Gooooooooooood mor, er, afternoon to all!
Well, my ol' plan to hop back on Medifast in December did not pan out. I succumbed to the lure of Christmas holiday feasting!
Instead of doing it halfway, I put up my Medifast and waited out December.
So here I am, back with you all, to get this FAT OFF!
I had my New Years Eve blowout, excuse me, porkout. No more of that! Gads, I felt so beat when I woke up at 8:30 this morning! I took some drugs and went back to bed until 1:30!

Nothing like feeling like dunga to make you wanna get back on the program!
So, at 2 pm, I had my bowl of Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal and a cup of nice steamy chamomile tea, and I think I might not die from my headache now...
Later today, I am going to be placing my follow-up order, and getting set up for Autoship for the future.
I am on this Medifast Groove 100%! I want to hit my goal of 140 by my 35th birthday on July 31st - which is definitely within the realm of possibility!
Just gotta say... IT'S GREAT TO BE BACK!
Here's wishing you all have a wonderful New Year weigh-in, and that 2006 marks your REBIRTH!