Success and camping

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Success and camping

Postby LeeannNH » June 12th, 2005, 2:46 pm

hi everyone :mrgreen:

i just wanted to share a VERY positive experience that i had on the MF program. i hope this will help someone and by posting it here i can be proud of my small accomplishment.

my husband, another couple and i went out to a friends summer house on lake winnipesaukee (i know i spelled this wrong!). 8) we got there on friday afternoon and i just got back on sunday at 5 pm EST. i stayed COMPLIANT for the ENTIRE trip! :D

nancy gave me a wonderful piece of advice when i was faced with a "cheating moment" and that was to ask myself questions like: "will this food always be here?" and i came to the conclusion that yes, smores, hamburgers, hotdogs and chips would still be in the world long after my MF weight loss stage and they will be there if i ever CHOOSE to have them during my lifelong quest for maintaining that weight after all of this hard work. these are not foods that are special or unique in any way whatsoever.

this was a HUGE moment. actually, it was a recurring cluster of moments, as the challenges were constant. we spent all day on the boat, i brought my shakes, a bag of ice, my shaker jar, several bottles of water and i was golden.

admittedly i was hungry, very hungry, at the end of both days. and when i was faced with the multitude of treats around me (which i will spare you the details on), i had to really fight that urge to pig out. i usually eat everything in front of me in these kinds of situations. i would tell myself, "i need something extra since i did so much today....blah, blah, blah" :exercise:

as soon as i got home i wanted to come here to say that this program really works and if i ever had a doubt, this was an excellent test. i know i could have given in but i made myself stop and REALLY THINK about it :shock: .

thanks guys for listening. like i said before, i hope this will help someone that may be wondering if they can do this or if they are having a particularly hard day. this is TOTALLY doable, coming from a serious food addict believe me!

take care everyone! i :heart: medifast

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Postby want2Bthin » June 12th, 2005, 4:48 pm


Great job! You did terrific over the weekend. :mrgreen: Doesn't it feel great to be in control of the food instead of the food controlling you. :roll: I tell everyone that the weight loss is just a bonus for me on MF. I love the retraining more then the weight loss. I love having to look at why I was a binge eater. It's been like counseling for me. I am a better person. I am more patient at home because I don't feel horrible all the time. I am much more positive. Most important my walk with Christ has grown so much. I no longer worship the food.

I am very proud of your accomplishment. You should feel wonderful about the decisions you made. Isn't this a fabulous journey.

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Postby martha » June 12th, 2005, 8:15 pm

LeeAnn--LOVED your message--what an inspiration to me as I am getting ready to leave for 10 days to Branson on the 16th.. I will truely remember everything everyone on this forum has accomplished to help me with my journey..
WOW what a great job you did.. I know you have to be proud of yourself >> I am sooo proud of you.. it took a lot of will power to pass up all of those goodies while everyone else is enjoying them;especially when you think about how much you use to enjoy them :lol: BUT you held strong and stayed the course and you deserve a great big WOW!!!!!!!!-- :lol: :lol: Martha
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Postby LeeannNH » June 13th, 2005, 6:51 am

angelia: thanks for the post! i loved your thoughts on this being a "retraining" of sorts. i totally get that! the improvements you are having in your life are amazing and i see those same kinds of positive "side-effects" of MF. im so happy for YOU! i sure hope that we all come out of this with a new standard of living for ourselves and a higher appreciation of our struggles to get to our goal weight.

martha: im so happy you posted! i TOTALLY thought about everyone on here when i went away and i think that added to my resolve to stay true to MF and myself. your trip will be a success and you will have an AWESOME time.

thanks again guys for the positive re-enforcement. you guys are both inspiring to me, you have had wonderful success so far!

i think the next couple of days will be tough for me. since i now have to avoid the "hey you didnt cheat so why not celebrate with a cheat!" i will get through it, i just think its funny, sort of!


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Postby Tk » June 13th, 2005, 8:42 am

I am SSSOOO glad you posted!! In July we are going on a camping vacation for a week at the beach with 15 other familes. I was planning on NOT taking MF with me. But after reading your story, I AM going to take my MF with me. You really encouraged me!!!
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Postby suzyq » June 13th, 2005, 9:56 am

I was just thinking the same thing! I was reading some posts from people who went off the plan to go on vacation - but I really want to be able to continue while I'm away. We vacation with another family but we are very close and they are totally supportive - even to the point of not eating out if necessary. I am just planning ahead - what I will bring to the beach, what restaurants we can eat in, etc. It is so nice to hear that it can be done! Thanks LeeAnn!

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Postby LeeannNH » June 13th, 2005, 9:56 am

GO TK! :yay: GO TK! :yay: GO TK! :yay:

you can do it girl! we are ALL in this together

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Postby Paula » June 13th, 2005, 12:50 pm

Thanks for posting this leeann, I think it did everybody good!
Personally I've found that there really aren't any restaurants that you can't eat at Susanne! My experience has been that if you ask they will fix you a plain grilled chicken breast, fish, small steak or worst case a small hamburger patty well done; and some steamed veggies or a small salad. We've been having to eat out every day for the past 2 weeks because my stove shorted out. Today my old reliable microwave bit the dust. We were planning to wait and remodel the kitchen when we had saved up enough money (and I was finished with the weight lose part of the program) but we'll have to at least by a microwave, pronto! Oh well, anyway, I've learned a lot about eating out on the 5 & 1 Plan and it's really not hard, except that restaurants tend to put way too much food on the plate. It helps me just to ask for a to go box and put half in it before I start eating. Hubbie usually eats it for lunch the next day, works well for us.
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Postby monkeymom » June 13th, 2005, 1:01 pm

Great job Leann. Somehow being on or in the in swimming, boating, skiing, etc., always turns up the appetite. If you can make it through this experience girl, you can make it through anything....isn't that a great thought? Nothing standin in your way now!!!
Thanks for sharing.
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Postby Tk » June 13th, 2005, 1:22 pm

Love Ya Leeann!! Thanks for the Banana Dance!! I am gonna dance like that when I make the 20 lb club just 3 lbs away!!! YA!!!!!
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Postby armeewyf » June 13th, 2005, 4:10 pm

Leeann...good for you with your mentality on vacationing and MF. I was careful but was off the plan. Its ok. I knew before I started this plan that I was going to Mexico and that the resort was all incusive. I almost took my products with me but didn't. I am glad I didn't. It would have been very hard to make shakes and all that. I am back on track today and not beating myself up. I am going to Florida next week and am taking it all with me. I will get lots of exercise there as well so I should actually do better there than at home!

You go girl!
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Postby LeeannNH » June 13th, 2005, 5:16 pm

hi "the other leeAnn" :lol: that is AWESOME that you were able to do the vacation, step away and then step back on. i have so much respect for folks that have been able to do that. in the future i MAY try it but for now, i was afraid i was too new to try something that brave. ;) its good to hear that you can plan to have an hiatus and have a successful transition back on plan. thanks for sharing that!

TK: you deserve the banana dance! love ya too!

hi monkey mom!: i love your name! :mrgreen: do you have a pet monkey?? we were on the water all day both days and girl, i hear ya! i thought i would starve to death

hey, hey paula :git: : yes i was trying to get the song idea across on line! i hope your kitchen gets fixed soon. what a pain! good luck and i sure wish i could get a remodeled kitchen...our fridge is from the 70s!

thanks guys for posting here!
leeann 8)
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Postby martha » June 13th, 2005, 5:39 pm

Paula-- Hubby and I usually share a plate when we eat out now.. He has reached his goal(40#) but is still eating with me.. They really put way too much on your plate when you eat out..(did I say that?) This from someone who use to look for buffets(that way we got our moneys worth)Boy was that weird thinking or what? :lol: Hope your kitchen is fixed really soon.. Martha
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