Lisa!!!! AWESOME GIRL!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! You should feel a great sense of accomplishment and pride in what you have and are accomplished!!
Lizbette!!!! So happy for you on reaching the 50# club you are such a sweetheart and I always enjoy reading your inspirational post.
Congratulations to everyone on reaching milestones, maintaining or even of you gained a little or only lost a little..cause if your still trying your still winning and you will beat this battle of the bulge!!! "If at first you don't succeed, try, try AGAIN!" Good rule to live by.
My kids have been in Florida for about 2 weeks with my parents. Hubby and I snuck away for a quick little getaway to visit my brother and his wife in Lorain, Ohio last Sunday and stayed over till Thursday late. Had a great time there and LOTS and LOTS of positive feedback ranging from my brother repeating "Oh my God" over and over then informing me my boobs were bigger

My sister in law all 117 pounds of her started Screaming and jumping up and down, hugging me and just kept saying " you look so different I can't stop looking at you" She is Fillipina and teeeeny so it was a really satisfying Also, they had a get-together and lots of people there who I have met but didn't know I was dieting...I got lots of "you look different, did you cut your hair?" and straight up" you lost a lotta weight, you look great" too one woman noting that she didn't realize Johnny(my brother) had more then one I was off-plan most of the time I was there and came back home with a 3 pound gain(I think water) but since Thursday I have lost that 3 and 2 more bringing me down to 204.
Hubby was at 250 last week and weighed in at 249 today but he took eating "off plan" at my brtothers VERYYY "seriously. lol
I am also on prednisone for a week, at least(still gotta follow up with my doc) for a severe allergic reaction I had to avelox(antibiotic) full body hives, itchies and a trip to the ER at 1:20 am on the evening we arrived home from my brothers. fun stuff.
Anyway, sorry so long but thats whats been going on here at the old homestead.
Hugs all,

Previously...02/16/06 BMI-50 276/188
Restart....03/31/2008 -failed
Restart 03/26/09 280/267 Failed
Restart-Awaiting order. I cannot even bear to post my current weight...yet.