Sugar Free Candy

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Sugar Free Candy

Postby katieb920 » February 21st, 2006, 4:52 pm

Is it allright to have Sugar Free Brachs (star bites) peppermint mints made with spenda

Here are the ingredients
Serving Size 3pcs
Calories 30
Total Fat 0g
Saturated fat 0 g
Trans Fat 0 g
Sodium 0mg
Cholesterol 0mg
Total Carbohydrate 0 g
Dietary Fiber 0 g
Sugars 0 g
Sugar Alchols 15 g
Protein 0g

Isomalt, Peppermint Oil,Titanium, Dioxide Color, Sucralose (splenda),

Contains Phenylalanine

So I would really like your advice I am just tired of Gum. Thanks guys appreciate your help.
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Postby Unca_Tim » February 21st, 2006, 7:26 pm

I'd be a little careful of the "slippery slope" phenomenon, but a piece now and them should be ok. If you have less than expected success on the program, that would be the first thing I would suspect.

Some people with a more strict approach might give you different advice. It's really up to you.
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Postby falisamarie » February 21st, 2006, 7:53 pm

The sugar alcohol is the only thing I would question but I am extremely picky. I freaked tonight cause I put a little tiny bit of seasoning salt into 5lbs of hamburger and grilled them up and after I had my 5oz I read the ingredients on the seasoning salt and it had sugar in it so I will not be using that again.

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Sugar free candy

Postby Jan » February 21st, 2006, 8:50 pm

The main problem with the sugar free candy is that you must be quite careful with the amount you eat. Tooooo many can send you heading in a great rush to the potty. They taste pretty good but it's quite easy to over do it. Then you get the dreaded diarrhea!! :oops:
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Postby Data_Diva » February 22nd, 2006, 8:02 am

Hey there Katie,

MMMMMM, Love mints and anything sweet. After reading the nutritional information I would say the mints are in the high range for products containing sugar alcohols. Unfortunately with sugar free candies there is not a lot of regulation concerning how a company promotes the product. The packaging for the candy you mentioned is very misleading by saying it is made with Sp#enda(Sucralose). The product in fact has very little sucralose in it. The primary ingredient for the mints is ISOMALT. Which is a sugar alcohol produced from sugar beets. I am including the short and sweet version of how this product is made. When you start looking into the chemical composition of sugar alcohols they don't look as tempting. I have found a product called Ice Breaker Sours which come in a tin. They do contain Sorbitol but one candy has >1 gram of sugar alcohol per candy which is a lot easier on your system. The tin has 4 flavors in it (Pink Lemonade, Apple, Tangerine, Watermelon).

"ISOMALT from PALATINIT is a sugar replacer consisting of disaccharide alcohols. It is the only sugar replacer derived exclusively from sucrose. ISOMALT is manufactured in a two-stage process in which sugar is first transformed into isomaltulose, a reducing disaccharide (6-0-alpha-D-glucopyranosido-D-fructose), isomaltulose is then hydrogenated, using a metal catalyst. The final product – ISOMALT – is an equimolar composition of 6-0-alpha-D-glucopyranosido-D-sorbitol (1,6-GPS) and 1-0-alpha-D-glucopyranosido-D-mannitol-dihydrate (1,1-GPM-dihydrate).
ISOMALT is a white, crystalline substance containing about 5% water of crystallisation. It is available in a wide range of particle sizes – from granulate to powder – to suit any application."

I'm not condemning the use of sugar alcohols. They have some good properties such as they inhibit tooth decay. They are relatively low glycemic for some (some people in studies have been shown to react differently to these products). They usually have 1/2 the calories of cane sugar. And last but not least they allow people that are not allowed sugar a treat every now and then. I hope I have not put anybody off by this long post. Not trying to be preachy or sound like a know it all. I have had a lot of exposure to these products. Both in consuming and using them for commercial purposes.

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