It sure does pay to obey the MF RULES, but that's not what I've been doing!
After a horrible night at work and crying all the way home I went to bed hungry after my 12 hour nightshift at the hospital which ended up being 13 hours in order to finish my charting. Also I had NO break. I understand that this happens to some of us nurses at least a couple times a month, but then staying late just did me in! I came home and felt so sorry for myself that I went to bed without having a shake. When I woke up, I thought for at least an hour and then decided to cheat and I did. Ive been half on/ half off since then...I blew it so I have not gotten fully back on. I am almost out of MF so I just put in a big order and I'm ready to start again without cheating today. I can't believe it only took me a little over 2 weeks to get out of control this time. It's going so well, no hunger, I was losing about half a pound a day too! Anywho don't give me any sympathy! I was BAD! This hiatus was only 5 days and not two months and I'll be glad for that!
I was at 224 Sunday and that gives me a 2 pound loss for this weeks weigh in. Next weeks weigh in will be interesting since I've been off plan...Also I tossed my scale and I'm not sure how accurate it is anymore. Hmmm now you guys know I'm crazy - I just have a love/hate relationship with my scale. I think I'm gonna get rid of it because I get crazy over numbers and I'm too embarrassed to even say how often I weigh myself.
Confessions of a crazy woman

Please no sympathy, I just needed to fess up and let y'all know where I was.
Ps. Good job to all of you sticking I am still reading all the posts and there were some great losses this week!