Sunday Morning Roll Call, March 7, 2004

Join our weekly (Sunday) weigh in.

Postby Unca_Tim » March 9th, 2004, 12:12 am

Way to go everyone!!!
You're busting into new goal clubs faster than I can keep up to you. Some fantastic milestones met this week. I look forward to every Sunday now so I can add everyone to new clubs.

Keep on Shakin',
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Postby Nancy » March 9th, 2004, 7:39 pm


Is there any other print out there? I mean Leopard Print is where it's at, Baby!

Cool! :thumbup:

Hang that coat in plain sight - it will serve as your incentive!

When the :twisted: Peanut m&ms :twisted: or :twisted: Snickers Bars :twisted: call your name, :x you yell back to them - "Not Now, candy! I am choosing to wear the new leopard print jacket! Outta my weigh!"

You'll get there soon!

What a great deal you got on that jacket, too - that makes it all the sweeter!!! ;)
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