by Diana » December 15th, 2006, 9:00 pm
Hi, Shopgirl --
I've got the saaaaame problem with the oatmeal!! Short answer: No, the store brands (like Robin says) are not equivalent.
I've been on the program since March and have NEVER made peace with the oatmeal -- no amount of fixing does it; I just can't stand the stuff.
SO, I don't eat it. I usually have a cappuccino for breaky, but you could have any other product (the bar's not recommended right out of the gate, but it's up to you).
The nice thing about this program is that you don't HAVE to eat the oatmeal or whatever thing just doesn't do it for you, and (provided your body responds the way you want it to) you can have any of the others, except the bars, and in any order at any time as part of you 5 meal replacements.
My suggestion: put it up on the Swap N Shop to trade for something you DO like (or pm Mike and me and we'll trade you straight across for something -- he LOVES the oatmeal).
Stay on track and those 25-30 lbs will be off in no time! Go get 'em, girl!
Last edited by
Diana on December 15th, 2006, 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Here's to our mutual success!