I have been reading alot about kitchen scales being mentioned on here, and I just wanted to make a suggestion....
I have a side business doing ebay and I had bought a postage scale that weighs up to 3lb for shipping purposes... It weighs by the oz as well, and it works perfectly for my kitchen as well. In fact I now have it in the kitchen.
I have a small plastic plate that I have weighed and so I add that weight to the weight of whatever I am computing and it works excellent..
And I only paid $ 9.99 for it... Works great for postage too. LOL
Just a suggestion, works alot better than those silly little analog scales that everyone used to use for weight watchers...
And I had to come back and add, my life totally changed today. I had bought some Chocolate RTD's with my initial order and had just been saving them for when I might have a day that I would need to be away from the house, so I wouldn't have a repeat of my first weekend. Well tonight I was running late and didn't want to mix up a shake, so I grabbed one and drank it. OMG!!! I am totally going to start drinking these, they are great, they are premade and all I have to do is grab one. I think I am in love....