I am soooo proud of everyone -- even those who had a little "slip" because here you are posting and holding yourself accountable.
Ok now remember keep your "paws" out of the Easter candy.

Remember it doesn't taste as good as we remember --- and certainly not as good as "thin feels" As to cooking dinner -- yup -- we've got to do it. Just don't eat on "autopilot" you know before you even think about it's in the mouth. Hmmmm I've done that.

And I must tell you all I threatened to accidently do something terrible -- I'll think of something

to my skinny sister if she brings her homemade fudge. Ohhhhh

And my hubby suggested we have a MF dinner -- a really really simple one -- can you see everyone's face when they head to the table and find a row of little packages, a pitcher of ice water and little shaker jars ????

Hey, I'd let them choose what flavor they wanted

He he he