by bikipatra » April 4th, 2005, 8:35 am
I had an appointment with my doctor about my type 2 diabetes today. I was just diagnosed in early March. I was in the hospital at the time for a related illness. Anyway, there I was given a prescription for Actos, a diabetes medication. I ran out last week and called my doctor for a refill. The assistant who answered the phone said I could not get a refill unless I saw the doctor first since she didn't originally prescribe the med. They said I couldn't come in until today at 9:45am. I was not pleased because I need the medication and also because I need to get her Rx for my glucose monitor. So I show up this morning. They have no record of my call or appointment. They refuse to work me in today. They say that the conversation never took place. They say I can't have a prescription. I was feeling irritable before the appointment. I have been having bouts with insomnia, and I had been up since 2am. Well, no more make a long story short, I went OFF!!! I dropped the F bomb. I yelled. I yelled at the nurse in the back and then walked through the waiting room so embarrassing. I am going to have to find a new doctor so I can get my medicine. I also take stuff for my thyroid. I just lost it because I felt that my doctor did not really care about my health and it hurt my feelings. I guess since I am not covering or stuffing my feelings by overindulging in food or booze, I have a surplus!
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