Sunday morning Roll Call January 1, 2006 - Happy New Year!

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Sunday morning Roll Call January 1, 2006 - Happy New Year!

Postby Serendipity » January 1st, 2006, 5:05 am

Well, I can see you all are nursing hangovers this morning, so I'll just be the first to post. :lol:

I had to go back and check twice to make sure I wasn't wrong and would you believe that my loss this week is 6 lbs?????!!!!!???????!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :whoohoo:
Just goes to show that sticking to the program during the slow times (only 1 lb last wk) pays off in the end.

Hope you all had a safe and happy New Year's Eve celebration. I don't want to seem like a party animal to you, but here we really whooped it up. In bed at 11:00, watched the ball drop, sleeping by 12:10.....whoop-dee-duuuuuuuu. :partytime:
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Postby Nicki » January 1st, 2006, 6:14 am

Happy New Year everyone! Jo - All I can say is WOW! Santa came late for you this year! In week 15 I'm down 3 pounds for a total of 56. 2006 is going to be our year folks ... I can't wait!
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Postby LilMsTexas » January 1st, 2006, 6:54 am


I tell ya.......I had to sneak up on the scales this morning to see the damage all my holidays had done. I've been just hanging in there since Daddy passed away in late September. I was at 143 when Daddy died, and this morning I hit my all time high since losing my weight to 150.6 :oops:

I knew the scales would be on the heavy side this morning but it's so exciting for me to know I have the tools in my pantry to get started on the new and improved me for 2006! :kool:

Last night as I laid in bed thinking about my New Year's resolutions I was thinking how exciting it is that I have 15 lbs to lose and not 50 :whattha: For the first time in my adult life I don't have a big amount of weight to lose for the new year....that is all thanks to my successful journey in 2005. I was instead able to commit myself to a successful medifast plan, steady exercise, all my water drinking, and the biggest tool of all....THIS FORUM!

I am hoping to see some old friends and to make some new ones. Yes I'm very excited this morning. I know within a couple of days I will see the scales drop 2-3 lbs of the water weight and then the real losses will start again.

To all of you who stayed true to yourself during the holidays I applaud you!! That is so awesome to get on the scales this morning knowing you have been in total control of your mind body and soul. For the rest of you like me just grab my hand and let's get going this morning :stroll:

I am going to need alot of encouragement to get back on program full force. I've found it hard to be 100% compliant after being on maintenance for several months. I've just got to get my mind right and that means being back here. This was the #1 reason for my success and I'm so glad I realize that.

Anyway.......I've taken up to much of your time let the roll call continue!!

Love and so many hugs,
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby Serendipity » January 1st, 2006, 7:32 am

OMG, I just realized I have LESS THAN 100 LBS TO LOSE!!!!!!
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Postby LilMsTexas » January 1st, 2006, 7:42 am

Oh my gosh did you miss that? lol That is such an important milestone :-P Congratulations and what a way to celebrate the first day of the new year!!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby Lady Bug » January 1st, 2006, 8:18 am

Good Morning and Happy New Year everyone. It is colddd here this morning. Brrrr.....

Well, I gained 4 pounds over the Holidays :oops: but you know what :?: ....that's OK. Like you Christy, this is the 1st year in forever that I have been able to say wow....I have only a few pounds to lose and know I can do it. It's a wonderful feeling. I'm not changeing my ticker as I know within a few days I will be down to that weight and soon at goal. I am so excited and glad the New Year is's going to be a good year. Weight is truly always formost on my mind and Christy, I'm sure I am one of many that will take your hand :stroll: and join you on this continue weight loss journey. Welcome back and Happy 2006 to all.

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Happy New Year!

Postby lan » January 1st, 2006, 9:18 am

This is a day of new beginnings--a day of new resolve.

I had been loosing weight slowly in November and December, although still losing, but today is a day of my new commitment.

I just returned last night from a 10 day trip to visit my mother and those in my home town. As many of you, I was worried if I could lose or even maintain through the holidays, but I decided to do what I had read on this website and, at the minimum, start the day with the product and end the day with the product, and if I ate just a little more than usual for dinner, then so be it.

After all that planning, I actually ended sticking to our program more than I would have thought. I did eat more than usual for our lean and green, and each of those dinners might not have actually qualified exactly as the plan recommends. But in the end, I ate no cookies, did not drink, ate no bread or pasta; I generally stuck to the guidelines.

Wow, it all paid off. I am happy to say I have lost six pounds from the last time I posted here! I am now in the seventy pound club, and for the first time in a long, long time, I have less than 50 pounds to go to get to goal!

I want to thank each of you for the support of sharing on this forum. It is so inspiring to me to read your posts. Even when you have talked about slipping and getting back on your feet to start again, it seemed like those were the same messages of strength I needed to hear.

So, ding, ding, ding, ding---Here's to you; this whole group! I applaud you--and each of us as we work towards a healthier lifestyle on this program.

Christi, it is good to read your post this morning! Way to go, girl, back on track!

Good luck Medifasting to each of you! 2006 will undoubtedly be a great year.

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Postby Hyperion » January 1st, 2006, 9:22 am

Hi all!

Happy New Year to everyone!

That's a nice thing to begin the new year with a roll call and an insight view on our objectives for 2006 :mrgreen:

This week, I lost 4 pounds, making the scale goes down to 217.

So for new year, I have 37 pounds to lose, instead of the 84 I would have should I have waited January 1st to begin!

Since I like numbers, I consider having done 56% of my objective in 2005, which leaves only 44% of it to be done in 2006. Of course, I have to kick maintenance afterwards :D

Jo, gratz on your excellent week. 6 pounds is truy incredible! Patience rewards huh? :D
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Went to 150, then began gym to build some muscle; currently 173.8! (Need to cut some fat)

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Postby LilMsTexas » January 1st, 2006, 9:33 am

You didn't say how people reacted to your weight loss in your home town? Even if they didn't say something I bet they were thinking "has she changed some how?" What's cool is that you HAVE changed...not just the obvious lbs that are gone...but inside...with every pound that disappears your spirit has more room to shine you're a shining star! Congratulations on your loss!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby lan » January 1st, 2006, 10:45 am

Hi, Christi, and thanks for writing.

How could I forget to mention what people had to say about my weight loss? I actually think their positive strokes is what made it easy to stay on the program through the holiday. Like Nancy always says, "Nothing tastes as good as feeling thin feels."

Besides commenting on my weight loss, it was great that my family also encouraged me to continue with the diet rather than make me feel I had reached my goal. In November and early December, I think that that is the space I was in in my head. I had lost 60 and was feeling I looked good. Good enough, almost. But now, I have adjusted to the weight loss and still notice that extra 49 pounds sitting on my hips and belly--I am ready to tackle with new resolve.

Here's hoping we can persevere to the end of our weight loss journey!
And then of course--there's entering the whole new world of maintaining.

Have a great week everyone!
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Postby ljm498 » January 1st, 2006, 10:45 am

Goodmorning......errrr afternoon everyone! Wow, everyone has done so well over the holidays. That's just fantastic! I gave myself permission to eat and take a brief break before I lose the last 15-20lbs, hopefully by March, if not sooner. So, I regained about 7lbs over the holidays and have already lost 4 of those so, I'll be back to where I was in a day or two.

Christi, I'm so happy to see you back! We'll get these last pounds off of us in no time! I know what you mean about having a hard time getting back on full force, but, we made it this far, not finishing the job is just not an option! So, let's do it!

Evie, sounds like you're getting right back on track. I'll join you and Christi on that fast track to thinsville!

Serendipity, that is so AWESOME!!!! Big congratulations! Sounds like your New Years eve was much like mine haha. Oh what fun we had! :lol:

Lan, way to go with sticking to the program and dumping those 6lbs! It will certainly payed off! It is definitely hard to when family is around and so much is going on. Great job!

Hype, you're doing so great! 4lbs is awesome! And see that, you didn't wait and you're already over the hump and on the downward side of the hill.

Nicki, great job with the 3lb loss! Yup, this IS the year. We're all going to get there and be healthy!

Hope I didn't miss anyone, have a great week all and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

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Postby LilMsTexas » January 1st, 2006, 10:55 am

I"m sticking really close to the forum you may all get tired of my rambling..but dang I'm HUNGRY :? I know this will least I'm not having the headaches I usually get. I am of course going "pee pee potty" as my son says now, on a ridiculous level lol

SO...will I lose 15lbs in 10 weeks?? WOW I sure like to think so. Broden will turn 2 on March 17th and I sure would like to be at goal by his birthday. Of course Valentine's day is only 6 weeks away...I could have 10lbs off in 6 weeks!! Yippeeee it's really cool KNOWING and not just WONDERING what this program will do for me. :cheerleader:

I am soooo glad everyone isn't sleeping in today and are getting on the forum. There are course other sleepy heads out there...but maybe more will chime in as the day goes on.

I'm so excited that I will be reaching goal with some of my old friends....and won't it be cool to do it with some new ones too. Where is 24Karat these days? Are the Donna's still around? What about Martha? Anyway...I'm ranting again....congratulations you big ole losers...seeing the roll call is really helping today!!
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Postby LilMsTexas » January 1st, 2006, 10:56 am

Hey have less to lose than I do to be at goal!!! 8) WOW!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby BerkshireGrl » January 1st, 2006, 12:45 pm

Gooooooooooood mor, er, afternoon to all! :) :) :)

Well, my ol' plan to hop back on Medifast in December did not pan out. I succumbed to the lure of Christmas holiday feasting! :oops:

Instead of doing it halfway, I put up my Medifast and waited out December.

So here I am, back with you all, to get this FAT OFF! :woohoo:

I had my New Years Eve blowout, excuse me, porkout. No more of that! Gads, I felt so beat when I woke up at 8:30 this morning! I took some drugs and went back to bed until 1:30! :snooze: Nothing like feeling like dunga to make you wanna get back on the program!

So, at 2 pm, I had my bowl of Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal and a cup of nice steamy chamomile tea, and I think I might not die from my headache now... :lol:

Later today, I am going to be placing my follow-up order, and getting set up for Autoship for the future.

I am on this Medifast Groove 100%! I want to hit my goal of 140 by my 35th birthday on July 31st - which is definitely within the realm of possibility! :D

Just gotta say... IT'S GREAT TO BE BACK!

Here's wishing you all have a wonderful New Year weigh-in, and that 2006 marks your REBIRTH! :candle:
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Postby LilMsTexas » January 1st, 2006, 1:05 pm

Welcome home Sarah...great to have you back with me and all the rest. Your birthday is going to be the best one EVER!!

Happy New Year! :partytime:
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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