Suggestions for those "special" days...Cheat/no ch

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Suggestions for those "special" days...Cheat/no ch

Postby Slimmin' » May 18th, 2007, 1:50 pm

So, curious about what others do on the special days. June 18 I finish my MBA. Can I get a round of the "hallalujah chorus" please! I have planned to have a celebration with a not-so-on-plan meal, a cocktail or three, and dance the night away!

I have pondered this for a month as the pounds melt away and just can't decide if I am going to have a planned fall of the wagon and get right back on the next morning, or do something else.

What do others do? AND is there a way to do this so I don't do too much damage to my program?
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Postby j0j0ruca » May 18th, 2007, 3:06 pm

Good Question!

Congrats on the completion!

I've been invited to Club33 (the uber exclusive club @ Disney). I know this is a once in a lifetime chance to get in and dine there - and maybe have a drink since its the only place "adult" beverages are served in Dland. I think I'll have to wait to see what is being offered (sit down or buffet) and make semi wise choices. What to do what to do :)
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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » May 18th, 2007, 3:26 pm

Hi Slimmin'! It all depends on you, and how fast you want to get pounds off. Losing my first thirty pounds came through Halloween, Thanksgiving,Christmas, New Years. The next 10 pounds came off during Valentines and My 40th Birthday. I stayed focused, because I wanted to lose the weight more then I wanted to celebrate, and the weight loss became a gift to myself for each holiday or celebration I did not cheat. :yeah:

So it's really up to you. Good luck on your weightloss and keep shakin! :yay:

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Postby Mickeyz » May 18th, 2007, 6:51 pm

Hallalujah :woohoo:


Congratulations on earning your MBA! :hi5: I can understand your dilemma...earning an MBA is quite an achievement and isn't something that comes around every year like birthdays and holidays! I am sure you put in a lot of hard work and want to celebrate.

My husbands birthday is coming up in June. As is tradition we have a group of friends that get together for a big Mexican potluck, Margaritas and a tequila tasting. :pour: It is at our house so I am cooking enchiladas. I'm not sure how I will handle this. :dunno:

My concern for me is can I get back on the wagon the next day or will it just run over me for several days or longer! Plus I hate the thought of going through those first days again. I was so hungry.

Good luck.
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Postby Tawanda » May 18th, 2007, 7:27 pm

I haven't any experience to share with you so not any help at all. Just my thought is that yes, it is an awesome achievement and a special occasion......but is it doable to enjoy yourself and stay within the guidelines of the program. Only you can decide how you want to handle this.

Yeah, I know, no help at all (told you it would be that way! ;) :lol:)

Congratulations on your accomplishment!
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Postby KellyC » May 18th, 2007, 7:49 pm

On Mothers Day I was faced with something like this.. since it turned out not just to be Mothers Day, but a huge family reunion as well.

I had gone into it saying that I would cheat, but avoid the sugary cakes and pies and stuff.

And then, I got there, I was faced with it, and I just simply chose not to. I think because I had gone into it with realistic expectations, and I didn't put a ton of pressure on myself, it made it easier to pass it up.

I guess that if I were in your shoes, honestly, I would cheat. But I would go into it with a plan - limit myself to half a drink as a toast (1 drink and I'm buzzed anyways)... have a meal that maybe isn't totally on plan, but at the same time, I wouldn't order a huge plate of spaghetti and garlic bread with a choco cake for dessert. Maybe I just wouldn't pick the croutons out of a chicken caesar. ;)

Good luck, and Congratulations on your MBA, that's really fantastic!
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Postby Sojourner » May 18th, 2007, 9:00 pm

Slimmin ~ mucho congrats on the MBA!!! That is a LOT of hard work! As far as the off-plan imbibing is have to make that decision for yourself. It's always nice to know how other folks have handled similar situations, but this really comes down to what you feel is right for you.

There are various factors to consider, though. How easy will it be to get back on the wagon...will it be worth it in the long run? What if you have a really difficult time jumping back on? Will it still have been worth it? Will you be really miserable during those first 3 days? Is it worth 3 days of grief? How far back will it set you? Will the extra time be worth the few drinks or morsels? Will going off-plan now make it easier to do it again in the future? You can probably think of other issues to consider...

Do you deserve to celebrate? Of course you do! Does celebrating have to be done with food and drink? That, my dear, is totally up to you.

Sorry for the ramble...hope you got the gist ~'s up to YOU!

P.S. Mickeyz ~ where exactly in No Cal are you?? Mike and I might have to pop in during your DH's birthday!!!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Mickeyz » May 19th, 2007, 6:36 am

P.S. Mickeyz ~ where exactly in No Cal are you?? Mike and I might have to pop in during your DH's birthday!!!

I am in Grass Valley/Nevada City. We love it here and I am actually 4th generation here. Ever been here? It is really a fun little town with lots of history and things to do. Come on up any ole time! I love to be tour guide.
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Postby Tawanda » May 19th, 2007, 7:58 am

Sojourner wrote:Do you deserve to celebrate? Of course you do! Does celebrating have to be done with food and drink? That, my dear, is totally up to you.

Sojo said what I was trying to say (and much better than I could say it). :)
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Postby Mike » May 19th, 2007, 9:53 am

Mickeyz wrote: As is tradition we have a group of friends that get together for a big Mexican potluck, Margaritas and a tequila tasting. :pour: It is at our house so I am cooking enchiladas. I'm not sure how I will handle this. :dunno:

I think one way to handle this could be to invite some of your MMT forum buds along ;) I think Sojo and Diana and I would be there to support you in a jiffy. :bananadance:

I've been up that way many times. I used to go Bambi huntin' up near Downieville, and Di's family has a ranch up there.

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Postby Sojourner » May 19th, 2007, 3:35 pm

Mickeyz ~ it's been 7 or 8 years, but I have been to your neck o'the woods...DH and I spent the day at the home of one of your most famous residents ~ Brigadier General Chuck Yeager. He's one of DH's heroes and I was able to arrange a meeting through a mutual friend. General Yeager lived in Grass Valley at the time - I think he still lives there, but not in the same home...right? For being the most famous pilot ever, he was really a nice, down-home type of guy and both DH and I thoroughly enjoyed the visit. His home was located in a beautiful wooded area and had a nice duck pond right outside his door.

Here's a photo taken that day...doesn't he just look like anybody's gramps?


Sorry for the hijack, Slimmin! ;)

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby alpha femme » May 19th, 2007, 4:27 pm

i finished my M.A. in december. i celebrated by buying a couple hundred dollars' worth of clothes that fit.

food should not be a reward; that's kind of the point everyone here is trying to learn.
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Postby Serendipity » May 19th, 2007, 6:01 pm

Gotta agree with alex, here. Anyone surprised?

Go buy sumpin' spensive! :mrgreen:
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Not to self!

Postby Slimmin' » May 21st, 2007, 10:10 am

My friend who started MF the week after I and has lost a similar amount of weight (20+ lbs) celebrated her birthday yesterday after five weeks of MF hot and heavy and NO booze! Long-story short, her two martinis kicked her butt, she ate way more off plan than she anticipated, the scales are up three pounds today, and her head hurts.

When I asked her if she would do it again, she said 'not on your life! Next time, I'll pour my capuccino shake into a martini glass and toast my new life, instead of lamenting my old one!'

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