
Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)


Postby betz » October 2nd, 2005, 10:19 am

I've been MFing for about 8 weeks now. I lost about ten lbs by the end of the 5th week and have been hovering around 138.5 ever since.

That makes my plateau about 3 weeks long. *sigh*

I'm not giving up or getting terribly discouraged but I sure would like to see the scale move a little.

I don't really know what my goal weight is. I'm thinking I should be under 130 so right now I'm just aiming that-a-way. I'm 45, 5'4" and medium framed.

I think it's time to start treadmilling but am a little concerned as to how much I should do. My health is good and I was walking quite a lot at a pretty good clip before I started MF. Haven't said as much as hello to the treadmill (even to dust it off) since I started.

Here's my plan. Let me know if you think this sounds okay.

Have a shake first thing when I get up.
Fill up the sports drink cup with water (16 oz) to sip while I walk.
Walk about 20 minutes at a slow pace.
Slug another 16 oz. of water

Then go about the rest of my day/program as usual--except have my bar as the meal after my walk rather than at 2 pm like I usually do.

I think I've been drinking too much coffee, too, so I'm going to cut back on that. I DO drink tons of water. Pop only occasionally.

Oh. One more thing. I stocked up on MF crackers, thinking that the little extra carbs for a snack might be a benefit. I'm not saying I'm adding an additional snack, just that I might have the crackers as a snack more often than I used to.

Glad for any suggestions/advice and thanks in advance.

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Postby dlr2424 » October 2nd, 2005, 12:01 pm's so easy for us all to say.........."Don't get discouraged"..... :( .....hang in there....but the truth is ...we can relate to you & it can be discouraging..... :secret: ...however if you are doing everything right the scales will move....... :bouncie: ......and your plan looks like a good one....... :thumbup: .......keep shaking..........


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Postby betz » October 3rd, 2005, 5:20 am

Thanks dlr.

I've said it to others so many times.."It'll come off!" but...yeah. When it's you it sure is frustrating. :)

I'm just gonna follow that plan, stay away from the scale and forget about it for at least a week.

I'm feeling good so...why worry. :)
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Postby Lisa Renee » October 3rd, 2005, 6:30 am

Have a chat with your health advisor. I know when I stalled, I actually added a shake a day and the weight started coming off again. Hugs.
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Postby Jan » October 3rd, 2005, 10:19 am

Hi there,
You are getting very close to goal -- just hang in there it will come off. I've seen posts where people are going to "shoot their scale" I just packed mine away and igored it. The weight came off without me hopping on the discouraging old thing. (At least for me it was discouraging for awhile)
Exercise -- 45 minutes at the most and start out easy and work up. You've been on program long enough now. We start you out at 3 weeks if you haven't been routinely exercising or cut your workout by 1/2 for the first three weeks if you have.
You'll do fine -- just hang in there -- it will come off. Sometimes just not as quickly as we would all wish.
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Postby Gwenski » October 3rd, 2005, 1:38 pm

Telling anyone to be patience would be funny coming from me - abotu as funny as a doctor telling any of us to loose weight.

Sounds like you are way level headed and the part where you already have a plan is great. What I know is you body needs to adjust - the exercise idea is great, kicking back on the coffee won't hurt and heck, try doing all MF for a day or so to truck your system back into loosing mode?!?

You are doing awesome and so very very close to finishing, hang in there the ride like life may be a little bumpy but you are doing it!

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Postby betz » October 4th, 2005, 5:45 am

Thanks everybody :D

I'm still stuck at the same but today I hid the scale in the closet and started walking.

I'll check in two weeks to see if I've broken that stupid plateau. Of course then, it might be reporting a higher weight because muscle weighs more than fat. :D
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Postby ladyhawke » October 4th, 2005, 5:59 am

Stay on it and don't deviate from the plan, I was plateauing for 3 weeks and then 7 lbs rolled off!
I was Jazzercising and I stepped up the water, don't blow it now, you will be ecstatic when it does come off and say "Gee, that wasn't so bad"
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Postby Gwenski » October 4th, 2005, 8:42 am

WOo HOo! Betz hide the scale - it has been put away! Yahoo!!! Smart lady. Not to be contrite but keep your nose to the grindstone and keep shaking it up --- it is coming, is!

Well done.....a little time apart will do well for your relationship with that evil thing and get your mind to a better and safer place!

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Postby betz » October 4th, 2005, 8:43 am

Thanks ladyhawke :)

Knowing someone else went through it really DOES help me to just wait it out.

I think I've known for a couple weeks that it really is time to get my butt on the treadmill. :) I bet walking will really make the difference. I have to sort of remind my body that it's not done losing quite yet.

WIsh I could just send it an email. LOL
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Postby betz » October 4th, 2005, 8:50 am

Gwenski-- ha!

You're right. I DO have a relationship with it. It's one of those "I know it's bad for me but I keep going back" kind of things. lol

I hope it likes its dark corner of the closet. I may just give it to Goodwill and be done with it. Take that, scale!

This is about good health and being stronger. Not some magic number. :)

Thanks again everybody. This forum really does help SO much and it's all of you that makes it work.
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