Sunday Morning Roll Call: July 31, 2005

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Postby Alisha » August 4th, 2005, 8:03 am

Thanks Martha and Nancy! I really appreciate the support from you and everyone :D

Actually, drinking my water is like a religion! I consume a minimum of 80 oz of water a day - not counting my shakes and bouillon of course :) Most days I manage to get in a bit more, usually depending on if it's straight water or not. I seem to do better with flavored water, especially the Fruit 2 0 plus with vitamins. It gets a little heavy on the wallet though, so I tend to stick to the flavored sparkling water from Wal-Mart. Each bottle is 4 servings and it's only $0.50 a bottle. There are SO many flavors! I don't think I could ever go back to drinking soda again! (Thankfully!!)

Thanks again for the support. It means a LOT to me.

All the very best.

Alisha :rose:
"I can resist everything but temptation"

~Oscar Wilde

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