by Lauren » August 7th, 2006, 2:33 pm
Hey, Robin-
There are a ton of articles and books on BDD, Body Dysmorphic Disorder. It's often very debilitating, and probably more extreme than what you're experiencing, but I believe it was recently diagnosed as a unique form of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). People are consumed by their image in the mirror and see a horrible reflection. They see only ugly, fat, hideous, etc. What's fascinating is that so many of the people with BDD are actually not just average, but gorgeous! They are not trying to get attention, not trying to get compliments, just completely incapable of seeing anything attractive.
While I don't think you seem to have this extreme BDD, you may have an unhealthy body image that certainly would benefit from addressing. Books are a good idea, but you may consider talking to someone. I am not a shrink (nor do I play one on tv), but going from big to little (and you are, my friend, LITTLE) plays tricks in our minds. For instance, I have absolutely no concept of how much physical space I take up in this world. I am serious. When I walk down a hallway b/w people, I don't know if I am going to brush up against them, or have a mile b/w us! I don't know whether I'll fit in a booth (but I always do now), or things like that. That has a profound effect - because I think we lose a bit of grounding or footing in reality. That may be what you're dealing with.
If someone told you when you were a size 20 or 18 that you'd be struggling over 6's, 4's, or 2's, you'd likely have laughed, and thought that being a size 6 was hardly a struggle - you'd be thrilled. So now you have to figure out what's changed. You have to find a way to look at yourself and be overwhelmed by the magnificence of what you've done, stare at yourself and compliment yourself for each aspect of your body that is inifinitely smaller than it was a year ago. Just acknowledge it and be happy with it. By the way, I am not normally one of those frou-frou daily affirmation people, I just think you have been recently so focused on the parts of your body that you don't like, instead of looking at the whole body and acknowledging the fantastic transformation.
I am not sitting in a room with you, so I can't tell you if you are "crazy," and should stop dieting or not. But I can tell you that you are at a fit and healthy weight, you've incorporated exercise into your diet, you are eating healthily, and you fit into a remarkably small size. If you are looking in a mirror and seeing "10," then you need to come up with a way to readjust your eyes, and that may come with some outside assistance.
Good luck to you!