Sunday Morning Roll Call: April 15, 2006

Join our weekly (Sunday) weigh in.

Postby SuzyQ66 » April 16th, 2007, 11:04 am

Only .5 weight loss for me....disappointed...but will take it. It's the first time I have lost so little...what a bummer. :x

Congrats to everybody for having wonderful weight losses!!
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Postby Pegann » April 16th, 2007, 11:37 am

Down 4...and to think I was being soooo moody last week about how slow it was going...thanks to all who gave me a piece of humble pie. You are absolutely it 1/2 pound or 4 pounds...pounds are pounds that are gone forever and one more pound closer to my goal. I think I just had it in my head that I was going to lose 20# a month for 3 months. So maybe it will be 4 or 5 or 6 months... :lol:

Congrats to all of you losers and maintainers..
SD 3/9/07
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Postby sydney_gavin » April 16th, 2007, 4:51 pm

I've really struggled this week - total compliance to getback on track after not such a good week the previous week - and then I go and blow it all at the weekend - busy Friday - meetings till 8pm - hungry - restaurant instead of home with colleagues and onto the wine - then to the bar afterwards :x AND then Saturday back on track until dinner and I agreed to an invitation for another meal out which I was invited to at the last minute and the cycle was on again.

So, a total of just under 1lb was was my best result for the week but slipped up for weight in on Monday :lightening: :aarggh:

Well I am back on track again immediately but I'm so darned annoyed at myself for this - the last three weeks seem to be a real struggle - my ooomph has run out of oomph.

And now I have to go on a trip to Dubai and Beirut (of all places!!!) next week and that means flying and flying and I don't get on usually :brickwall:

So, I'm struggling dear friends at the moment!!

Kind regards



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Postby Pegann » April 17th, 2007, 9:59 am

I wish you luck Gavin...Hang in know where to find everyone when your done. What would be if you didn't come back and get back on track. I hope things settle in for you soon. I know that traveling business can really put a damper on things.... And by the way....I am so jealous that you had wine! :mrgreen: I want some!!!!!!!!!!

SD 3/9/07
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Postby Jessica » April 17th, 2007, 7:37 pm

I forgot to post this on Sunday, but will put it in now. -1.8 pounds. Not the greatest, but I will take it...

But the good news is that Monday morning I hit my pre-preggo weight! I am so happy! Still have a long way to go, but I am getting there.

Another praise is that my mom is considering Medifast. Anyone that prays, please pray that she will give it a shot!
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