Sunday Morning Roll Call April 10, 2005

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Sunday Morning Roll Call April 10, 2005

Postby bikipatra » April 10th, 2005, 3:09 am

I am back on track everyone (having a vanilla shake as I type) but my alcohol intake caused me to be very ill. I was throwing up a lot and had gastrointestinal issues (you can imagine). I weigh 215 which is down 6 pounds from last Sunday. I have mostly been in bed so I am sure I have not been drinking enough water. Thank you for putting up with my relapse and your good wishes!
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Postby scrabbler7 » April 10th, 2005, 5:11 am

Morning all -- Hope the day where you are is as beautiful as the one here in PA!

I'm having a victory shake this morning because ... YEP, 30# CLUB!!!!!! I've dropped it in 3 months - so 10# a month! 13 more to goal. This week I'm down 1.4 for a total of 30.4 pounds.

Sorry to hear you were ill, Biki - but a 6 pound loss is fabulous. Good luck to those of you snoozing - I'll check back later to see everyone's progress.
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Postby doglover » April 10th, 2005, 6:12 am

Glad you're back on track Biki and Scrabbler -as I said in your other post - WAY TO GO!!!

As for me, I had a shocker this morning. Every Sun. I think of a number I would like to see on the scale and close my eyes. This morning I wanted a 2 lb loss and guess what it said when I opened my eyes----------150.0!!!!!!!! :shock:

Oh my - I made it to my goal! I could not believe it. I stood there for what must have been 1 minute! That is 4 lbs this week but it is my goal!!!!!!!

I am really celebrating and still feel shocked. I don't know why. I guess I never thought I could get there. But I did, relatively easily in 9 weeks! It has been years since I've seen that number. Last winter I was starving myself and working out 2 times a day and the lowest I could get was 154. I gave up bec. I felt terrible. Now I am charging forward to my next goal, 140. I know I can do this!

Thank you to all who helped. I could never have done this without your words and thoughts every day, more than once a day! You are the best group of internet friends out there!

Ok...moving on. Sorry this is so long, I am just still in shock! Good luck to the rest of you this morning!
Donna - frequent flyer to FL!
Feb 7, 2005 start date
176/150/150 - made it in 9 weeks! 26 lbs off!
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Postby Laramedifast » April 10th, 2005, 6:25 am

Good morning all and big CONGRATS to Donna!! Meeting goal is so fabulous!! What a marvelous day for you. Do celebrate, you deserve it! Great job. That inspires me.

Biki, congrats on taking stock and regathering perspective. We never know what others go through unless we're in their shoes, but the important thing is you have your shoes pointed in a new direction. All the best and congrats on your 6 pound loss. Hope you feel better soon.

Ame, 30 pound club, whoo hoo for you! What a great success! It must be that fantabulous PA weather that has been good to both of us because... today I join the 20# club!! I'm down 5 pounds this morning after two SLOW weeks of stall with only 1 pound losses. Anyway, I had a long walk yesterday as well as an intense hilly bike ride with my DH and then added and extra bar even and this morning, the scale finally budged for me (quite a bit in fact) and I was utterly stunned. Unca, please add me to the 20 pound club. Thanks for everyone's support and see you in the forum!
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Postby bk » April 10th, 2005, 6:50 am

congrats donna! wooohooooooo! that's awesome!!!!

basically this whole week i hadn't lost anything since last sunday, which i was fine with, because i had 2 big weeks of big losses! got on ye olde scale today and i am down 2.2 lbs from last sunday. awesome!

i also feel "safe" from the 200s now that i'm a full 10 lbs away from them!
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Postby raederle » April 10th, 2005, 6:55 am

YAY Donna !!!! Woo-hoo !!!!!

So proud of you! I know what you mean about thinking you'll never see that number on the scale... it seems so unreal, doesn't it??? Congratulations! Now that you know you've busted through the 154 barrier, I'm sure you could make it to 140 if you decided to do it-- heck, now you must feel like you can anything! :mrgreen:

And Ame, 30 pounds is teeee-riffic! You've really hung in there and shook it like you meant it-- can't wait for Unca to hop out of bed in sunny WA and add that new tag to your name...!

Same thing for you, Lara-- congrats on the 20-pound-club! Woo-hoo! I think 20 pounds really tells you things are working, and that you're *well* on your way to seeing this through to the end. 20 pounds is a lot of flabbage-- congrats!

I'm off to the driving range this morning to see if I can still hit a golf ball after not playing all winter long... should be pretty entertaining to those watching. So I'll check back later on the rest of the posts-- but in the mean time, I can post that I actually lost a little bit more as I just finished up transition this week-- I'm down to 123.4, which actually puts me in the 20 pound club! Fun! Lara, can I join ya? ;) This came as *quite* a relief this week, because Aunt Flo is soon to visit and I felt bloated and fat all week-- I was convinced I must've screwed something up when adding foods back.... so this was a real gift this morning from the scale faeries...

Happy Sunday, everyone! Here's to pounds a-flyin' off all our butts this week!

[Editing this to add-- congrats, bk! You posted while I was still typin'! ;) You will *never* see the 200's again... Kiss 'em goodbye forever!]
Last edited by raederle on April 10th, 2005, 6:58 am, edited 2 times in total.

High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
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Postby ljm498 » April 10th, 2005, 6:56 am

Scrabbler, it's a beautiful morning here in NY too and can't wait to get outside to enjoy the day.

Congrats to everyone! It seems like everyone had a fabulous week.

My week was ok, nothing overly eventful happened but it was nice to actually get out of the house with the little one. I'm happy to report that I dropped 2.5 lbs this week. Half a pound shy of 10#!!!! Hopefully I will hit that this week.

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Me 34
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Postby want2Bthin » April 10th, 2005, 7:02 am


Congrats to everyone today.

I have lost 2 pounds this week. My total loss in 17 pounds. I was hoping for a little more b/c I had 2 birthday parties and I stayed 100% compliant. Maybe I was stressed this week. :roll:

Angelia :D
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Postby dlr2424 » April 10th, 2005, 7:03 am

Biki...good for you....more important than the 6 lb loss is that you stay on track and kick those old habits out the door.... :hug:

Ame & Lara.....congratulations....the Medigods blessed your perseverence!!!.... :angel: ...weigh to go

Donna (doglover) buddy....CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!
:yay: :bouncie: :yeah: :thumbup: :yes: :star: :yay: :bouncie: :yeah: :thumbup: :yes: :star: areSMOKIN...... :smoke:

ljm...2.5... :bounce: & BK.... :bouncie:

Rae.....UNBELIEVABLE.....WOW must be on cloud deserve it!!!!!!!!!! :yes:

As for me I am down 3.2 lbs this week

Bless aLL the other shakers to come...... :hug:

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Postby kassilou » April 10th, 2005, 7:16 am

Wow, ladies. Congratulations!
bikepatra-glad you're back on track! :D
scrabbler-welcome to the 30# club! :mrgreen:
donna-woo hoo!! made a goal! :cleader:
lara-20# club! (awesome day of exercise, I must say!) :exercise:
bk-safely in onderland! :cleader:
raederle-losing on maintenance??? amazing!!! :bow:
ljm-10# club any day now! :kool:
want2bthin- you made it through 2 bday parties! way to go! :hi5:
donna24-great loss this week! :thumbup:

After 8 days of not moving, my scale finally moved big time!!! I am down 4# this week!! :bounce:

Have a great week!
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Postby mindovermatter » April 10th, 2005, 7:28 am

Congrats to everyone this week and a special shout out to Donna. :cheerleader: Yeah you made it.

I've been missing the last few weeks because I have been very busy at work and have had some personal issues going on. But just because I have been missing doesn't mean I haven't been doing the plan. I'm down 2 lbs this and 2 lbs last week.


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This week in my house....

Postby LilMsTexas » April 10th, 2005, 7:31 am

WOW WOW WOW to everyone and a SPECIAL Congratulations hug to Donna for reaching your goal. I hope to be back later and say something to all of you personally but I'm having a really emotional morning with my Mom and Grandma. Sometimes it's really really hard being the only child from an only child Dad and living to far away to help with anything. So000 caught in the middle this morning I just want to lay in the floor and cry.

But...............I lost exactly 2 lbs this week. I was hoping for a bigger loss because I had my RR last week and thought something MAGICAL might happen this week :? But 2 lbs lost forever is certainly better than nothing and ALWAYS better than gaining! I am down a total of 14lbs now in 5 weeks. I am happy to report my diabetes gets better and better with each passing day and my workouts are slowly moving up a notch.

I hope you all have a blessed Sunday and a Magical Medifast Week!
Congratulations to EVERYONE on all the great achievements. We are ALL simply MARVELOUS!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby doglover » April 10th, 2005, 7:39 am

Thanks for all the congrats friends! Donna - my buddy - you have got your metabolism GOING! :hi5:

Big hug to you Christi :hug: I'm sorry you're having a tough morning. 2 lbs is awesome and we should really celebrate ourselves for staying away from PB and pretzels! You did a great job w/ a really tough week. Remember this was your hard week at work which means more stress so maybe that is why you didn't see a bigger loss. But 2 lbs is still so awesome. I am proud to be here with you and helping each other on this journey. I'll be thinking about you all day.
Donna - frequent flyer to FL!
Feb 7, 2005 start date
176/150/150 - made it in 9 weeks! 26 lbs off!
150/139.5/140 - made it in 8 1/2 more weeks! 36.5 lbs off!
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Postby kimmy71 » April 10th, 2005, 7:40 am

Good Morning everyone. Congratulations to all you big "losers" out there :) Well, I am only at day 4 on the program today so i wasnt going to do the weigh in this week. Figured I should have full week under my belt. To my surprise however, I got on the scale this morning and after 3 complete days i am down 8.5 pounds!!!! I couldnt believe it so I had to come and share. I know its all water, but it is still exciting to see. Cant wait til next Sunday!!! Have a great week everyone :) :D :D :D :D :D

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Postby joysea » April 10th, 2005, 7:47 am

Good Morning to All!!!
What a fantastic day for I said before this makes the week past with all its temptations and possible setbacks, SO WORTHWHILE!!! :lol:
I, too, would like to add my congratulations to everyone...I can certainly feel the excitement on my end...and smell the sweet success of accomplishment from all of you!

Thank you for getting me through the rough times this week, especially ye
sterday when I was soooo anxious to just binge away...I just came here and found solace.

I lost 3.1 pounds this week, just .9 pound shy of the 20# scoot on over my friends...I will be joining you all next week!!!!

I will check in later to see how everyone else did...can't wait!

Jamaica Bound Donna - If I can speak to you up there on CLOUD 9...CONGRATULATIONS ON REACHING GOAL!!!!


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