Congratulations to all you losers, maintainers and those who are keepin' on no matter what !
Okay, I weighed in this morning at 212 giving me another 3.5# loss for the week and a 25.5 pound loss since June 25th (a month ago in two days) when I started preparing for MF and then started MF

The strangest thing is that I had lost a half pound the Monday after last roll call, but then I gained it back and kept it from Tuesday until I lost it on Thursday (I guess I will anxiously see what happens tomorrow and this next week). Then I slowly lost half a pound each morning on Friday and then Saturday... but then, much to my (happy) surprise, I lost 2 pounds overnight from yesterday to this morning's weigh-in.

What the ? I haven't had one of those since my first week !
Bah ! I'll take it with a smile on my face.