Congrats to you all.....it lloks like MF is doing it's thing well for everyone.
Lara, don't fret about your slow loss this week. When the scale goes the right direction, it's a great thing no matter how much it moves. Sure, more is better (and makes us a lot happier), but there are so many little things that could be the cause of a low loss. You might be one of the "1 pound this week, 5 pounds next week" club.
Rae, congrats on your successful week of transition! I will be following your progress and anticipated success so that hopefully when it's time for me to transition I'll have lots of bits of wisdom from you all stored up to help me through. Thanks for keeping us posted on your progress.
Joyce, I just had to laugh when you said you were thinking of Dean as you stood in your BD suit weighing in.........I may have to warn Heidi that there's some strange stuff going on in the forum these days

As for me......well I'm down 4 pounds this week, which I am thrilled with. My loss has been a bit erratic every since I threw myself out of ketosis a couple of weeks ago, and this week I was worried that TOM might mess things up, but it apears not.......yipeee

Have a great week everyone. I am going to actually relax and enjoy my Sunday, as I'm finally caught up with school.