Stress Over My Daughter - Want to eat junk

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Stress Over My Daughter - Want to eat junk

Postby mytime » July 13th, 2005, 4:14 pm

Ok - been holding this in but now I am wanting to eat soemthing non MF so typing instead. I will be brief. My 15 month old daughter is having three medical tests tomorrow at CHildren's Hospital. She has uretha reflux. She was hospitalized at six weeks with a severe bladder infection - it was bad. She has been on antibiotics daily ever since. Thank God otherwise she is perfect in every way - really cute with big blue eyes and curly brown hair - not that I am biased. Anyway she has to have a VCUG tomorrow for the nurses in the audience and for everyone else - she will need to have a cathader and they bump the bladder with dye and water to track urine flow. I know it will be fine but will be working - my husband and housekeeper are going b.c I am the primary wage earner and if I don't work I don't get paid.

I feel like poo poo for not going with her and am upset and sad for her. Usually I would just eat something big and be happy. But I am going to eat my MF and cope. If you are one who does so, please say a little prayer for her that it is not too bad - in the grand scheme of life I know this is so very minor - but it seems big to me. Lastly, I am dsylexic and want to apologize for not getting my spelling right on my posts but have decided that this is one of those things I will let go of (worrying about) with the weight. Her name is Kennedy and I would appreciate it as always, Mytime
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Postby KLCHRISTIAN » July 13th, 2005, 4:36 pm

My prayers for Kennedy.

Thank you so much for coming here to share instead of eating.

My daughter had the same test when she was young. There was absolutely no problems and when it was done, she bounced off the table like nothing had happened.

I hope they find out the cause of the infection for you. Ours turned out to be the well water she was drinking. It was high in nitrates. :shock:

Please update us when you know more!

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Postby LuzInIt » July 13th, 2005, 4:55 pm

Kennedy is in my prayers (what a cute and unique first name). I'm sorry you have to work - I'm sure her Daddy is very competent, but it still doesn't make us feel better when we can't be with our babies when they have owies :cry: . And good for you for triumphing over the foodies! I so wish I had won this weight battle when my girls were young; even though I didn't let the flabbage interfere too much with life, I'm sure I would have had so much more energy and ability if I had been thinner. Good for you for doing it now. Kennedy is so going to benefit from having a fit, healthy Mom. Keep shaking and keep us informed on the outcome. You'll be on my heart and mind in the coming days.
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Postby martha » July 13th, 2005, 5:03 pm


Kennedy has been added to my prayer list also.. She will do fine with this but being a mom I know how you feel.. something similiar happened to my daughter when she was 4(28now) and I had a decision to make.. I couldn't be there but hubby was.. it turned out okay just as yours will. Sometimes things happen that there is no control over -It's better to work now just in case you need to be off for anything major later on.. I know how you are feeling as I have been there.. very unmotherly..DON"T.. it happens..Will continue to keep you and your family in our prayers..
Dont worry about being dsylexic-- we care about you for who you are ..I'm not dsylexic and misspell words or type them wrong all the time.. it happens .. if that is all I am judged in this life on then IT"S GONNA BE A GREAT LIFE :mrgreen: you did right by coming here instead of just eating whatever.. that's a very big step in the right direction.. feel free to come here whenever you feel the need I for one will be here ready to listen and try to help in any way that I can..-Martha
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Daughter Stress

Postby Jan » July 13th, 2005, 7:48 pm

Hi There,
You know I think this is a much more common procedure than we think. My daughter had one and an IVP and something else with electrodes when she was about 4. I sent her to the hospital (had to be done in the hospital due to asthma) with a little purple stuffed hippo. We called it "brave hippotamus". It stayed with her during the proceedure and afterward as well. He lived at home with us for quite some time. You probably may not have time to get something just from you -- but it seemed to help my little one. Perhaps you could send a favorite stuffed animal with her to keep her company. (P.S. My daughter is now 26 and a pre-med student with an interest in orthopedics or anesthesia)
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Postby mytime » July 13th, 2005, 7:59 pm

Oh so many thanks to each of you. I have given my husband a list of things to ask and do. He has promissed to call after each test. I am sending her baby with her - It is a Curious George in PJ's that she loves. I know it will be fine and thanks to each of you her mom will be too :) .

I guess it is times like this when we miss bad food choices the most - but I made a commitment to myself and this group. Hard as heck but a done deal. Hair or no hair :D . I think the personal judgement part is the worst.

Martha - thanks about the spelling and you are right if this is the worst of it we are all red hot.

Who knows Jan - maybe she will be an MD like your little big girl -I'm willing to settle for all us healthy - this includes all of you. Mytime
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Postby Mommy2girls » July 14th, 2005, 5:25 am


Good luck today and hang in there. It is hard not being able to be there for her but she will be in good hands and you give her lots of loving when you see her!

At 15 months my youngest daughter had to have hernia surgery. It was really minor surgery but a big deal to us. She pulled through just fine and acted like nothing had happened by the next day. But definitely stressful for everyone involved. She is now about to turn 3 next week.

So hug and kiss her when you get to see her and I will say small prayer for Kennedy today.


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Postby dlr2424 » July 14th, 2005, 6:54 am

Mytime...... :angel: ......I will surely keep Kennedy in my prayers...........and I have to say I love her name..... :yes: is so different...... :hmmm: .....and the Dislexia...........gosh....... :no: .......not a problem at all....... :huh: seems the more challenges we have the stronger we become and the more relatable and inspiring we are to others....... :mrgreen: ...and at least you have a reason for your misspellings.......... :scratch: .......however, there are NO judges...or jurors here..... :yay: ......just positive ... :clap: ..loving ..... :hug: ...supporters....... :cheerleader: .......

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Postby MomsTherapy » July 14th, 2005, 10:00 am

My thoughts are with you and my prayers are with your daughter Kennedy. Everything will be fine and she has people there with her that support and love her as much as you could if you were there.

Don't stress about the eating, that will only make you feel worse. If you stick with the plan you will know that you may not be in control of everything else going on in your life, that is in God's hands. Your diet is in God's hands too, but you are the sole one controlling what goes in that mouth! Stay strong and be able to be proud of yourself when you lay down tonight to go to sleep. It will all be okay! :)
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Postby mytime » July 14th, 2005, 8:57 pm

Sorry this is so late - I have been trying to put my soon to be four year old to sleep since 7:30. My husband usually does this and lies on the floor and holds his hand until he falls asleep. That should tell you something about my husband - he is the best. This is what you get for being together for 9 years before having children. We love them like crazy. I like to joke that we are waiting for our turn on Nanny 911.

At any rate, my husband was true to his word and called after each test. Kennedy had the hardest time when they wrapped her in blankets and taped her to the table for her MRI. They took three different angles at 5 minutes a pop and then told my husband they were not going to do the last set b/c it took 20 minutes and she was over the rainbow.

We will have the results in one week - but preliminarily they told us that her left uriter is healing itself :D a testament to prayer (by this I mean yours) no doubt.

Made it through the day compliant also thanks to each of you ! I know I have said this before, but I feel truely blessed for this site, what MF has brought to my life and most importantly to each of you. A million thanks and please know I am here to return the favor 100 fold. The longer I am here the more I realize we are not ment to struggle alone. Again, thank you everyone and I will post her results when we have them. Mytime
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Postby mytime » July 14th, 2005, 9:01 pm

Oh and one last thing. I want to thank everyone who shared what their children went through. Again another reason this site is so valuable - it reminds us we are not alone and our experiences while difficult, are not so unique that someone else has not triumphed over it and can show us the way. Mytime
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Postby LeeannNH » July 15th, 2005, 10:40 am

hi mytime

i am so happy to hear that kennedy got through her tests ok. i know it must be hard for you, although i do not have children. poor little thing. i pray that all of her tests come back clear/ok

my thoughts are with you and kennedy sounds like she is a little beauty, no matter how biased you may sound!
leeann :mrgreen:
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Postby want2Bthin » July 15th, 2005, 11:28 am


Sorry for the late response, I have been out of town. I will be praying that Kennedy's test results come back good. I have a 9 year old daughter & your post really tugged at my heart. I am sorry you had to work during her test but don't feel bad about it. It sounds like you have a terrific husband.

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Postby mytime » July 15th, 2005, 9:42 pm

Ken bounced back today the way only a 14 month old can. All smiles and running around the house. I just cannot thank everyone for pulling us through this ! My husband is super nice. Today he told me he was going to buy a stick to beat the men off - b/c I was looking so good :) . Made me smile and feel so blessed - so do you. Thanks again everyone, Mytime
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Postby martha » July 15th, 2005, 9:49 pm


WOW!!!!!!! what a man :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I bet you couldn't stop smiling.. Glad the baby is up and running again.. it does a moms heart good to see that.. We have all been blessed by this forum and finding MF.. I know you all have helped me to come out of my shell..Thanks to all---have a good week--Martha
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