As you know, SueInSLO has been slimmin' in preparation for her wedding day. Their Special Day arrived and Sue sends her picture to share with us all.
Sue writes:
"Just a quick hello!! We're off in a few hours and I haven't begun to pack!
The wedding was wonderful and the weather was beautiful. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. We are so blessed with all the family and friends that were able to attend. I'm just so happy!!!!
I did ok with my Medifast about 90% of the time but had a few sips of champagne and a slice of my wedding cake. Then a few more bad nibbles yesterday but today I am back on program and I just packed soup, shakes, hot chocolate and oatmeal for the trip. I'm going to try and stay on plan most of the time" [on our Honeymoon].
Isn't Sue radiant in that special red dress?
John has a good

We pray a special

Isn't this fun?

We can encourage one another and share in the special events of each other's lives!