Sunday Morning Roll Call, February 13, 2005

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Sunday Morning Roll Call, February 13, 2005

Postby BerkshireGrl » February 13th, 2005, 5:56 am

Goooooooood morning all! :flip: If I could, I'd be making MF pancakes right now... Hey! I just noticed that this smiley's pancake has a very odd "face" :lol:

Discover Card Rant: :lightening:
I am still waiting for my lame ol' Discover card to smarten up and drop that dang hold from 2/7 so I can place my next MF order! This is getting silly (insert adjective of choice here heh!). The company says that a hold can take 7-10 days to drop off - so by next Thursday! Does anyone else have this issue with a Discover card? I wonder if they are frolicing in the islands or something with accumulated hold cash from across America ;) Perhaps I should call it my Dis-cash card.

But I am staying strong! :weightlift: Rrrrrr!

Scale verdict: 197. I am up one pound from last Sunday but know it is just :toast: water weight.

I am VERY much looking forward to next week when I will get the MF ball re-rolling! Soon, soon! I am actually missing the taste of it all. More importantly, I am missing the HUGE weight loss that I got off it!

This waiting period is only making me more determined! :coach: Ya hear that, Discover!? You will not stop me! 8) I vill be back.

Happy weigh-in, everyone!
Last edited by BerkshireGrl on February 13th, 2005, 1:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby raederle » February 13th, 2005, 7:44 am

Hi Berk, that really *is* annoying about your card. I've never had a Discover card, but haven't had that problem with mine before-- at least, not for that length of time. Weird! Well, the credit card forces of evil might be conspiring against you, but they won't win! You'll just be more determined!!! Sorry it's taking so long to get restarted, though-- I know it must be frustrating. Have you tried calling and talking to them? (Yes, I know how funny that sounds-- trying to calla credit card company and reason with them! Ha!)

As for me, I've lost another pound and a half, which I guess I should be thrilled with since this is the week leading up to TOM, when I usually am packin' on the water. Only one pound to go before I can say, "Yay! I did it! And I didn't wuss out!" Soon...!

The only bad thing is, I might end up reaching goal just before my husband and I go to Vegas for the long weekend. I planned on trying to stay semi-compliant, but not completely on-plan-- having a shake early am, a small mid-morn breakfast of an egg and side salad, a cup of "real" broth-based soup for lunch, bar in afternoon, a nice dinner out (that could be the killer!), and a shake before bed. With lots of water all day. I'm hoping that this eating plan (which is light years better than my normal, pre-MF Vegas fare!), combined with working out each day at the awesome Canyon Ranch spa (we're staying at the Venetian-- yay!), will help me maintain, not gain, those four days. Still, I expect to come back to a week or two of strict MF to un-do some damage and lay the base for a proper transition to real eating. But that's okay. Because this time, unlike all the others, I know I can do it when I put my mind to it.

Hope everyone was a loser this week! :mrgreen: Happy Sunday!

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Postby mindovermatter » February 13th, 2005, 8:32 am

Good morning all. This is the first week the scale hasn't budged. The 200 mark is a stuburn spot for me so I shouldn't be surprised but none the less, I am disapointed. Oh well, hopefully this week will be a better story.


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Postby scrabbler7 » February 13th, 2005, 9:26 am

Hello everyone! Gor-geeeeeeeee-ous sunny day here in Philadelphia!!! I don't care what Punksatawny Phil says -- I'm thinking spring may be on it's way!

Anyways --- I'm down 1.8 this week - for a total of 13 pounds in 4 weeks. Again - slow slow slow. Guess I'll have to re-read that "SCALE" chapter from Success in a Shaker Jar yet again this week. Soon I'll have it memorized - HA. But at least it's a downward trend!

Congrats to those who posted a loss and good luck to you who are still snoozing away! May your scale be good to you this morning!
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Postby monkeymom » February 13th, 2005, 9:30 am

Sarah, so sorry to hear about your credit card problems. Sometimes I wonder if all the "convenience" is actually all it's cracked up to be. But if you've been out of MF products and still posted a loss, that's great. Do ya think we could make pancakes from the oatmeal batter? Might be interesting to try.

Rae, sounds like you have a pretty good plan for your time in Vegas. I'm a LONG way from goal and even thinking about those things, but your preplanning is an inspiration, I guess that's what it's going to be all about, being prepared at all times.

Beth, hang in there, your scale will catch up with the program soon.

As for me, I had a great second week, am down 4.5lbs. from last week.

Happy shakin everyone :cheers:
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Postby Triskets » February 13th, 2005, 9:33 am

Good Morning All!

I had a 5 pound drop this week which I'm very thankful for. 1-1/2 more pounds and I'll be a member of the 30# club - Yeah!

Beth - I've had my weeks when weight loss was minimal. Just remember that this process does work - one shake at a time. Please don't let it discourage you. If you haven't been exercising, try a little walking I know it's really helping me to drop the fat.
Take care all!
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Postby kassilou » February 13th, 2005, 10:09 am

Hello, everyone.

Hey, Berk, sorry to hear about the cc problems. One time a hold was placed on my sis-in-law's card for a car rental, and we were on vacation! It stayed on even though we changed the car over to me! The cc companies are a pain.

Rae, sounds like a good plan for Vegas! Enjoy the Venetian...I've always wanted to stay there. Are you going for a ride on the "canal"?

I'm down 5 this week, my second week, so no complaints about that. I was a bit worried as the scale hadn't moved for a few days, but this morning it dropped.

Have a good week!
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Postby 24KaratGold » February 13th, 2005, 11:08 am

Oh dear Beth, I'm sorry to hear that. If you've read the last two threads, you know that for the past two weeks I was down only one-half a pound each week. I hope it keeps you holding on to hear that the scale shows 3.5 less today than it did last week!

Sometimes things just have to adjust. Try taking your measurements and see if there is a change there.

Hey Rae, that's awesome, just a pound away from goal weight! congratulations!

And it sounds like a bunch of big losers out there this morning. Let's hope this trend continues!

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Postby hkfl62 » February 13th, 2005, 12:31 pm

I've only lost 1/2 pound this week but I gladly forfeit it! Tough week coming with my sister's bypass tomorrow and we leave for a family trip on Friday. The MF is already in my suitcase!

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Postby bk » February 13th, 2005, 1:40 pm

We have definitely all experienced weight loss that is not fast enough! By charting my daily weight loss (I know a no-no for many people - too much scale angst) I can see how my body reacts to weight loss (down a bunch, back up, back down again) and I have a general trend to rely on so I don't get stressed with one day of the week not showing a big loss. Even with all my angst I was able to knock down 22 pounds in the past month! Just stick with it and it will give you results.

For me, my Wednesday weigh-in put me at another 4.5 off for 19.5 after 4 weeks, but I am down now to 22 lbs off. A great success! And overnight it seems that the jeans I've been wearing are now just too big. I may get one more wear out of them, but I will have to go down a size. Oh so sad!

I also successfully dealt with starting work this week, and planned ahead, and everything worked out great! I'm feeling good and happy to be sticking with my program.

Looks like everyone is coming out with some great planning for themselves, and doing great! All you can do is plan & stick with the program, and let your body do what it's going to do. I am sorry that some of you seem to lose weight more slowly, but I am very impressed & inspired that you're sticking with it.

Rae - reaching goal can never be a bad thing! Just think of it as motivation to stick with your plan for Vegas. And have FUN!

have a great week everyone!
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Postby jene115 » February 13th, 2005, 2:41 pm

I didn't weigh this morning, honestly I forgot. I haven't been compliant all week, but mostly I was. I just weighed on my new scale and weighed 294 and then weighed on my older scale and weighed 298 and that was with sweats and a tee shirt on. So who knows right now? I've defintely lost weight, so I will just use the new scale from here on out and that will be my new starting weight. I will weigh first thing tomorrow and post that as "starting" weight because from here on out 100% compliance.
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Down 1 lb

Postby Judy » February 13th, 2005, 3:12 pm

Well this week I'm down only 1 pound :sadblue: , but I guess that's better than a gain. I know I need to drink more water :water: and start bouncing :bouncie: on my rebounder.( I guess its time to bring it in the house from the garage) Congrats to all those who lost and those who did'nt hang in there next week you WILL do it !
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Postby Andi » February 13th, 2005, 4:34 pm

Hi All...Today finishes up 1 week and 2 days on the plan...It hasn`t been the easiest week for me but I am hanging in there..I like the plan..I guess the part I am battling with most is trying to overcome the need to use food to deal with my emotions..stress etc..It`s a hard habit to break..I can easily see how this is like alcoholism or any other addiction..You get in stressful situations and the first thing you want is a drink or in my case a pizza..twinkies whatever..LOL!!..I came sooo close to going off plan..but I started thinking about the would make me feel better for the moment..but then what?.. I would be right back at square one hating myself and my weight..Feeling like a failure and starting the cycle yet again..Thank God that seemed to get me through and I didn`t cave!!..As far as what I have lost this week..I am happy to say I have a total of 9lbs. off!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: ....Hope you all have a Happy Valentines Day!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :wave: ((Hugs))..Andi
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Postby sister » February 13th, 2005, 5:17 pm

Hi all!

Glad everyone is hanging in there! 2 pounds down this week, not as much as I wanted but between Aunt Flo and dealing with a house full of sick people, I'll take them!
So, 25 pounds in 5 weeks - yippee.

Thank you all for sharing and caring!
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Betta Late than neva!

Postby Joan Roman » February 13th, 2005, 6:31 pm

Busy day! Well I'm posting a huge loss of 1.8 pounds yeehaw! However, I'm happy to be a loser! I have been getting a few wieght loss compliments and that helps too.

I've been holding off getting back to my regular exercise routine since starting back on MF January 3rd. I'm headed back to my 5 days I'm thinking it can't hurt. I feel like I'm really settled into it and maybe I need to be back on my regular work out routine. Gonna try it.

Everybody have a happy Valentine's Day! Ya know your hearts are happier getting healthier! :)

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