Good morning everyone!
Well, I was a slug this morning, slept until 10 am! (This, coming from a girl who gets up on a weekday for work at 5 am!) Maybe I'm fighting off some bug or something
So I have to say I am so happy that there are so many that are doing WONDERFULLY! WOW! Seeing how everyone is shrinking away is such an inspiration...
I myself am down my "usual" of 3 pounds a week, on the Full Fast, to 190.
This is a cause for The Happy Dance

because the lowest I have gotten on MF so far was 192 in December! So, this is kind of "fresh fat" I am losing

if that makes sense!
Next week I expect to bust through this 190 line - it will be SUCH A THRILL to see the 180s on the scale... and to know that I have cracked that invisible barrier I've been behind for months.
I don't think I can make 176 for my Boston trip on April 22-24, but that's ok. I am still going to be less pudgy then, dang it!
I am off to my aunt's this afternoon, along with my dad and mom, for a belated Easter get-together. I am not panicking, I had my nice MF oatmeal and coffee this morning, and I am going to have a shake just before I go... then have a little Lean & Green there. (No flashbacks to my prior Thanksgiving feed-a-thon!)
Again, congratulations to all of you hard workers! Enjoy your weekends!