Sunday Morning Roll Call, February 27, 2005

Join our weekly (Sunday) weigh in.

Postby raederle » March 2nd, 2005, 9:59 am

BK-- you big loser, you! You've done so well in sticking with it for 7 weeks-- you certainly deserve the awesome payoff! That's more than 4 pounds a week on average-- way to go!!!!


High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
New goal: 130
I'll reach it again, one day at a time
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Postby 24KaratGold » March 2nd, 2005, 11:07 am

Yay bk! Oh, I'm so glad to hear that -- isn't it motivating?? Congratulations!

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Postby Nancy » March 2nd, 2005, 11:59 pm

BIG High Five to you, bk! :hi5:

You Rock! :kool:

It pays to obey (the Medi-rules)! ;)
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Postby JuliaMejia » March 3rd, 2005, 10:07 am

It sure does pay to obey the MF RULES, but that's not what I've been doing!

After a horrible night at work and crying all the way home I went to bed hungry after my 12 hour nightshift at the hospital which ended up being 13 hours in order to finish my charting. Also I had NO break. I understand that this happens to some of us nurses at least a couple times a month, but then staying late just did me in! I came home and felt so sorry for myself that I went to bed without having a shake. When I woke up, I thought for at least an hour and then decided to cheat and I did. Ive been half on/ half off since then...I blew it so I have not gotten fully back on. I am almost out of MF so I just put in a big order and I'm ready to start again without cheating today. I can't believe it only took me a little over 2 weeks to get out of control this time. It's going so well, no hunger, I was losing about half a pound a day too! Anywho don't give me any sympathy! I was BAD! This hiatus was only 5 days and not two months and I'll be glad for that!

I was at 224 Sunday and that gives me a 2 pound loss for this weeks weigh in. Next weeks weigh in will be interesting since I've been off plan...Also I tossed my scale and I'm not sure how accurate it is anymore. Hmmm now you guys know I'm crazy - I just have a love/hate relationship with my scale. I think I'm gonna get rid of it because I get crazy over numbers and I'm too embarrassed to even say how often I weigh myself.

Confessions of a crazy woman :oops: Please no sympathy, I just needed to fess up and let y'all know where I was.

Ps. Good job to all of you sticking I am still reading all the posts and there were some great losses this week!

May 1st 2006...Highest Weight 265...

Started Medifast December 8th, 06 Weight = 236.8 :(

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Postby Nancy » March 3rd, 2005, 12:24 pm

Nurse Julia ~

We've missed you. I always look for you at the YMCA...

You know the times that most people stray is when they haven't stuck to their plan. When we get tired and hungry, we bonk-out.

If your patients didn't receive their meds on time, it could be a very serious problem for them - their pain could escalate, their infection might not abate, it could even result in death!

Treat your MEDiIfast as MEDIcine - for YOU, take all your meals on time!

Come on, Kiddo! You cn do it!
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Postby BerkshireGrl » March 3rd, 2005, 12:32 pm


It sure is a lot easier to fall off when you are tired and hungry, like Nancy said! The tired part, well, couldn't help that, but missing your shake... that's a recipe for straying (speaking from personal experience here too!)

One thing that might help cheer you up, shouldn't you be in the 20# Club, not the 10#? :)

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Postby JuliaMejia » March 3rd, 2005, 4:57 pm

Nancy and BerkshireGirl, you BOTH are very right about skipping MF meals. I'm certainly not going to let that be my exscuse.

Nancy I love that MEDIcine / MEDIfast idea and I love how you put it. Are you a writing instructor? So many things you say are very well said! I havn't been to the Y at all lately I think I went once last month. I felt a little uncomfortable working out in front of others, and my kids hated the kids club and had no fun. My 2 year old also cried in the daycare...We will have to give it another chance since it is costly and I'm still paying for it! BEsides they have a lot of nice equipment up there! Do you take classes, or just work out?

Nancy do you think if I ordered from MF this am at 8:30am, I will get it Saturday or Sunday?

Do you know how amazing it will be to be out of the 220's soon?I Have not weighed this little since right after my twins were born (They are 9)!

May 1st 2006...Highest Weight 265...

Started Medifast December 8th, 06 Weight = 236.8 :(

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