Sunday morning Roll Call January 1, 2006 - Happy New Year!

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Postby petals » January 1st, 2006, 1:31 pm

Hi Everyone!

Happy New Year!

Wow... you are all doing so great. You all deserve a big pat on the back.

I on the other hand am not doing very well. I re-started on 12-1-05 and was losing a pound a day. I know hard to believe... Lots of water. I was feeling good, especially knowing it was a hard time to start, but wanting to get a jump on the New Year...

Well... I wanted a little nibble of a holiday treat and thought no big deal I will just taste it and be right back to slurpin... didn't happen. The rest is junk food history.

I feel terrible. No energy. I'm sure it's probably a sugar sludge running through my body making me feel so gross. It didn't even taste that great. At least not as good as feeling the weight come off. This is a battle of the mind for me. I know I feel so much better on mf, there is no comparison. So why can't I seem to stay on this?

I know this might sound strange but, I think that even though I hate the way I look and feel, I'm a little afraid of being a success. I know what life is like fat. It's been so many years since I was thin. Even though I know all the great benifits to becoming thin are... why do I keep sabatoging myself? Maybe I'll be able to figure it all out along the way.

I know this quote that I think of often is similar to one I have seen on this site, but this one goes like this. "Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now."

So with a new determination I start again... to join you on a journey to health, happiness and thinsville.

I am so grateful that you are all so wonderful, and this forum exits. I come everyday to feel encouraged and find strength from all of you and to find joy in your success and empathy for our struggles.

So I lost 14lbs. Gained 8lbs. Lost a total of 6lbs. Yeah! I didn't gain it all back. I'll take the six and not look back.

So I take your hand Christi knowing that I apparently cannot do this on my own, and join with everyone in the desire to become thin, and make friends along the way to a happier and healthier New Year.

Let's make this the best 2006 ever!

I know we can do this!

I really want this. Make the dream a reality.

Thank you everyone you are all an inspiration.


"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." – Anatole France
Started 7-31-06
Height: 5'8"
Age: 45

~Don't sacrifice what you want NOW for what you want MOST~

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Postby petals » January 1st, 2006, 1:35 pm

oops re did signature

Started 7-31-06
Height: 5'8"
Age: 45

~Don't sacrifice what you want NOW for what you want MOST~

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Postby Lady Bug » January 1st, 2006, 2:02 pm

Hi there Sarah:

Glad you are with us again. I agree, December was a tough month. I started out good but slowly caved and well.... :oops: 4 lbs heavier. But this is just a bump in the road and I know for a fact this works and before long...I will be at goal. I need to get back on the forum tho cuz it does help tremendously. I need all the help and encouragement I can get....getting back on is going to be a challange within itself.

Have a good and relaxing day everyone.

;) , ;)
"I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.”

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We Can

Postby forevertodds » January 1st, 2006, 2:02 pm

Petals, I love that quote "Don't sacrifice what you want most, for what you want now"!!! I'll be making a sign of that one and putting in "temptation's way". Sarah, good for you, I'll be here to cheer you can jump on my cheerleading team also!!! You're going to have a Flab-less Birthday this year!!!
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Postby lan » January 1st, 2006, 2:47 pm

How are you doin', Christi?...and all of you? I am glad to see your posts around the forum. I am keeping close, too, keeping Medifast at the front of my mind.

By the way, I went to see a cute movie over the holiday. It was called Rumor Has It. It was great, if someone is looking for a fun movie. My mom, my grown daughter, and I all roared with laughter. I heard plenty of men laughing, too....

Maybe I will check out the movies and see what else is on....bringing a bar for a snack!

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Happy late new years everone

Postby peaches » January 2nd, 2006, 8:23 am

I had a good first week I lost 51/2 lbs. this week.looks like everone is doing ok my weighin day is monday but I will try to weigh in on sun. next week a day early so I wan;t be late.
peaches 83 1/2 pounds to go .I am on my way. peaches
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Postby Nancy » January 2nd, 2006, 3:37 pm

Well, that was a great first week, Peaches! People with diabetes lose weight more slowly and you ought to be really proud of yourself!!! Awesome!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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