6 to 5.2 pounds, depending on the time of day) and bought a new one. Man, those Germans can really engineer a scale, I can tell you. This new one is so sensitive I can weigh letters on it to determine postage, but it also gives me the same reading for my weight even if I stand on one leg, hop up and down, and hold my breath. Can't pull one over on this baby, for better or for worse.

Anyway, I apparently lost .2 pounds this first week back on full MF, which I take as a consolation prize given that (a) I didn't gain and (b) if I had waited an extra week to restart on MF I would surely have gotten way out of control by now and binged on pizza at least 4 nights this week.

So I am thanking the MF gods for my .2-pound loss and hoping my patience is rewarded next week.

CONGRATS to all of you dedicated MFers! You had a great week and I'm sure this week will be, too! Happy shaking!

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Postby BerkshireGrl » March 13th, 2005, 5:42 pm

Congrats to all you fabulous losers!

Raederle, you're right - the Germans really are engineers extraordinaire ;) AND you are right on the button to focus on No Gain the week before TOM. Heck, you even lost a bit! Really, I bet you are just retaining aqua and next week, you will see a nice big loss. (As your double-blind clinical studies have of course proven! ha!)

Me, I puff up 5 pounds regardless the week before...

And that binge eating of pizza on several nights, uh, I've been there, sista! Pizza = The :twisted:'s Work! :lol:

Here's sending de-hydrating thoughts your way ;)
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Postby dlr2424 » March 13th, 2005, 6:03 pm

raederle wrote: but it also gives me the same reading for my weight even if I stand on one leg, hop up and down, and hold my breath. Can't pull one over on this baby, for better or for worse.

Rae...that was pretty funny as it hit home :lol: ....I spent more time in preparing to get on the scale (holding onto the wall....holding my breath...praying beforehand) with this new takes 2 seconds....accurate as can be...whether I stand on my head or stand on my feet it reads the same....I just suck it up and get on with MFing


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I'm Late..but here!

Postby Joan Roman » March 13th, 2005, 6:12 pm

Sheesh! I finally made it in today! Wow everybody is sounding very positive! I am loving it! I'm down 2 more pounds yippee! I'm thinking it is becoming my favorite number! I will take it for sure!

My Mom started the program Friday. So far she hasn't been too bad to live with! ;) So, I'm excited to see how she will feel as the flab starts leaving.

I've been busy trying to find a new pair of jeans for my trip to California. I'm having a good time trying on the smaller sizes.
:D Single digit baby! :D

Congrats to everybody!
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Postby BSmith » March 14th, 2005, 10:46 am

Joan, What part of California? Visit Sea Port Village for me if you are going to San Diego. I was born and raised there and Sea Port was always my favorite place to hang out.
Blessings, Bess :)
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Postby Karen » March 14th, 2005, 3:33 pm

Okay, I give up! What is it about the 60 pound club that it won't let you in. I have done my time in the 50's and ready to move on. Only 1.5 pounds gone this week :cry: My doc points out this is still 6 pounds in 2 weeks and NOT TO BE UPSET...... I am just greedy. I guess overall, since I have lost weight every single week for 18 weeks I have no room for complaints. But, you 60 pound members, watch out, I am coming in!
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Postby Unca_Tim » March 14th, 2005, 6:42 pm

Wow Karen!

60 lbs.....that's lake a BIG bale of hay. Almost a big bag of cement. Ever tried to pick one of them up? Can you even imagine you were packing that around all day?

I think we better keep Medifast a secret from the rest of the world, or it might spin off it's axis or something....:)

When the weight loss slows a little, think of all the other benefits you're enjoying by staying true to the plan.

We're all so proud and happy for you. I can't wait to add you to the 60.

Keep chugging away, and it'll come off....
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Postby Joan Roman » March 14th, 2005, 8:38 pm

Wow Unca!
How true that is! I have lost more than half my body weight now...I'm thinking could I even pick up a person my size? It's kind of strange to think about it. Our bodies are pretty marvelous...even when we torture them with the extra load!

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