All right, Kids ~
Glad to hear from you and to know of your positive outlook. We trust that the credit card company currently holding your account hostage will soon release it, Berk.
Folks, in light of Valentine’s Day and

Heart Health month, with every shake you make, think of how happy your heart and arteries are that you are shaking and slurping that good-for-you soy protein shake. Yeah!
This week will be awesome because you are learning to take control of your emotions and to make good choices. The

re-bounder or a

walk around the block is a great stress reliever and a belly buster.
Some of you are parents...your kids are watching you and listening to you - are you

grumbling and groaning, crabbing and

cursing because you are eating healthy?

or are you

praising and speaking

favorably about how good it feels and tastes to be eating healthy foods, to be making wise choices to reach a healthy weight?

Do you keep the refrigerator stocked with veggies and fruits, low fat cheese and yogurt for your kids and other non-dieting household members or are you still buying Twinkies, cupcakes, trans fatty chips and chocolate sandwich cookies filled with icing that tastes like Crisco and clogs their little arteries? Huh?
We need to be good examples to our children and grandchildren. If the typical snack foods that you used to eat are not good for you, why buy them and keep them on hand for your children?
