Stuck No More

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Stuck No More

Postby Jan » May 23rd, 2005, 7:00 am

Hi alll,
You might remember me -- the "poor H.A." whose scale was STUCK. At least that's what I said :o Well my three weeks are now up (remember I said I was staying off the :x thing for 3 weeks ) I'm HAPPY :D :D to report that the scale wasn't really stuck afterall. It went down another 7 lbs Whoo-Hoo :D :D (Now you all know my secret - due to some medical problems I don't lose weight too fast so thats how I stay off the scale -- I give it some time so I won't be dissappointed -- I can really celebrate 7 pounds gone but most
likely would'nt rejoice so much over 1 lb) And, I must add I'm no longer Mrs Baggy Pants (that's what the kids at Starbucks started calling me) At least I'm not baggy in one outfit -- Yesterday I went to the mall and bought one new pair of pants -- Three sizes smalller :D :D :D
Jan I still have about 30 pounds to go so I didn't want to go overboard :D with my buying!
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Postby DonicaB » May 23rd, 2005, 8:11 am

YaaaaaaHooooooooo Jan! :yay: :yay: 7# is AWESOME Dudette :kool: . Wow you stayed off the scale for 3 weeks???????? You are amazing. I can't stay off of it for 1 day.

Hey, you and I are the baggy pants twins. :stroll: BK will be happy to hear you bought some new clothes. But just 1 out fit?? She will say you can do better than that. Right BK?! I bet you look FABULOUS DARLING!! :rose: :rose:

Congratulations Jan, I'm glad to know your scales weren't STUCK after all. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Stuck no more

Postby Jan » May 23rd, 2005, 8:55 am

I had to share this. Well, you know my new outfit mentioned above?? I just got all dressed in it and came proudly out to the kitchen. It is a pair of black capree pants and a new slim top. My husband took one look at it and agreed I look pretty good BUT he said I thought you were giving up "baggy" pants. It seems my new black caprees have pictures of ladie's handbags all over them so I haven't quite escaped "baggy " pants :D :twisted:
Jan :D
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