SueInSLO's Wedding Day Picture

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Clothing required...:)

Postby sheila » March 22nd, 2006, 11:09 pm

Congratualtions Sue and John. You both look so happy. May you have many many more happy times down the road. You said those two young women in the picture with you are your daughters???!! It looks as though you could be their sister! You look so young and pretty. Keep up the good work, and so what if you stray from the plan just a little right now, I mean, how many times do most of us get married in this life anyways? Best of luck!
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Postby Dayna » March 27th, 2006, 12:03 am

What wonderful pictures! Sue, you look fabulous. And happy. :D Wave hello to the A's for me, please . . . I've still got my Bash Brothers poster (Mark McGwire and Jose Canseco in Blues Brothers outfits leaning against an Oakland PD car), I think it's in a box . . .

Most importantly, enjoy your honeymoon!

- Dayna
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We're Back!!

Postby SueInSLO » March 27th, 2006, 7:48 am

Hi everyone!

WOW!! Thanks for all the lovely words and compliments!

I have to admit I was not great on vacation as planned with sticking to program, in fact I'm bouncing between a 6-7 pound weight gain. The free "Happy Hour" at the pool everyday did me in I think. I made better choices most of the time, but I did indulge. Now I'm paying the price but back on plan 100% as of yesterday.

We had a wonderful time in Arizona. We enjoyed the weather, met an online friend and her hubby for dinner, spent a day in Sedona, went to 4 games and just relaxed somewhere in there!

I'm back to work today so no time to catch up on the board yet, but I did think of you all and hope everyone is having continued success with the program. It works!! It got me in my dress and now that dress will be too big in a few weeks as I get back on the wagon!!

Thank you all again for the kind words for John and I as well as my daughters.
Hugs to you all!
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Postby Pashta » March 27th, 2006, 8:14 am

Wow, Sedona is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. My husband and I got married there last year. :) It was around this time too! Our anniversary was March 15th. I love that place... I loved walking around the little downtown and all the cowboy and indian shops. Hubby got some cowboy boots and a cowboy hat LOL! :lol:

We ate at the Cowboy Club, they had just opened up a new private area on the back called the Red Room or something and we ate back there, wow they treated us like royalty lol. We had cactus and rattlesnake appetizers, I found cactus is kinda like zucchini and rattlesnake was chewy but very good!

I would sooooo love to live there, but housing is just way out of reach for us. :(

Hoping to move to Northern Arizona sometime within the next couple years though! :mrgreen:

Grats on your lovely wedding and the great time you've had. :) Good to see you back.
- Tonia

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Postby Bonnie » April 11th, 2006, 9:02 pm

Dear Honeymooners

You look fabulous!! Happy and in love :hug:


I really liked the picture of you and your daughters - you look more like sisters...

I imagine you are back to your routine by now with your sweet husband beside you.

Again Congratulations!!
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