
Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)


Postby She2chat » November 30th, 2006, 11:44 pm

Well its been a long time since I last checked in with everyone..

I feel really good, miss listening to all of you, and supporting others efforts..

I've been on a plateau for a month now..

I'm not upset, I figure that it will come down eventually..

I Started at 275 and have now lost about 106lbs..

I have fluctuated between the same 4 pounds for the last month. The Dr.'s office that I was weighing at cut me off. I am no longer allowed to weigh there because I'm not a patient.. The Dr. tried to tell me about patient confidentiality... how frustrating.. Oh well..

I did want to mention that anyone of you can do what I've done, and there are many others that have lost much more weight than I.. I applaud you all.

You are all to be congratulated not only on losing weight, but making the choice to do it the Medi way.. best decision I ever made!! My father lost about 50 lbs, but he is now at goal and is the thinnest hes been in over 20 years! He started the program after I lost about 40lbs..

He's happy and doing well..

Keep up all the good work all..

Take Care..

God Bless.. :angel:

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Postby bikipatra » December 1st, 2006, 3:22 am

Have you considered investing in a scale?
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Postby JeepGirl » December 1st, 2006, 8:21 am

Hey Sheila! It is good to see you again!!

You have had an amazing journey so far and I am so proud!
I am glad your Dad was able to have success as well WOohoooooo

I could see your Dr not letting you use their stuff anymore. They are finicky like that it seems ;)

Have you thought about adding an extra shake here and there to see if that helps move past the plateau? It seems to have worked for a few here.

Keep up the great work!!
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Postby Amber » December 1st, 2006, 9:33 am

Keep shakin', She2!

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Postby dede4wd » December 1st, 2006, 11:45 am

I feel for you! I had a plateau that lasted about a month as well, made me crazy! I mixed things up a bit (oatmeal instead of soup etc) to get out of my routine, cut out bars, added shake, anything to mix it up, but it was for my sake (I believe), so I thought I was doing something and my body started again when IT was ready (it didn't seem to really care that I was ready!!! Tee hee).

You've had such great success on this program and look at what your Dad did, you inspired him (as well as many of us here!)

Stick with it, I KNOW you'll get past this! Look how far you've com already!

Thinking of you!

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